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Last active December 10, 2015 00:18
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<div><h1>The Costs of Living, 2010</h1></div>
<div class="graph">
<script type="text/javascript">
// 1a) states are defined here
var width = 670,
height = 400,
var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa()
.translate([0, 0]);
var path = d3.geo.path()
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
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.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.on("click", click);
var g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")
.attr("id", "states");
//1b) states are now plotted
var map = d3.json("./cityJson.json", function(json) {
.attr("d", path)
.on("click", click)
.classed("active", false)
.on("mouseover", function() {"highlight", true); })
.on("mouseout", function() {"highlight", false); });
// 2a) define cities here
var circles = svg.append("svg:g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")")
.attr("id", "circles")
// 2b) define empty arrays to house csv columns
var City = [];
var Lat = [];
var Long = [];
var CompositeIndex = [];
var GroceryItems = [];
var Housing = [];
var Utilities = [];
var Transportation = [];
var HealthCare = []
var longLat = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":[]};
// 2c) takes csv file, stores each column into arrays above, and we'll eventually concactenate them into objects in dataSet
d3.csv("./living.csv", function(cities)
var dataEnter ="body").data(cities).enter();
dataEnter.append("span").html(function(d) {
// 2d) stores longitude and latitude in recogniznable GEOjson format, and other variables within Features object
for (var i = 0; i < City.length; i++) {
var obj = {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [Long[i],Lat[i]],
City: [City[i]],
CompositeIndex: CompositeIndex[i],
GroceryItems: GroceryItems[i],
Housing: Housing[i],
Utilities: Utilities[i],
Transportation: Transportation[i],
HealthCare: HealthCare[i],
Status: 1
// 2f) check to make sure objects stored correctly (comment out later)
/* console.log(longLat["features"]); */
// 2g) Plots cities on map
.attr("d", path);
// 2h) gives hover states
var hover = function() {
gravity: 'w',
html: true,
title: function() {
var d = this.__data__;
var a = d["City"];
var b = d["CompositeIndex"];
var c = d["Housing"];
var e = d["GroceryItems"];
var f = d["Utilities"];
var g = d["Transportation"];
var h = d["HealthCare"];
if (d.Status>0) {
return "<b>" + a + "</b>" + "<br>" + "Composite Index: " + b + "<br>" + "Housing Costs: " + c + "<br>" + "Grocery Costs: " + e + "<br>" + "Utilities Costs: " + f + "<br>" + "Transportation Costs: " + g + "<br>" + "Healthcare Costs: " + h;
else {return "<b>" + a + "</b>" + "<br>" + "Not in current selection";}
// 5) define sliders for different categories
// Global filter variables
var comp_min = 80,
comp_max = 190,
groc_min = 70,
groc_max = 170,
house_min = 60,
house_max = 320,
util_min = 70,
util_max = 200,
trans_min = 80,
