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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Feature: Managing BEN Clients
In order to use the BEN platform, I need to be a user of the system.
Scenario: Creating a new client when handling an external user registration request
Given I am an internal user
And I am registering an external user registration request
And I visit the manage access page for that user
When I select "Add (new) Client" button, link or icon
Then I should be presented with the client creation/edit modal or view
Scenario: Creating a new client when setting up a new Client account
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the a admin / general navigation section
And I am presented with the option of creating a new client by of a "Add Client" button, link or icon
When I select "Add Client" button, link or icon
Then I should be presented with the client creation/edit modal or view
Scenario: Configuring new client account information
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
When I set client information fields
Then current client account should reflect new information
Scenario: Assigning users to new client account
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
When I select the Assign users option ( can be a button or search bar)
Then I should be able to see all existing users
And I should be able to associate user with current client
Scenario: Adding additional users to new client account (Ambiguous)
Scenario: Assigning existing brand to client
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
When I search for brands through a search enabled modal
Then I can visualise brands
And select specific brand
And associate selected brand with current client
Scenario: Assigning new brand to client
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
When I click "Add Brand" button
Then I am able to create a new brand
And Associate it with the current client
Scenario: Removing brands associated to client
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
And I am able to view list of associated brands
When I select remove brand option (can be an x on the brand name)
Then I am able to to remove brand association with the client
Scenario: Saving client information
Given I am an internal user
And I visit the client creation/edit modal or view
And I add new information, users association and/or brands association to current client
When I select Save option
Then the new information, users association and/or brands association should be persisted in the database for current client
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