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Created February 24, 2014 11:19
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; #^{:doc "Iterator macro
; implements a simple and extendable iteration facility on top of clojure loop"}
(ns hoeck.iterate
(:use clojure.walk
(defn context-walk
"Recursively performs applications of f to forms and subforms until
the results do not change anymore. Does not apply f to quoted forms:
(context-walk _ (quote a)) -> (quote a)."
[f form]
(let [quoted? #(and (seq? %) (= (first %) 'quote))]
(walk #(if (quoted? %) % (context-walk f (f %)))
#(if (quoted? %)
(let [r (f %)]
(if (= r %)
(context-walk f r))))
;"This function is called by the iter macro at expansion-time, and dispatches
; on the first arg of a given expression.
; Returns a hashmap of :loop-binding, :while, :recur-form and :bind-form which
; values are used to build the final loop clause.
; See the definition of `iter-for in' for a sample implementation.
; Must return nil if the given expression is not a iter-driver."
(fn [[driver-name & args]] (symbol (name driver-name)))
:default nil)
;; default iter driver, returns nil, -> form is not an iteration-driver expression
(defmethod iter-driver nil [& args] nil)
;; special driver, only creates invariant in the loop body to use in the recur form.
;; only allowed (but not enforced) to use after other driver definitions
;; (because ordering of invariants is important in recur calls)
(defmethod iter-driver 'with [[driver-name bind-name initial-value]]
{:loop-binding [bind-name initial-value]})
;; special driver for creating let-bindings around the whole iter clause
;; best used as the first clause in an iter expression
(defmethod iter-driver 'let [[driver-name let-name let-value & more]]
;; iter-let only allows one binding, not wrapped in a vector
;; to not confuse it with the clojure let
(if more
nil ;; nil means that this is not a driver-expression
{:outer-let [let-name let-value]}))
(defmacro iter*
"simple iteration right here."
[& args]
;; syntax:
;; iter-driver{1..many}
;; with-clause{0..1}
;; iter-body{1} <- adheres to recur rules
;; finally-clause{0..1} .. evaluated when there are no more items left
(let [drivers (take-while identity (map iter-driver args))
;; the body, and finally-clause; if you branch in body, a finally clause does not work
[body finally] (drop-while iter-driver args)
let-bindings (apply vector (mapcat :bind-form drivers)) ;; inner-let
loop-bindings (apply vector (mapcat :loop-binding drivers)) ;; loop invariants
while-clauses (remove nil? (map :while drivers)) ;; loop as long as those hold
recur-forms (remove nil? (map :recur-form drivers)) ;; auto-inserted recurs
outer-let (apply vector (mapcat :outer-let drivers)) ;; a let around the whole loop
;; 'with only produces loop-bindings, in case one calls recur without additional arguments,
;; provide identiy values
optional-recur-forms (drop (count recur-forms) (map first (partition 2 loop-bindings)))]
`(let ~outer-let
(loop ~loop-bindings
(if (and ~@while-clauses)
(let ~let-bindings
~(let [my-recur (gensym 'recur)]
;; use unique my-recur symbol to only replace recur's once
#(if (and (seq? %) (= (first %) my-recur))
(concat '(recur) (rest %))
#(if (and (seq? %) (= (first %) 'recur))
(let [given-forms (rest %)
forms-to-insert (concat recur-forms
(drop (count given-forms) optional-recur-forms))]
(cons my-recur forms-to-insert))
;; macros around iteration
;; to express more comples operations like collect, return-if
(defmulti iter-macro
(fn [expr]
(if (seq? expr)
(first expr)
:default nil)
;; default: return just the form, no expansion
(defmethod iter-macro nil [form]
{:body form})
;; expands toplevel iter* body forms according to iter-macro
(defmacro iter
"Iteration macro."
[& args]
(let [drivers (take-while iter-driver args)
body-expansions (map iter-macro (drop-while iter-driver args))
body (map :body body-expansions)
finally (remove nil? (map :finally body-expansions))]
`(iter* ~@(concat drivers (mapcat :drivers body-expansions))
;; iteration: for
; "Multimethod for implementing different kinds of for loops.
; Dispatches on the 'for-keyword', which is the 3rd argument
; in a for clause: (for x _in_ ...)."