trans_max = 150,
health_min = 80,
health_max = 150;
// Predicate for filtering a single data point
function isOutOfRange(d) {
return d.CompositeIndex < comp_min || d.CompositeIndex > comp_max
|| d.GroceryItems < groc_min || d.GroceryItems > groc_max
|| d.Housing < house_min || d.Housing > house_max
|| d.Utilities < util_min || d.Utilities > util_max
|| d.Transportation < trans_min || d.Transportation > trans_max
|| d.HealthCare < health_min || d.HealthCare > health_max;
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 80,
max: 190,
values: [80, 190],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
comp_min = ui.values[0];
comp_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-comp").text("Composite Index: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-comp").text("Composite Index: " + $("#slider-comp").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-comp").slider("values", 1));
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 70,
max: 170,
values: [70, 170],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
groc_min = ui.values[0];
groc_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-groc").text("Grocery Items: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-groc").text("Grocery Items: " + $("#slider-groc").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-groc").slider("values", 1));
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 60,
max: 320,
values: [60, 320],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
house_min = ui.values[0];
house_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-house").text("Housing: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-house").text("Housing: " + $("#slider-house").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-house").slider("values", 1));
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 70,
max: 200,
values: [70, 200],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
util_min = ui.values[0];
util_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-util").text("Utilities: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-util").text("Utilities: " + $("#slider-util").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-util").slider("values", 1));
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 80,
max: 150,
values: [80, 150],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
trans_min = ui.values[0];
trans_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-trans").text("Transportation: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-trans").text("Transportation: " + $("#slider-trans").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-trans").slider("values", 1));
$(function() {
range: true,
min: 80,
max: 150,
values: [80, 150],
slide: function(event, ui) {
// Update category filters
health_min = ui.values[0];
health_max = ui.values[1];
// Filter on all global filters
var allPaths = circles.selectAll("path");"opacity",1).filter(function(d) {
d.Status = 1;
/* console.log(d.Status); */
allPaths.filter(isOutOfRange).style("opacity", 0).filter(function(d){
