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Created September 12, 2011 13:56
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Templates for n-ary logic functions
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module LogicTemplates (true,
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (lift, Lift)
true :: Int -> Q Exp
true = cnst True
false :: Int -> Q Exp
false = cnst False
eq :: Int -> Q Exp
eq n = return $
LamE [VarP f, VarP g]
(AppE (VarE (mkName "and"))
(CompE (bind vars ++
[NoBindS (InfixE (Just (apply f vars))
(VarE (mkName "=="))
(Just (apply g vars)))])))
where [f, g] = map mkName ["f", "g"]
vars = mkVars n
taut :: Int -> Q Exp
taut n = return $
LamE [VarP f]
(AppE (VarE (mkName "and"))
(CompE (bind vars ++
[NoBindS (InfixE (Just (apply f vars))
(VarE (mkName "=="))
(Just (ConE (mkName "True"))))])))
where f = mkName "f"
vars = mkVars n
cont :: Int -> Q Exp
cont n = return $
LamE [VarP f]
(AppE (VarE (mkName "and"))
(CompE (bind vars ++
[NoBindS (InfixE (Just (apply f vars))
(VarE (mkName "=="))
(Just (ConE (mkName "False"))))])))
where f = mkName "f"
vars = mkVars n
cnst :: Lift a => a -> Int -> Q Exp
cnst x n = fmap (LamE ps) $ lift x
where ps = replicate n WildP
mkVars :: Int -> [Name]
mkVars n = [mkName $ "v" ++ show n | n <- [1..n]]
bind :: [Name] -> [Stmt]
bind = map binding
where binding var = BindS (VarP var)
(ListE [ConE (mkName "True"),
ConE (mkName "False")])
apply :: Name -> [Name] -> Exp
apply f (var:vars) = foldr (\var acc -> AppE acc (VarE var))
(AppE (VarE f) (VarE var))
-- usage:
-- *LogicTemplates> $(taut 1) (\p -> p || not p)
-- True
-- *LogicTemplates> $(taut 1) $(true 1)
-- True
-- *LogicTemplates> $(taut 2) (\p q -> (p && q) || not (p && q))
-- True
-- *LogicTemplates> $(cont 1) (\p -> p && not p)
-- True
-- *LogicTemplates> $(cont 2) $(false 2)
-- True
-- *LogicTemplates> $(eq 2) (\p q -> p && q) (\p q -> not (not p || not q))
-- True
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