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Last active September 4, 2015 23:34
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Save danlei/401070 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;;;;; -*- common-lisp -*-
;;;;; cl-init.lisp
;;;;; CL initialization file. Works for CCL, Allegro, CLISP, and
;;;;; probably SBCL.
;;;;; Time-stamp: <2013-01-27 01:35:53 dhl>
(defpackage #:cl-init
(:documentation "CL init package.")
(:use #:common-lisp)
(:export #:serve))
#+clisp (setq custom:*parse-namestring-ansi* t)
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "dhl")
`(("lisp;**;*.*.*" "dhl:coding;lisp;**;*.*")
("site;**;*.*.*" "dhl:asdf;site;**;*.*")
("config" "dhl:lisp;ccl-init.lisp")
#+(or windows win32 win64 mswindows)
,@'(("emacsd;**;*.*.*" "C:/Users/dhl/.emacs.d/**/*.*")
("tmp;**;*.*.*" "C:/Users/dhl/tmp/**/*.*")
("**;*.*.*" "C:/Users/dhl/**/*.*"))
#+(or linux cygwin unix)
,@'(("emacsd;**;*.*.*" "/home/dhl/.emacs.d/**/*.*")
("tmp;**;*.*.*" "/tmp/**/*.*")
("**;*.*.*" "/home/dhl/**/*.*"))))
(defparameter ccl::fasl-version (ccl::target-fasl-version))
(load "dhl:asdf;asdf;asdf")
(in-package #:asdf)
(defparameter *subdir-search-registry* '("dhl:site;" "dhl:emacsd;")
"List of directories to search subdirectories within.")
(defvar *subdir-search-wildcard* :wild)
(defun sysdef-subdir-search (system)
(let ((latter-path (make-pathname :name (coerce-name system)
:directory (list :relative
:type "asd"
:version nil
:case :local)))
(dolist (d *subdir-search-registry*)
(let* ((wild-path (merge-pathnames latter-path d))
(files (directory wild-path)))
(when files
(return (first files)))))))
(pushnew 'sysdef-subdir-search *system-definition-search-functions*)
(in-package #:cl-init)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'dhl-utils)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'swank)
(defpackage dhl
(:use cl
#+ccl ccl
#+allegro excl
#+sbcl sb-ext
#+clisp ext
(:shadowing-import-from dhl-utils with-gensyms))
(defun serve (port)
(swank:create-server :port port
:dont-close t
:coding-system "utf-8-unix"))
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