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Last active March 2, 2016 20:25
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gruntfile.js for Jekyll and Sass
// based on
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Load all NPM grunt tasks
// Project configuration
meta: {
scripts: [
styles: [
// Combine JS modules using Browserify
browserify: {
options: {
// Shim 3rd party libraries not in `node_modules`
shim: {
'jquery': {path: 'bower_components/jquery/jquery.js', exports: 'jQuery'},
'fastclick': {path: 'bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js', exports: 'jQuery'},
'jquery-jail': {path: 'bower_components/JAIL/src/jail.js', exports: 'jail'}
debug: {
src: ['app/main.js'],
dest: 'debug/app.js',
options: {
debug: true
build: {
src: ['app/main.js'],
dest: 'build/app.js'
// Compile Sass files to CSS
compass: {
options: {
require: 'compass-inuit',
sassDir: 'sass'
debug: {
options: {
cssDir: 'debug',
// For source maps
debugInfo: true,
outputStyle: 'expanded'
build: {
options: {
cssDir: 'build'
// Concatenate files
concat: {
debug: {
files: {
'debug/style.css': ['debug/main.css', 'css/pygments.css']
build: {
files: {
'build/style.css': ['build/main.css', 'css/pygments.css']
// Minify CSS files
cssmin: {
build: {
files: {
'build/style.min.css': ['build/style.css']
// Minify JS files
uglify: {
build: {
files: {
'build/app.min.js': ['build/app.js']
// Watch files for changes
watch: {
scripts: {
files: ['<%= meta.scripts %>'],
tasks: ['browserify2:debug']
styles: {
files: ['<%= meta.styles %>'],
tasks: ['compass:debug', 'concat:debug']
// Clean target directories
clean: {
debug: ['debug'],
buildTemp: [
all: ['debug', 'build']
// Run Jekyll commands
jekyll: {
server: {
options: {
serve: true,
// Add the --watch flag, i.e. rebuild on file changes
watch: true
build: {
options: {
serve: false
// Compile JS & CSS, run watch to recompile on change
grunt.registerTask('debug', function() {
// Rebuild './debug'[
// Watch for changes'watch');
// Alias to `grunt jekyll:server`
grunt.registerTask('server', 'jekyll:server');
// Run Jekyll build with environment set to production
grunt.registerTask('jekyll-production', function() {
grunt.log.writeln('Setting environment variable JEKYLL_ENV=production');
process.env.JEKYLL_ENV = 'production';'jekyll:build');
// Compile and minify JS & CSS, run Jekyll build for production
grunt.registerTask('build', [
grunt.registerTask('default', ['debug']);
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