d.Status = 0;
// Dynamically update indicator text
$("#label-health").text("Health Care: " + ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
// Initialize indicator text
$("#label-health").text("Health Care: " + $("#slider-health").slider("values", 0) +
" - " + $("#slider-health").slider("values", 1));
}); /* close main body of code */
// 4) here we have our zoom function
function click(d) {
var x = 0,
y = 0,
k = 1;
if (d && centered !== d) {
var centroid = path.centroid(d);
x = -centroid[0];
y = -centroid[1];
k = 3;
centered = d;
} else {
centered = null;
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.style("stroke-width", 1.5 / k + "px");
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.attr("transform", "scale(" + k + ")translate(" + x + "," + y + ")")
.style("stroke-width", 1 / k + "px")
<div class="all-sliders" style="text-align: right"></div>
<div class="slider-container" style="text:align: right">
In each of these categories, the national average is 100.
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-comp">Composite Index: </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-comp"></div>
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-groc">Grocery Costs: </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-groc"></div>
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-house">Housing Costs: </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-house"></div>
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-util">Utilities Costs: </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-util"></div>
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-trans">Transportation Costs : </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-trans"></div>
<div class="slider-container">
<span class="label" id="label-health">Healthcare Costs: </span>
<div class="slider" id="slider-health"></div>
City Lat Long CompositeIndex GroceryItems Housing Utilities Transportation HealthCare Miscellaneous
Anniston-Calhoun, County, AL 33.6598257 -85.8316318 91.2 101.2 74.8 111.2 88.8 89.3 96.6
Akron OH 41.0814447 -81.5190053 100.2 105.1 99.7 107.9 107.1 86.8 96
Albany, GA 31.5785074 -84.155741 90.1 108.7 74.8 82 96.6 89.8 96.8
Albany, NY 42.6525793 -73.7562317 108.1 105 112.6 101 102.8 111.7 108.6
Alexandria, LA 31.3112936 -92.4451371 95.1 96 92.7 89.9 97.2 92.9 98.2
Amarillo, TX 35.2219971 -101.8312969 89.5 89.9 89.4 80.4 92.1 95.2 90.8
Americus, GA 32.0723861 -84.2326876 88.3 105.5 71 88.2 99.8 103.7 91.3
Ames, IA 42.02335 -93.625622 96.8 93.7 104.8 82.3 101.8 98.4 93.7
Anchorage, AK 61.2180556 -149.9002778 128.4 134.5 142.9 94.1 122 135.7 124.8
Anderson, SC 34.5034394 -82.6501332 91.8 103.4 77 101.6 92.3 99.7 95.9
Appleton, WI 44.2619309 -88.4153847 93.3 93 81.8 102.3 104.4 104.7 96
Ardmore, OK 34.1742611 -97.1436254 87.3 92.9 77.3 84.8 101.3 93.7 89.8
Arlington, TX 32.735687 -97.1080656 99.3 94.4 89.4 109.9 98.3 105.4 106.4
Asheville, NC 35.6009452 -82.554015 101.1 104.6 97.8 113.1 94.2 104.7 100.6
Ashland, OH 40.8686675 -82.3182178 88.5 100.7 72.1 92.1 98.2 88.8 94.2
