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Created August 28, 2015 13:16
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About me
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<p>I am a software developer from Germany, currently living in Karlsruhe. I studied applied Computer Science at Hochschule Offenburg. The pictures in the background have been taken by me and show the lakeshore of Lake Malawi.
<p> At my work i am currently working with modern web technology to bring existing products into the modern world.
<p> During my studies i learned to program in Java and C++ in depth and have played around with a lot of webtechnology over the times.
<p>But since my main focus in the last few years was more on desktop applications, i am now trying freecodecamp to learn about the web.
<p> I have worked with the following technologies:</p>
and i am currently working on getting to know:
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<h2>Placeholder </h2> Placeholder for another project
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<img src=""></img>
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<h2>H2O Autonomous Driving</h2> Software for autonomous driving
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<img src=""></img>
<div class="description">
<h2><a href="">Android Atari</a> </h2> An Android app to connect an Android Devices as controller to an Atari 2600
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Contact me via email:</div>
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