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Created May 25, 2011 04:05
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Simple Haskell implementation of the soundex algorithm. difference :: String -> String -> Int yields "phonetic distance" between words as an integer in range [0..4].
module Soundex
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import GHC.Exts (the)
import Data.List (group)
import Data.Function (on)
classes = [("bfpv",'1'),
classOf :: Char -> Maybe Char
classOf c = classOf' c classes
classOf' _ [] = Nothing
classOf' c ((cs,cls):clss)
| c `notElem` cs = classOf' c clss
| otherwise = Just cls
encode :: String -> String
encode (c:cs) = c : '-' : take' 3 (encode' cs)
encode' = filter (/='0') . map the . group . catMaybes . map classOf
take' n xs = take n (xs ++ repeat '0')
difference :: String -> String -> Int
difference w1 w2 = length . filter (uncurry (/=)) $ (zip `on` encode) w1 w2
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