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Created September 1, 2021 14:31
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Order posts by taxonomy terms name
add_filter('posts_clauses', function (array $clauses, WP_Query $wp_query): array {
$wpdb = $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
$taxonomy = 'course_level';
if (! isset($wp_query->query['orderby']) || $taxonomy !== $wp_query->query['orderby']) {
return $clauses;
$clauses['join'] .= <<<SQL
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} ON {$wpdb->posts}.ID={$wpdb->term_relationships}.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} USING (term_taxonomy_id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb->terms} USING (term_id)
$clauses['where'] .= " AND (taxonomy = '{$taxonomy}' OR taxonomy IS NULL)";
$clauses['groupby'] = 'object_id';
$clauses['orderby'] = "GROUP_CONCAT({$wpdb->terms}.name ORDER BY name ASC) ";
$clauses['orderby'] .= 'ASC';
return $clauses;
}, 10, 2);
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