(fn [[driver-name bind-expr for-key & args]]
:default nil)
(defmethod iter-for nil [args]
(throwf "unknown iter-for macro `%s' in `%s'" (first args) args))
(defmethod iter-driver 'for
[for-def] (iter-for for-def))
;; sequence-for
(defmethod iter-for 'in
;; iteration in seqs using first and next
;; (for [x & r]
;; in (range 0 9)
;; by (drop 2 r)
;; while (seq %)
(let [argm (apply hash-map for-def)
seq-name (gensym 'for)
replace-with-seqname (fn [form]
(context-walk (fn [x] (if (= x '%) seq-name x))
;; mandatory
for (argm 'for)
in `(seq ~(argm 'in)) ;; wrap in a seq
;; optional
by (replace-with-seqname (argm 'by '(next %)))
while (replace-with-seqname (argm 'while '(seq %)))]
{:loop-binding [seq-name in]
:bind-form (if (symbol? for)
[for `(first ~seq-name)]
[for seq-name])
:recur-form by
:while while
:outer-let nil}))
(deftest test-sequence-for
(is (= (iter (for x in (range 0 9))
(with a 0)
(recur (+ a x))
36) "seq iteration")
(is (= (iter (for x in [1 2 3])
(with a [])
(recur (conj a x))
a)) "seq collection"))
;; for c-like linked list datastructures, where calling .next
;; returns the next element of the collection
(defmethod iter-for 'call
[for-def] ;; (iter (for x call .next on shape))
(let [argm (apply hash-map for-def)
for (argm 'for) ;; must be a symbol
call (argm 'call) ;; a clojure method name: .foo
on (argm 'on) ;; expression yielding an object
while (argm 'while for)]
{:loop-binding [for on]
:bind-form nil
:recur-form `(~call ~for)
:while while}))
(deftest test-c-style-for
(is (= (iter (for x call next on (range 0 9))
(with a 0)
(recur (+ a (first x)))
36) "c-style-for"))
;; iterate over an array, binding each element to the name of (for _name_ ..)
(defmethod iter-for 'in-array
;; for x
;; in-array a
(let [argm (apply hash-map for-def)
array (gensym 'array) ;; the array itself
idx (gensym 'idx) ;; the index to step through
for (argm 'for) ;; the name of each array element
in (argm 'in-array)] ;; the expr yielding an array
{:outer-let [array in]
:loop-binding [idx `(int 0)]
:while `(< ~idx (alength ~array))
:bind-form [for `(aget ~array ~idx)]
:recur-form `(unchecked-inc ~idx)}))
(deftest test-array-for
(is (= (iter (for x in-array (into-array (range 0 9)))
(with a 0)
(recur (+ a x))
36) "array-for"))
;; bind, in each iteration, for to as
(defmethod iter-for 'as
;; for y
;; as (.someMethod x)
(let [argm (apply hash-map for-def)]
{:bind-form [(argm 'for) (argm 'as)]}))
(deftest test-for-as
(is (= (iter (for x in (range 0 9))
(for d as (* 2 x))
(with a 0)
(recur (+ a d))
72) "for-as"))
;; iteration macro definitions
;; in each iteration, collect expr by conj onto a vector
(defmethod iter-macro 'collect [[mname expr]]
(let [collect-name (gensym 'collect)]
{:drivers `((~'with ~collect-name []))
:body `(recur (conj ~collect-name ~expr))
:finally collect-name}))
(deftest test-collect
(is (= (iter (for x in (range 0 9))
(collect (* 2 x)))
(map (partial * 2) (range 0 9)))))
;; in each iteration, check for test, if true collect expr
(defmethod iter-macro 'collect-if [[name test expr]]
(let [_expr (iter-macro (list 'collect expr))]
{:drivers (:drivers _expr)
:body `(if ~test
~(:body _expr)
:finally (:finally _expr)}))
(deftest test-collect-if
(is (= (iter (for x in (range 0 9))
(collect-if (odd? x) (* 2 x)))
(map (partial * 2) (filter odd? (range 0 9))))))
;; in each iteration, check wether test holds, if so return immediatly
;; with ret from the loop
(defmethod iter-macro 'return-if [[name test ret]]
{:body `(if ~test ~ret (recur))})
(deftest test-return-if
(is (= (iter (for x in (range 0 9))
(return-if (= x 4) x))
(comment ;; more examples
(iter (for x in '(1 2 3))
(for y as (* 2 x))
(collect-if (and (even? x) (even? y)) [x y]))
(iter (for x in '(1 2 3))
(return-if (even? x) x))
(iter (for x in [1 2 3])
(collect-if (odd? x) x))
(iter (for x call next on '(1 2 3))
(with a [])
(recur (conj a x))
(iter (for x in [1 2 3])
(with sum 0)
(recur (if (odd? x)
(+ sum x)
(iter (for x in [1 2 3])
(with sum 0)
(with bla 0)
(recur (if (odd? x)
(+ sum x)
(+ bla x))
[sum bla])
(iter (let a 1)
(for i in '(1 2 3))
(do (println i a)
(iter (for x in-array (make-array (type 9) 3))
(do (println x)
;; comparison: iter vs. plain loop
;; one line:
;;(iter (for shape call .next on (query *world*)) (collect (jbox->clojurebox shape)))
;;(loop [shape (query *world*) bodies []] (if shape (recur (.next shape) (conj bodies (jbox->clojurebox shape))) bodies))
;; iter: 81 chars (70% of loop)
;; 2 levels of nesting
;; 1 temporary binding: shape
;; loop: 117 chars (144% of iter)
;; 2 levels of nesting
;; 2 tmp bindings: shape, bodies
;; pretty printed:
;; (iter (for shape call .next on (query *world*))
;; (collect (jbox->clojurebox shape)))
;; (loop [shape (query *world*)
;; bodies []]
;; (if shape
;; (recur (.next shape)
;; (conj bodies (jbox->clojurebox shape)))
;; bodies))
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