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Created April 22, 2013 19:00
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finding a reference and creating the feature in experiments_controller.rb (lines 76 - 93)
ref = Reference.find(:first, :conditions => ["name = ? AND genome_id = ?", "#{ record.seqname }", "#{@experiment.genome_id}"])
feature =
:group => "#{attribute}",
:feature => "#{record.feature}",
:source => "#{record.source}",
:start => "#{record.start}",
:end => "#{record.end}",
:strand => "#{record.strand}",
:phase => "#{record.frame}",
:seqid => "#{record.seqname}",
:score => "#{record.score}",
#:experiment_id => "#{}",
:gff_id => "#{gff_id}",
:sequence => "#{seq}",
:quality => "#{qual}",
:reference_id => "#{}"
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