Atlanta, GA 33.7489954 -84.3879824 95.6 96.2 90.7 86.3 99.3 103.3 100.3
Auburn-Opelika, AL 32.6090979 -85.4403794 98.9 104.6 90.2 101.3 92.9 88.4 106.5
Augusta-Aiken, GA-SC 33.474246 -82.00967 93.2 106 79.4 92.1 93.9 101.4 99.4
Austin, TX 30.267153 -97.7430608 95.5 89.3 85.1 110.7 100.2 100.3 100.4
Bakersfield, CA 35.3732921 -119.0187125 103.4 107.6 98.4 104.3 111.3 107.2 103.1
Baltimore, MD 39.2903848 -76.6121893 119.4 110.8 155.4 112.5 105.3 97.9 100
Baton, Rouge, LA 30.4582829 -91.1403196 96.1 100.4 102.2 78.2 90.4 97.7 95.8
Beaufort, SC 32.4315813 -80.6698286 105.2 106.9 103.5 114.3 99.6 95.7 106
Beaumont, TX 30.080174 -94.1265562 95.7 87.1 95.9 92.5 100.4 98.7 98.1
Bellingham, WA 48.7595529 -122.4882249 113 114.9 135.9 83.8 113.2 115.3 100.8
Bergen-Passaic, NJ 40.8567662 -74.1284764 131.3 112.1 174 128.9 102.4 106.3 113.8
Bethesda-Gaithersburg-Frederick, MD 38.996934 -77.0964484 130.5 108.5 184.2 120.6 110.1 104 104.4
Binghamton, NY 42.0986867 -75.9179738 98.4 92.4 92.6 112.8 104.4 114.3 97.7
Birmingham, AL 33.5206608 -86.80249 90.8 93.5 73.2 105.7 93.5 87.9 100.3
Bismarck-Mandan, ND 46.8266603 -100.8895761 95.3 105.9 91.5 70.1 102.6 100.5 99.4
Blacksburg, VA 37.2295733 -80.4139393 95 91.5 94.9 102.3 91.1 97.5 95.1
Boise, ID 43.613739 -116.237651 97.2 98.5 84 99.6 108 106.6 103.3
Boston, MA 42.3584308 -71.0597732 132.5 116.7 152.7 138.6 104.5 123.5 128.6
Bowling, Green, KY 36.9903199 -86.4436018 90.7 93.3 78.2 104.3 96.7 95.8 94
Bozeman, MT 45.6834599 -111.050499 102 107.3 101.8 89.1 101.6 102.4 104
Bradenton, FL 27.4989278 -82.5748194 95.8 106.6 90.2 90.4 101.3 98.8 96.1
Brazoria, County, TX 29.2131857 -95.4777811 89.3 87.9 75.8 100.8 96 95.6 95.6
Brownsville, TX 25.9017472 -97.4974838 85.8 88.6 71 93.1 95 96.5 91.4
Buffalo, NY 42.8864468 -78.8783689 95.8 91.8 97.4 115.6 104.8 92 87.6
Burlington, IA 40.8080556 -91.1158333 97 93.8 94.6 108.6 98.6 89.9 97.1
Burlington, NC 36.0956918 -79.4377991 94.6 98.6 86 82.3 97.5 102.5 102.5
Burlington-Chittenden, Co, VT 44.4758825 -73.212072 120.5 112.9 138.7 122.2 102.5 104.6 114.2
Camden, SC 34.2465393 -80.6070237 97.4 103.4 87.8 107.5 86 93.1 104.3
Cape, Coral-Fort, Myers, FL 26.6630286 -81.9534815 95.6 107.9 87.5 83.7 103 98.7 98.9
Carlsbad, NM 32.4206736 -104.2288375 95.4 102.6 86.6 99.3 95.3 96 98.9
Cedar, City, UT 37.6774769 -113.0618931 88.7 102.5 73.9 83.7 97.8 85.5 95.5
Cedar, Rapids, IA 41.9778795 -91.6656232 92 94.8 79.1 101.6 97.1 94.4 97.5
Champaign-Urbana, IL 40.1105875 -88.2072697 96.9 98.5 90.8 97.1 98.2 100.5 100.7
Chapel, Hill, NC 35.9131996 -79.0558445 113 100.9 127 85.7 122.8 105.8 112.1
Charleston, WV 38.3498195 -81.6326234 92.7 88.8 89.3 96.7 102.9 93.9 92.9
Charleston-N, Charleston, SC 32.8546197 -79.9748103 98.3 105.7 92.6 96.6 93.9 104.4 101.5
Charlotte, NC 35.2270869 -80.8431267 93.2 97.1 79.5 91.2 95.7 110.3 101.4
Charlottesville, VA 38.0293059 -78.4766781 107 101.2 122.6 100.8 90.6 94.5 104
Chattanooga, TN 35.0456297 -85.3096801 91.1 97.4 84 82.5 96.4 93.3 95.7
