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Created February 3, 2011 05:54
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Grouping a list of strings by similarity using Levenshtein string distance
# The Levenshtein distance between two strings is defined as the minimum number
# of edits needed to transform one string into the other, with the allowable
# edit operations being insertion, deletion, or substitution of a single character.
# see:
# The following method either loops indefinitely or is so slow that that it
# might as well be.
def levenshtein_slow(a, b)
when a.empty?: b.length
when b.empty?: a.length
else [(a[0] == b[0] ? 0 : 1) + levenshtein(a[1..-1], b[1..-1]),
1 + levenshtein(a[1..-1], b),
1 + levenshtein(a, b[1..-1])].min
# The following 2 methods implement string distance in such a way as to
# provide nearly instant results.
def self.encoding_of(string)
if RUBY_VERSION[0, 3] == "1.9"
def distance(str1, str2)
encoding = defined?(Encoding) ? str1.encoding.to_s : $KCODE
if encoding_of(str1) =~ /^U/i
unpack_rule = 'U*'
unpack_rule = 'C*'
s = str1.unpack(unpack_rule)
t = str2.unpack(unpack_rule)
n = s.length
m = t.length
return m if (0 == n)
return n if (0 == m)
d = (0..m).to_a
x = nil
(0...n).each do |i|
e = i+1
(0...m).each do |j|
cost = (s[i] == t[j]) ? 0 : 1
x = [
d[j+1] + 1, # insertion
e + 1, # deletion
d[j] + cost # substitution
d[j] = e
e = x
d[m] = x
return x
lines_str = <<EOS
0 The moon jumped over the cow.
1 This will probably be pretty similar to the next.
2 This will probably be very similar to the first.
3 This will not really be all that similar to either.
4 The cow jumped over the moon.
5 Something bad happened to ci32134
6 The dog jumped over the moon.
7 One more step and I'm leaving.
8 What did you say?
9 One more step and I'm leaving.
10 Oh, ok. Bye. I'm going now.
11 Wait a minute. What did you think I said?
12 Earn more sessions by sleeving.
13 What? That doesn't even make sense.
14 Yeah I know. That's why I asked.
15 Green grapefruit
16 Red grapefruit
17 Something bad happened to ci12345
18 This will not really be similar to either.
lines = lines_str.lines.to_a
threshold = 15
require 'set'
require 'pp'
require 'benchmark'
# First algorithm simply iterates through the lines in a nested fashion so
# that each line is compared against each other line exactly once. If two
# lines are similar then a new Set containing those two lines is created
# unless both lines already exist in an existing group together.
group_for_line ={|hash, id| hash[id] =[id])} # hash key'd by line ID pointing to Set do |bm|" << 1:") do
for i in (0...lines.size)
for j in ((i+1)...lines.size)
group_for_line[i].add(j) if distance(lines[i], lines[j]) < threshold && !group_for_line.values.any?{|group| group.include?(i) && group.include?(j)}
# user system total real
# << 1: 0.730000 0.010000 0.740000 ( 0.997637)
pp group_for_line.values.collect{|set|{|id| lines[id]})}
# [#<Set: {"5 Something bad happened to ci32134\n",
# "17 Something bad happened to ci12345\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"0 The moon jumped over the cow.\n",
# "6 The dog jumped over the moon.\n",
# "4 The cow jumped over the moon.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"2 This will probably be very similar to the first.\n",
# "1 This will probably be pretty similar to the next.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"7 One more step and I'm leaving.\n",
# "9 One more step and I'm leaving.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"18 This will not really be similar to either.\n",
# "3 This will not really be all that similar to either.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"16 Red grapefruit\n",
# "15 Green grapefruit\n"}>]
# Second algorithm for grouping is built into the core ruby Set class itself.
# Here we use the Set#divide() method to break the lines into similar groups.
# This algorithm is less efficient however becase it has to first create a
# set containing all lines, then group all lines - leaving left over lines
# each in their own group. Then the singles need to be deleted out. All this
# ends up taking about twice the time as the first algorithm.
groups = nil do |bm|" << 2:") do
groups ={|a,b| distance(a,b) < threshold}.delete_if{|set| set.size == 1}
# user system total real
# << 2: 1.510000 0.010000 1.520000 ( 1.552745)
pp groups
# #<Set: {
# #<Set: {"2 This will probably be very similar to the first.\n",
# "1 This will probably be pretty similar to the next.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"18 This will not really be similar to either.\n",
# "3 This will not really be all that similar to either.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"0 The moon jumped over the cow.\n",
# "6 The dog jumped over the moon.\n",
# "4 The cow jumped over the moon.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"5 Something bad happened to ci32134\n",
# "17 Something bad happened to ci12345\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"7 One more step and I'm leaving.\n",
# "9 One more step and I'm leaving.\n"}>,
# #<Set: {"16 Red grapefruit\n",
# "15 Green grapefruit\n"}>}>
def ave_distance_of_set(set)
combos = set.to_a.combination(2).to_a
ave = combos.inject(0){|sum,pair| sum + distance(*pair)}.to_f/combos.size
# prints the line of each group and then displays the ave dist under each group
for group in groups1.sort!{|a,b| ave_distance_of_set(a) <=> ave_distance_of_set(b)}
puts "\n#{group.to_a}"
puts "ave dist = #{"%.2f" % ave_distance_of_set(group)}"
# 7 One more step and I'm leaving.
# 9 One more step and I'm leaving.
# ave dist = 1.00
# 5 Something bad happened to ci32134
# 17 Something bad happened to ci12345
# ave dist = 5.00
# 16 Red grapefruit
# 15 Green grapefruit
# ave dist = 5.00
# 0 The moon jumped over the cow.
# 6 The dog jumped over the moon.
# 4 The cow jumped over the moon.
# ave dist = 5.67
# 2 This will probably be very similar to the first.
# 1 This will probably be pretty similar to the next.
# ave dist = 9.00
# 18 This will not really be similar to either.
# 3 This will not really be all that similar to either.
# ave dist = 11.00
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