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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save danlentz/8996607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Common Lisp implementation of the REDUCERS protocol
;; originally posted:
;; The fastest and easiest way to learn the essential concepts and motivation
;; for a more generalized notion of collections based on the minimal abstraction
;; of REDUCTIBLE, Rich Hickey gives an excellent overview on his original Clojure
;; implementation of core.reducers. Note that it is not currently part of the
;; default Clojure environment due to the requirement of the ForkJoin concurrency
;; facilities introduced in Java7 (or Java6 + JSR167Y)
;; Once comfortable with the basic idea, the next question you might have is about
;; the implementation of the reducers provided as part of the standard baseline
;; library and what the process would entail for one to extend similar capabilities
;; to a new kind of collection. This follow-up article discusses the implementation
;; of new, customized reducers for this purpose. It finishes by touching on a few
;; basic ideas related to how parallel traversal of collections is able to become
;; conveniently transparent to the user-level code and introduces the fold operation
;; which provides that consistent user interface.
;; More about the concepts of collection parallelism and their relationship to the
;; reducer abstraction is described in this friendly overview of the key ideas.
;; it also reviews them in relation to some well known prior art from Guy Steele's
;; influential 2009 lecture on the subject.
;; There is a freely available chapter excerpted from "The Data Analysis Cookbook"
;; with a practical, detailed tutorial on concurrency and reducers. By demonstration
;; of concrete examples and use cases it shows that to model the concept of a
;; collection simply as something that is REDUCTable results in a simple, elegant,
;; abstraction that implicitly provides for inherent concurrent processing of content.
;; So there seems a lot to like about getting parallelism "for free" by modeling
;; it on the abstraction of reducers. But what might be the cost of getting it
;; for free? This paper describes an empirical study of the performance characteristics
;; and relative merits of ForkJoin concurrency used by reducers in comparison to
;; the more well known concurrency model of MapReduce.
;; The current code makes use of the 'Extensible Sequences' extension available in
;; SBCL and ABCL to provide the basis of SEQUENCE class and REDUCE generic function
;; Naturally, if reducers were to be incorporated into CL21, we would want to
;; replace these with our own equivalent.
(ql:quickload :alexandria)
(defclass reducer (sequence standard-object)
((coll :initarg :coll)
(xf :initarg :xf)))
(defun reducer (coll xf)
(make-instance 'reducer :coll coll :xf xf))
(defclass folder (reducer sequence standard-object)
((coll :initarg :coll)
(xf :initarg :xf)))
(defun folder (coll xf)
(make-instance 'folder :coll coll :xf xf))
(defgeneric fold (n combinef reducef sequence))
(defmethod fold (n combinef reducef (sequence folder))
(with-slots (coll xf) sequence
(fold n combinef (funcall xf reducef) coll)))
(defmethod fold (n combinef reducef (sequence sequence))
(sequence:reduce reducef sequence :initial-value (funcall combinef)))
(defmethod fold (n combinef reducef (sequence vector))
(reduce combinef (lparallel:preduce-partial reducef sequence :initial-value (funcall combinef) :parts n)))
(defmethod sequence:reduce (function (sequence reducer)
&key from-end (start 0) end (initial-value nil iv-p))
(with-slots (coll xf) sequence
(sequence:reduce (funcall xf function)
:initial-value (if iv-p
(funcall function)))))
(defun mapping (f)
(lambda (f1)
(lambda (result input)
(funcall f1 result (funcall f input)))))
(defun filtering (pred)
(lambda (f1)
(lambda (result input)
(if (funcall pred input)
(funcall f1 result input)
(defun mapcatting (f)
(lambda (f1)
(lambda (result input)
(sequence:reduce f1 (funcall f input) :initial-value result))))
(defun rmap (f coll)
(folder coll (mapping f)))
(defun rfilter (pred coll)
(folder coll (filtering pred)))
(defun rmapcat (f coll)
(reducer coll (mapcatting f)))
(defun rcons (&optional x y)
(when (or x y) (cons y x)))
(defmacro rbind (&rest reducers)
(let ((reducers
(mapcar (lambda (reducer) `(alexandria:curry #',(car reducer) ,@(cdr reducer))) reducers)))
`(alexandria:compose ,@reducers)))
;; (sequence:reduce #'+ (rmap #'1+ (rfilter #'evenp (alexandria:iota 100))))
;; (let ((pipeline (rbind (rmap #'1+) (rfilter #'evenp)))
;; (collection (alexandria:iota 100)))
;; (sequence:reduce #'+ (funcall pipeline collection)))
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