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// Define functions to render linked interactive plots using d3.
// Another script should define e.g.
// <script>
// var plot = new animint("#plot","path/to/plot.json");
// </script>
// Constructor for animint Object.
var animint = function (to_select, json_file) {
var dirs = json_file.split("/");
dirs.pop(); //if a directory path exists, remove the JSON file from dirs
var element =;
// Define functions to render linked interactive plots using d3.
// Another script should define e.g.
// <script>
// var plot = new animint("#plot","path/to/plot.json");
// </script>
// Constructor for animint Object.
var animint = function (to_select, json_file) {
var dirs = json_file.split("/");
dirs.pop(); //if a directory path exists, remove the JSON file from dirs
var element =;
// Define functions to render linked interactive plots using d3.
// Another script should define e.g.
// <script>
// var plot = new animint("#plot","path/to/plot.json");
// </script>
// Constructor for animint Object.
var animint = function (to_select, json_file) {
var dirs = json_file.split("/");
dirs.pop(); //if a directory path exists, remove the JSON file from dirs
var element =;
// Define functions to render linked interactive plots using d3.
// Another script should define e.g.
// <script>
// var plot = new animint("#plot","path/to/plot.json");
// </script>
// Constructor for animint Object.
var animint = function (to_select, json_file) {
var dirs = json_file.split("/");
dirs.pop(); //if a directory path exists, remove the JSON file from dirs
var element =;
// Define functions to render linked interactive plots using d3.
// Another script should define e.g.
// <script>
// var plot = new animint("#plot","path/to/plot.json");
// </script>
// Constructor for animint Object.
var animint = function (to_select, json_file) {
var dirs = json_file.split("/");
dirs.pop(); //if a directory path exists, remove the JSON file from dirs
var element =;