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Created March 18, 2010 21:21
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---- loona.hs
---- Time-stamp: <2010-03-08 03:47:53 danlei>
module Loona
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
alsoAllowed = oneOf "!#$%&|*+-/:<=>?@^_~"
do { evaled <- return $ liftM show $ readExpr "(+ 1 1)" >>= eval; putStrLn $ extractValue $ trapError evaled }
putStrLn $ extractValue $ trapError $ liftM show $ eval $ extractValue $ readExpr "(+ 1 2)"
loona expr = do
evaled <- return $ liftM show $ readExpr expr >>= eval;
putStrLn $ extractValue $ trapError evaled
readExpr input =
case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> throwError (Parser err)
Right val -> return val
parseExpr = parseAtom
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseString
<|> parseQuoted
<|> parseList
parseAtom = do first <- letter <|> alsoAllowed
rest <- many (letter <|> digit <|> alsoAllowed)
let atom = first:rest
return (case atom of
"#t" -> Bool True
"#f" -> Bool False
_ -> Atom atom)
parseNumber = liftM (Number . read) (many1 digit)
parseString = do char '"'
x <- many (noneOf "\"")
char '"'
return (String x)
parseQuoted = do char '\''
x <- parseExpr
return (List [Atom "quote", x])
parseList = do char '('
x <- liftM List (sepBy parseExpr spaces)
return x
data LVal = Atom String
| Number Integer
| String String
| Bool Bool
| List [LVal]
instance Show LVal where
show (Atom x) = x
show (Number x) = show x
show (String x) = show x
show (Bool x) = case x of
True -> "#t"
False -> "#f"
show (List x) = "(" ++ unwords (map show x) ++ ")"
eval :: LVal -> ThrowsError LVal
eval val@(String _) = return val
eval val@(Number _) = return val
eval val@(Bool _) = return val
eval (List [Atom "quote", val]) = return val
eval (List (Atom func:args)) = mapM eval args >>= apply func
eval badForm = throwError (BadSpecialForm "Unrecognized special form" badForm)
apply func args = maybe (throwError (NoFunction "Unrecognized primitive function args" func))
($ args)
(lookup func primitives)
primitives = [("+", numericBinop (+)),
("-", numericBinop (-)),
("*", numericBinop (*)),
("/", numericBinop div)]
numericBinop op singleVal@[_] = throwError (NumArgs 2 singleVal)
numericBinop op params = mapM unpack params >>= return . Number . foldl1 op
where unpack (Number x) = return x
unpack notNum = throwError (TypeMismatch "number" notNum)
data LError = NumArgs Integer [LVal]
| TypeMismatch String LVal
| Parser ParseError
| BadSpecialForm String LVal
| NoFunction String String
| UnboundVar String String
| Default String
instance Show LError where
show (UnboundVar message varname) = message ++ ": " ++ varname
show (BadSpecialForm message form) = message ++ ": " ++ show form
show (NoFunction message func) = message ++ ": " ++ show func
show (NumArgs expected found) = "Expected: " ++ show expected
show (TypeMismatch expected found) = "Invalid type of " ++ show found ++
", expected: " ++ show expected
show (Parser parseErr) = "Parse error at " ++ show parseErr
instance Error LError where
noMsg = Default "An error has occurred"
strMsg = Default
type ThrowsError = Either LError
trapError action = catchError action (return . show)
extractValue (Right val) = val
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