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Created January 2, 2010 06:19
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newsgroups.lisp -- See the blog entry at Runs on CCL.
(defpackage :newsgroups
(:use :common-lisp :cl-ppcre :pcall))
(in-package :newsgroups)
(defun distribution (items)
(loop with result = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
for item in items
do (setf (gethash item result) (1+ (gethash item result 0)))
finally (return result)))
(defun distribution/directory (directory)
(flet ((distribution/file (path)
(distribution (split "\\W+" (nstring-downcase (slurp path))))))
(apply #'merge-with #'+ (pmapcar #'distribution/file (directory directory)))))
(defun output-distribution/directory (input-directory output-directory)
(let ((result (loop for key being the hash-key using (hash-value value)
of (distribution/directory input-directory)
collect (list key value))))
(flet ((save-ordered-by (filename function key)
(spit (make-pathname :name filename :defaults output-directory)
(format nil "~{~{~a~16t~a~}~%~}"
(sort (copy-list result) function :key key)))))
(save-ordered-by "descending" #'> #'second)
(save-ordered-by "alphabetical" #'string< #'first))))
(defun pmapcar (function list)
(let ((result (mapcar (lambda (e) (pexec (funcall function e))) list)))
(map-into result #'join result)))
(defun merge-with (merge-function &rest hash-tables)
(loop with result = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
for hash in hash-tables
do (merge-into result hash :merge-function merge-function)
finally (return result)))
(defun merge-into (into from &key (merge-function #'values))
(flet ((merge-entry (merge-function key value hash)
(multiple-value-bind (into-value value-exists) (gethash key hash)
(if value-exists
(setf (gethash key hash)
(funcall merge-function into-value value))
(setf (gethash key hash) value)))))
(loop for key being the hash-keys using (hash-value value) of from
do (merge-entry merge-function key value into)
finally (return into))))
(defun slurp (path)
(with-open-file (stream path)
(let ((string (make-string (file-length stream))))
(values string (read-sequence string stream)))))
(defun spit (path string &optional (if-exists :supersede))
(with-open-file (stream path :direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create
:if-exists if-exists)
(write-string string stream) nil))
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