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Last active December 15, 2020 20:54
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AoC solutions. In heavy need of editing
import re
from itertools import permutations, combinations, count
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from math import prod
#### FILE INPUT AND PARSING ######################################
# Adapted from Peter Norvigs Advent of Code solutions,
def Input(day, line_parser=str.split, line_ending='\n'):
"For this day's input file, return a tuple of each line parsed by `line_parser`."
if isinstance(day, int):
filename = 'advent2020/input{}.txt'.format(day)
buf = open(filename).read().rstrip('\n')
return mapt(line_parser, buf.split(line_ending))
return mapt(line_parser, day.rstrip('\n').split(line_ending))
def mapt(fn, *args):
return tuple(map(fn, *args))
# 2-D points implemented using (x, y) tuples
def X(point): return point[0]
def Y(point): return point[1]
def neighbors8(point):
"The eight neighbors (with diagonals)"
x, y = point
return ((x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1),
(x+1, y+1), (x-1, y-1), (x+1, y-1), (x-1, y+1))
cat = ''.join
first = next
cache = lru_cache(None)
# Report Repair
# 15 min
# A variant of the 3sum problem. Brute force is fast enough.
def expenses(day=1):
"Find expense numbers whose sum equals 2020."
E = Input(day, line_parser=int)
a = first(x*y for x, y in combinations(E, 2) if x+y == 2020)
b = first(x*y*z for x, y, z in combinations(E, 3) if x+y+z == 2020)
return a, b
# Password Philosophy
# 15 min
# Mostly a parsing task.
def count_valid_passwords(day=2):
def parse_policy(line):
"A line consists of policy as begin-end, letter, and password."
m = re.findall(r"(\d+)-(\d+) (\w): (\w+)", line)[0]
return int(m[0]), int(m[1]), m[2] ,m[3]
P = Input(day, line_parser=parse_policy)
a = sum(1 for b, e, c, s in P if b <= s.count(c) <= e)
b = sum(1 for b, e, c, s in P if (s[b-1] == c) != (s[e-1] == c))
return a, b
# Toboggan Trajectory
# 30 min
# The map repeats in the horizontal direction. Take advantage of that by
# letting the x coordinate be modulo the width of the original area.
def count_trees_hit(day=3):
"Given grid and slope, find numbers of trees hit during trajectory."
from math import prod
area = Input(day, line_parser=str.strip)
M, N = len(area), len(area[0])
def path(dx, dy):
"Generate positions until y == M. Restart x positions at zero when we reach N"
return ((x % N , y) for x, y in zip(count(0, dx), range(0, M, dy)))
def num_trees(dx, dy):
return sum(1 for x, y in path(dx, dy) if area[y][x] == '#')
a = num_trees(3, 1)
b = prod(num_trees(*slope) for slope in [(1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)])
return a, b
# Passport Processing
# 60 min
# Some time wasted from mucking around with list comprehensions and the regex API.
# It's been a while since I used Python.
def count_valid_passports(day=4):
"Verify that passport fields are present and valid"
def parse_fields(line):
return dict(e.split(':') for e in line.split())
P = Input(day, parse_fields, line_ending='\n\n')
keys = "byr iyr eyr hgt hcl ecl pid".split()
def present(passport):
return all(f in passport for f in keys)
def valid(passport):
byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid = [passport[f] for f in keys]
unit, hgt = hgt[-2:], hgt[:-2]
return (
1920 <= int(byr) <= 2002 and
2010 <= int(iyr)<= 2020 and
2020 <= int(eyr) <= 2030 and
((unit == 'cm' and 150 <=int(hgt) <= 193) or (unit == 'in' and 59 <= int(hgt) <= 76)) and
re.fullmatch(r'#[0-9a-f]{6}', hcl) and
ecl in ('amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth') and
re.fullmatch(r'[0-9]{9}', pid)
a = sum(1 for p in P if present(p))
b = sum(1 for p in P if present(p) and valid(p))
return a, b
# Binary Boarding
# 20 min
# For task b, find the number that is missing.
def find_boarding_pass(day=5):
def decode(line):
"""Decode a string of Back, Front, Left, Right commands into a binary
table = dict(zip("BFRL", "1010"))
val = cat(table[x] for x in line.strip())
return int(val[:7], base=2), int(val[7:], base=2)
numbers = Input(day, decode)
seat_ids = sorted(row * 8 + col for row, col in numbers)
a = max(seat_ids)
b = first(x+1 for x, y in zip(seat_ids, seat_ids[1:]) if y-x > 1)
return a, b
# Custom Customs
# 15 min
def count_answers(day=6):
def make_set(line):
return mapt(set, line.split())
answers = Input(day, make_set, line_ending='\n\n')
a = sum(len(set.union(*group)) for group in answers)
b = sum(len(set.intersection(*group)) for group in answers)
return a, b
# Handy Haversacks
# 30 min
# I first had two functions for part 1 and part 2, but then factored them
# into a generator.
def count_bags(day=7):
def parse_rule(line):
"Remove superflous words, extract container and list of inner bags."