Cheyenne, WY 41.1399814 -104.8202462 100.5 101.7 107.9 96.3 95 98.3 96.5
Chicago, IL 41.8781136 -87.6297982 116.9 111.2 134.8 117.3 116.5 108.5 104.4
Cincinnati, OH 39.1031182 -84.5120196 93.8 96.4 81.9 103.8 98 95.8 98.7
Clarksburg, WV 39.2806451 -80.3445341 95 95.2 93.1 92.2 103.8 89.5 95.5
Clarksville, TN 36.5297706 -87.3594528 93 87.9 86 86.5 93.9 98.7 102.3
Cleveland, OH 41.4994954 -81.6954088 101 108.1 93.3 109 101.4 104.3 102.1
Cleveland, TN 35.1595182 -84.8766115 93.4 101.6 87.7 103.4 91.9 91.3 92.9
Colorado, Springs, CO 38.8338816 -104.8213634 92.8 95.4 92 86.8 96.2 102.3 92.1
Columbia, MO 38.9517053 -92.3340724 91.8 92.6 81.4 90.4 96.3 96.4 99.1
Columbia, SC 34.0007104 -81.0348144 100.4 105.2 82.3 109 102 106.2 110.6
Columbus, OH 39.9611755 -82.9987942 92 91.6 86.2 100.2 99.1 107.7 90.6
Conroe, TX 30.3118769 -95.4560512 91.4 89.4 80.1 96.1 93.8 95 99.7
Conway, AR 35.0886963 -92.4421011 86.6 97.9 78.8 92 96.6 89.8 84
Cookeville, TN 36.162839 -85.5016423 85.7 86.7 71.4 82.9 87.5 87.1 98.2
Corpus, Christi, TX 27.8005828 -97.396381 90.8 82.4 79.6 113.5 93.3 92.8 96
Covington, KY 39.0836712 -84.5085536 87.8 86 76.8 100.2 99.9 90.6 90.3
Dallas, TX 32.802955 -96.769923 91.9 96.2 70.7 105.5 100.9 103.8 100.4
Danville, IL 40.124481 -87.6300207 91.1 94.6 74.2 116.4 109.3 95.8 90.7
Dare, County, NC 35.6549619 -75.6208088 107.3 111.7 116.7 92.9 110.2 111.7 100.4
Davenport-Moline-Rock, Is, IA-IL 41.4403733 -90.4502368 96.8 98.7 98.7 81.4 104.3 97.9 96.8
Dayton, OH 39.7589478 -84.1916069 91.4 89.2 74.5 106.1 103.1 93.2 99
Decatur, IL 39.8403147 -88.9548001 91.4 89.1 88.2 92.2 96.7 91.9 93.3
Decatur-Hartselle, AL 34.4434282 -86.9352842 89.2 98.5 74.2 90.6 96.7 85.5 96.6
Denver, CO 39.737567 -104.9847179 103.2 101 107.5 101.9 95.4 105.9 102.7
Des, Moines, IA 41.6005448 -93.6091064 90.9 90.9 89.6 90.2 95.9 90.8 90.9
Detroit, MI 42.331427 -83.0457538 99.4 92.7 95.2 129.5 101.3 94.2 96.6
Dodge, City, KS 37.7527982 -100.0170787 89.3 90 77.6 85.5 95.6 89.9 98.5
Dothan, AL 31.2232313 -85.3904888 89.8 100.3 80.1 79.7 91.8 81.7 97.9
Douglas, GA 31.5088073 -82.8498654 88.6 104.1 68.5 97.9 89.3 91.3 96.6
Dover, DE 39.158168 -75.5243682 99.7 110.4 90.9 108.8 97.5 103 100.7
Dubuque, IA 42.5005583 -90.6645718 95.9 98.1 86.5 105.2 99.5 96.5 99.5
Durham, NC 35.9940329 -78.898619 96.6 97.9 86.8 96.3 105.5 108.5 100.6
Dutchess, County, NY 41.7784372 -73.7477857 120.4 109.8 141.3 118.8 109.3 110.4 111.1
Dyersburg, TN 36.0345159 -89.3856281 88.6 93.4 73.8 95.2 92.9 86.3 96.7
Eau, Claire, WI 44.811349 -91.4984941 93.7 97.6 90.5 84.8 103.1 105.5 93.5
Edmond, OK 35.6528323 -97.4780954 91.6 88.7 82.8 90.2 97.7 94.3 98.9
El, Paso, TX 31.7587198 -106.4869314 90.4 99.9 86 88.1 97 95.4 88.5
Elkhart-Goshen, IN 41.5822716 -85.8344383 94 91.4 92.7 84.5 99.7 92.8 97.5
Enid, OK 36.3955891 -97.8783911 93.6 103.5 77.4 96.1 99.5 99.5 100.7
Erie, PA 42.1292241 -80.085059 92.1 96.4 91.1 96 98.4 91.2 88.4
Eugene, OR 44.0520691 -123.0867536 109.8 93.8 132.3 85.3 110 118.2 102.9
Evansville, IN 37.9715592 -87.5710898 96.2 97.9 86.3 120 97.1 97.4 96.4
