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0000000000264e88 D _guard variable for metal_plugin::MPSConstantHelper<float>(metal_plugin::OpKernelContext*, metal_plugin::Tensor&, float const*)::cache_
0000000000264e48 D _guard variable for metal_plugin::SplitOpBase<float>::ComputeEasyCases(metal_plugin::OpKernelContext*, bool*)::{lambda(int, char const*)#1}::operator()(int, char const*) const::vmodule_activated
0000000000264e38 D _guard variable for metal_plugin::MPSStridedSliceOp<float>::Compute(metal_plugin::OpKernelContext*)::{lambda(int, char const*)#2}::operator()(int, char const*) const::vmodule_activated
0000000000264e28 D _guard variable for metal_plugin::MPSStridedSliceOp<float>::Compute(metal_plugin::OpKernelContext*)::{lambda(int, char const*)#1}::operator()(int, char const*) const::vmodule_activated
0000000000264d68 D _guard variable for metal_plugin::DepthwiseConv2dNativeOp<float>::Compute(metal_plugin::OpKernelContext*)::{lambda(int, char const*)#1}::operator()(int, char const*) const::vmodule_activated
0000000000264da8 D _guard variable fo
dannote / itunes-song-list.swift
Created May 27, 2018 10:52
Get song list from iTunes including Apple Music tracks
import Foundation
let path = NSString(string: "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml").expandingTildeInPath
let data = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path)
let allowedTypes = ["File", "Remote"]
if let data = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: path) as? [String : AnyObject] {
for (_, track) in data["Tracks"] as! [String : NSDictionary] {
dannote / final-cut-pro-trial-reset.swift
Last active January 11, 2025 23:24
Final Cut Pro X trial reset
// This script modifies an unencrypted file associated with the trial version of Final Cut Pro.
// Under the DMCA (17 U.S.C. § 1201), this modification does not qualify as circumvention of a technological
// protection measure (TPM), as it does not involve bypassing encryption, authentication, or similar protections.
// Distributing this code is therefore legal under the DMCA.
// This script is intended for educational and research purposes, such as exploring trial-related file structures,
dannote / JavaScriptCore.lua
Created May 11, 2015 18:40
JavaScriptCore Lua bindings
local ffi = require "ffi"
local lgi = require "lgi"
local WebKit = lgi.WebKit
ffi.cdef [[
typedef struct OpaqueJSValue* JSObjectRef;
typedef struct OpaqueJSValue* JSValueRef;
typedef struct OpaqueJSString* JSStringRef;
typedef struct OpaqueJSClass* JSClassRef;
typedef struct OpaqueJSContext* JSContextRef;