k, v = re.sub(r'bags?\.?', '', line).split(' contain ')
colors = re.findall(r'(\d+) (\w+ \w+)', v)
return k.strip(), [(name, int(n)) for n, name in colors]
def iterate_bags(key, N=None):
"Breadth first scan of inner bags."
q = [key]
while q:
for name, n in rules[q.pop()]:
q.extend([name for _ in range(1 if N else n)])
yield name, n
rules = dict(Input(day, parse_rule))
a = sum(1 for k in rules if any(bag == 'shiny gold' for bag, _ in iterate_bags(k, 1)))
b = sum(n for _, n in iterate_bags('shiny gold'))
return a, b
# Handheld Halting
# 30 min
# Dunno what I was smoking. I stumbled on part 1: write a simple
# straightforward interpreter. Misread the instructions.
def find_inifinite_loop(day=8):
def parse_instr(line):
op, arg = line.split()
return op, int(arg)
def run(program):
pc = acc = 0
visited = set()
while True:
op, arg = program[pc]
if pc in visited: return 0, acc
pc += 1
if pc >= len(program): return 1, acc
if op == 'nop': pass
elif op == 'acc': acc += arg
elif op == 'jmp': pc += arg - 1
def modifications(P):
table = {'nop' : 'jmp', 'jmp' : 'nop'}
for i, (op, arg) in enumerate(P):
if op in table:
val = (table[op], arg)
yield P[:i] + [val] + P[i+1:]
program = list(Input(day, parse_instr))
a = run(program)[1]
b = first(acc for exit, acc in map(run, modifications(program)) if exit == 1)
return a, b
# Encoding Error
# 30 min
# Used a brute force solution first that took more than 1s to run.
# I tried experimenting with prefix sums, before I realized that a sliding
# window can be used.
def find_encryption_weakness(day=9):
def not_sum_numbers():
"Return numbers who is not the sum of two of the previous 25 numbers"
for i in range(25, len(numbers)):
val = numbers[i]
if not any((x, y) for x, y in combinations(numbers[i-25:i], 2) if x+y==val):
yield val
def matching_range(L, val):
"Return range whose sum matches val."
i, j = 0, 1
while sum(L[i:j]) != val:
if i != j and sum(L[i:j]) > val:
i += 1
j += 1
return L[i:j]
numbers = Input(day, int)
a = first(val for val in not_sum_numbers())
x = matching_range(numbers, a)
b = min(x) + max(x)
return a, b
# Adapter Array
# I had to give up on part 2 and cheat.
# Spent an hour writing three different
# functions that all calculated the right value for the test input, but took
# too long for the real input.
# I need to do more Dynamic Programming.
def find_adapter_chain(day=10):
def count_joltage_diff():
ones = sum(1 for x, y in zip(L, L[1:]) if y-x == 1)
threes = sum(1 for x, y in zip(L, L[1:]) if y-x == 3)
return ones, threes
def find_arrangements(pos=0):
if pos == len(L)-1: return 1
return sum(find_arrangements(i) for i in range(pos+1, len(L)) if L[i] - L[pos] <= 3)
L = sorted(Input(day, int))
L = [0] + L + [L[-1]+3]
a = prod(count_joltage_diff())
b = find_arrangements()
return a, b
# Rain Risk
def find_ferry_position(day=12):
headings = NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST = (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0)
def parse(line):
table = {'N' : NORTH, 'E' : EAST, 'S' : SOUTH, 'W' : WEST}
if line[0] in table:
return table[line[0]], int(line[1:])
return line[0], int(line[1:])
def move(pos, direction, steps):
num_steps = tuple(x * steps for x in direction)
return mapt(sum, zip(pos, num_steps))
def turn(degrees, direction = EAST):
val = int(degrees / 90)
i = (headings.index(direction) + val) % len(headings)
return headings[i]
def manhattan_distance(pos):
x, y = pos
return abs(x) + abs(y)
def distance(p, q):
return (p[0]-q[0], p[1]-q[1])
def run(instructions, pos = (0, 0), direction = EAST):
for op, arg in instructions:
if op in headings:
pos = move(pos, op, arg)
elif op == 'L':
direction = turn(-arg, direction)
elif op == 'R':
direction = turn(arg, direction)
elif op == 'F':
pos = move(pos, direction, arg)