Everett, WA 47.9789848 -122.2020794 111.3 112 128.1 85.4 110.4 129.1 102.1
Fairbanks, AK 64.8377778 -147.7163889 137.4 127.9 148.5 193.1 118.7 144.9 118.8
Fargo-Moorhead, ND-MN 46.8419883 -96.7168313 92.7 99.8 87.4 78.7 95.8 102.4 96.6
Farmington, NM 36.7280583 -108.2186856 97 101.8 97.1 87.1 96.4 98.6 98.2
Fayetteville, AR 36.0625795 -94.1574263 92.1 95.3 77.3 99.8 95.2 92.7 100.6
Fayetteville, NC 35.0526641 -78.8783585 95.2 105.1 82.5 92.8 96 117.9 100.1
Findlay, OH 41.04422 -83.6499321 94.3 102.3 77 95.8 100.6 91.2 104.3
Fitchburg-Leominster, MA 42.51969 -71.7741103 103.3 99.3 97.1 140.6 99.9 112.3 98.6
Flagstaff, AZ 35.2013516 -111.639249 114.9 106.6 149.3 92.5 105.5 100 99.5
Florence, AL 34.79981 -87.677251 90.2 96.6 79.6 91 94.5 84.1 96.3
Fort, Lauderdale, FL 26.1223084 -80.1433786 115.7 112.5 144 92.5 106.3 102.4 103.7
Fort, Smith, AR 35.3859242 -94.3985475 86.1 92.5 74.5 90.5 87.9 87.5 91.7
Fort, Wayne-Allen, County, IN 41.079273 -85.1393513 94.4 93.3 89.3 87.3 106.9 93.4 98
Fort, Worth, TX 32.725409 -97.3208496 91.1 89.8 78 106.2 97.6 93.8 96.1
Framingham-Natick, MA 42.2775281 -71.3468091 134.5 109.4 177.2 131.9 105 116.1 118.8
Fresno, CA 36.7468422 -119.7725868 117.3 115.8 131.2 123.6 114.5 106.8 105.9
Gainesville, FL 29.6516344 -82.3248262 99.8 106.3 101.8 99.2 103.3 92.7 95.5
Galesburg, IL 40.9478158 -90.3712395 93 99.7 80 103.1 96.1 97.3 97.2
Garden, City, KS 37.9716898 -100.8726618 89.7 91.2 79.9 86.5 94 89.6 97.5
Glens, Falls, NY 43.3095164 -73.6440058 112.3 105.4 105.9 128 107 97.3 119.3
Glenwood, Springs, CO 39.5505376 -107.3247762 124 103.3 169 89 110.9 112 108.7
Grand, Junction, CO 39.0638705 -108.5506486 98.3 101.9 105.4 86.4 99.1 103.8 93.1
Grand, Rapids, MI 42.9633599 -85.6680863 90.7 102.7 77.6 100.6 103.7 94.4 90
Green, Bay, WI 44.519159 -88.019826 95.1 88.8 83.5 118.6 100.2 105.9 97.7
Greenville, NC 35.612661 -77.3663538 98.5 105.9 84.4 108.5 97.6 113.5 103.3
Greenville, SC 34.8526176 -82.3940104 90.3 102.7 72.9 90.1 97.1 98.2 97.7
Gunnison, CO 38.5458246 -106.9253207 110 110.6 134.5 85.7 99 97.3 100.6
Hammond, LA 30.5043583 -90.4611995 95.9 99 95.8 84.8 93 97.4 98.9
Hampton, Roads-SE, Virginia, VA 36.7862239 -76.5488232 111.7 106.6 121.9 108.4 104.1 109.6 108.4
Harlingen, TX 26.1906306 -97.6961026 82.8 81.5 75.8 105.6 88.7 95.2 79.1
Harrisburg, PA 40.2737002 -76.8844179 99.7 97.8 91.5 110.5 100.2 93.8 105.1
Harrisonburg, VA 38.4495688 -78.8689155 97 97.5 96.8 96.8 90.4 100.8 98.6
Hartford, CT 41.7637111 -72.6850932 121.8 120.7 137.8 120.7 109 113 113.5
Hastings, NE 40.5862583 -98.3898726 93.4 103.7 89.1 94 87.6 85.8 95.6
Hattiesburg, MS 31.3271189 -89.2903392 91.9 100.5 74.6 110.3 96.9 95.4 96.2
Hays, KS 38.8791783 -99.3267702 89.4 92 78.8 92.4 97.5 90.7 94.2
Hickory, NC 35.7331878 -81.3411974 92.9 101.1 91.3 92.3 86.5 93.8 93
Hilton, Head, Island, SC 32.216316 -80.752608 114.1 111.4 119.8 100.4 101.6 110.7 118.5
Honolulu, HI 21.3069444 -157.8583333 165.7 160.1 249 146.6 126.2 120 117.9
Hot, Springs, AR 34.5037004 -93.0551795 93.8 97.3 85.3 95.7 85.6 84.8 102.9