return pos
def rotate(pos, degrees):
x, y = pos
if degrees in (90, -270):
x, y = -y, x
elif degrees in (180, -180):
x, y = (-x, -y)
elif degrees in (270, -90):
x, y = y, -x
return x, y
def run2(instructions, pos = (0, 0), waypoint = (10, -1), direction = EAST):
for op, arg in instructions:
if op in headings:
waypoint = move(waypoint, op, arg)
elif op == 'L':
diff = distance(waypoint, pos)
diff = rotate(diff, -arg)
waypoint = move(pos, diff, 1)
elif op == 'R':
diff = distance(waypoint, pos)
diff = rotate(diff, arg)
waypoint = move(pos, diff, 1)
elif op == 'F':
diff = distance(waypoint, pos)
pos = move(pos, diff, arg)
waypoint = move(pos, diff, 1)
return pos
instructions = Input(day, parse)
a = manhattan_distance(run(instructions))
b = manhattan_distance(run2(instructions))
return a, b
# Shuttle Search
def find_earliest_shuttle(day=13):
def parse_timestamps(line):
return mapt(int, re.findall(r'(\d+)', line))
def parse_buses(line):
return [(int(x), i) for i, x in enumerate(line.split(',')) if x != 'x']
def find_matching_timestamp(buses):
step, t = buses[0]
for b, i in buses[1:]:
while (t + i) % b != 0:
t += step
step *= b
return t
earliest, timestamps = Input(day, parse_timestamps)
earliest = earliest[0]
ts, bus = min((earliest - (earliest % x) + x, x) for x in timestamps)
a = (ts - earliest) * bus
_, buses = Input(day, parse_buses)
b = find_matching_timestamp(buses)
return a, b
# Docking Data
def decode_initialization(day=14):
def parse(line):
if line.startswith('mask'):
_, mask = line.split(' = ')
one_mask = sum((1<<i) for i, val in enumerate(reversed(mask)) if val == '1')
zero_mask = sum((1<<i) for i, val in enumerate(reversed(mask)) if val in 'X1')
return 'mask', one_mask, zero_mask
addr, val = re.findall('mem\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)', line)[0]
return 'mem', int(addr), int(val)
def run(instructions):
M = defaultdict(int)
one_mask, zero_mask = 0, 0
for op, *args in instructions:
if op == 'mask':
one_mask, zero_mask = args
elif op == 'mem':
addr, val = args
M[addr] = (val | one_mask) & zero_mask
return sum(v for k, v in M.items())
def parse2(line):
if line.startswith('mask'):
return tuple(line.split(' = '))
addr, val = re.findall('mem\[(\d+)\] = (\d+)', line)[0]
return 'mem', '{:036b}'.format(int(addr)), int(val)
def gen_bin_numbers(mask):
num_positions = mask.count('X')
max_num = (1<<num_positions)
for i in range(max_num):
yield '{num:0{width}b}'.format(num=i, width=num_positions)
def generate_addresses(addr, mask):
addr = cat(x if x in 'X1' else y for x, y in zip(mask, addr))
for y in gen_bin_numbers(addr):
it = iter(y)
yield int(cat([x if x != 'X' else next(it) for x in addr]), base=2)
def run2(instructions):
mask = ''
M = defaultdict(int)
for op, *args in instructions:
if op == 'mask':
mask = args[0]
elif op == 'mem':
addr, val = args
for a in generate_addresses(addr, mask):
M[a] = val
return sum(v for k, v in M.items())
instructions = Input(day, parse)
a = run(instructions)
instructions = Input(day, parse2)
b = run2(instructions)
return a, b
def run_tests():
assert expenses() == (357504, 12747392)
assert count_valid_passwords() == (519, 708)
assert count_trees_hit() == (200, 3737923200)
assert count_valid_passports() == (237, 172)
assert find_boarding_pass() == (953, 615)
assert count_answers() == (6259, 3178)
assert count_bags() == (289, 30055)
assert find_inifinite_loop() == (1810, 969)
assert find_encryption_weakness() == (105950735, 13826915)
assert find_adapter_chain() == (2775, 518344341716992)
assert find_ferry_position() == (1496, 63843)
assert find_earliest_shuttle() == (115, 756261495958122)
assert decode_initialization() == (5875750429995, 5272149590143)
print("all tests passed")
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