Houston, TX 29.7601927 -95.3693896 92.2 85.1 82 97.7 99.2 94.6 99.9
Huntsville, AL 34.7303688 -86.5861037 91.2 94.9 78.7 86.1 99.7 92 99.8
Hutchinson, KS 38.0608445 -97.9297743 94 89 92.3 84.4 96.5 94.2 99.6
Idaho, Falls, ID 43.4916514 -112.0339645 90.6 99.5 78 84.9 102.1 93.2 96.3
Indiana, County, PA 40.6850762 -79.1096901 93.3 99.7 84.2 97.7 97.7 91.1 96.4
Indianapolis, IN 39.7685155 -86.1580736 87.2 91.4 73.4 86.7 100.5 93.6 93.1
Iowa, City, IA 41.6611277 -91.5301683 96.2 94.9 97.3 80.1 102.8 95.4 99
Ithaca, NY 42.4439614 -76.5018807 102.8 102.9 104.4 110.4 104.7 106.6 98.1
Jackson, MS 32.2987573 -90.1848103 96.9 93 94 118.1 92 95.7 96.1
Jackson-Madison, County, TN 35.6145169 -88.8139469 90.2 91.1 74.2 98.9 100 91.5 98.1
Jacksonville, FL 30.3321838 -81.655651 92.9 102.8 80 91.9 103.6 94.5 97.3
Jacksonville, NC 34.7540524 -77.4302414 96.5 103.2 88 99.2 97.8 101.2 99.6
Janesville, WI 42.6827885 -89.0187222 96.2 95 91.3 99.3 99.3 103.1 98.2
Jefferson, City, MO 38.5767017 -92.1735164 92.9 93.9 78.5 97.6 93.3 95 103.4
Johnson, City, TN 36.3134397 -82.3534727 86.7 92.3 74.4 89.1 91.7 91.5 92.6
Johnstown, PA 40.3267407 -78.9219698 92.9 97.7 79.4 101 101.6 90.4 98.1
Joliet-Will, County, IL 41.525031 -88.0817251 102.2 100.9 102.3 116.1 111.3 106.5 95.2
Jonesboro, AR 35.8422967 -90.704279 88.9 97.5 75.1 91.1 88.8 85.9 97.3
Joplin, MO 37.0842271 -94.513281 88.8 92.2 75.9 108.1 91.8 89.5 92
Juneau, AK 58.3019444 -134.4197222 136.5 133.1 165.7 135.1 121.2 144.4 116.1
Kalamazoo, MI 42.2917069 -85.5872286 91.2 95.6 81.3 101.8 99.4 92.5 92.4
Kalispell, MT 48.200531 -114.315102 98.8 116.3 95.5 82 103.6 104.8 97.8
Kansas, City, MO-KS 39.0653602 -94.5624426 97.8 94.8 89.2 99.8 100.8 97.2 105.1
Kennewick-Richland-Pasco, WA 46.1093145 -119.1994766 92.6 90.9 85.9 85.1 106.1 109.9 95.2
Kinston, NC 35.2626635 -77.5816353 93.8 102.5 76.1 108.8 96.7 102.9 99.3
Knoxville, TN 35.9606384 -83.9207392 89.4 91.4 82 95.1 84.2 88.4 95.1
Kodiak, AK 57.79 -152.4072222 128.7 149.4 127.8 131.9 143.4 130.7 115.4
Lafayette, IN 40.4167022 -86.8752869 98.2 95.6 82.4 116.5 106.2 116.3 102.7
Lafayette, LA 30.2240897 -92.0198427 99.2 93.5 110.1 81.2 104 88.8 97.3
Lake, Charles, LA 30.2265949 -93.2173758 97.4 99.8 103.4 89.5 97.1 84.4 95.4
Lake, Havasu, City, AZ 34.483901 -114.3224548 111.8 107 139.3 95.9 93.5 98 101.7
Lancaster, PA 40.0378755 -76.3055144 106.8 101.3 118.4 111 99.7 95.1 100.9
Laramie, WY 41.3113669 -105.5911007 97 105.1 102.3 90.5 91.6 97.5 92.7
Las, Cruces, NM 32.3199396 -106.7636538 100.6 103.7 104.4 93.7 99 96.5 99.1
Las, Vegas, NV 36.114646 -115.172816 101.9 106.8 94.1 97.7 104.9 109 106.2
Lawrence, KS 38.9716689 -95.2352501 94.6 89.1 96 91.9 96.2 97.5 95.6
Lawton, OK 34.6035669 -98.3959291 93.8 96.3 87 87.5 106.9 96.2 96.6
Lexington, KY 38.0405837 -84.5037164 92.8 86.9 88.7 93.9 97.6 93.7 97.1
Lexington-Buena, Vista-Rockbridge, VA 37.7486008 -79.2966929 93.7 92.1 97.8 94.3 91.2 90.7 91.7
Lima, OH 40.742551 -84.1052256 93.1 101.9 69.8 102.5 100.7 107.7 103.2
Little, Rock-North, Little, Rock, AR 34.7993018 -92.3021766 96.5 92.9 92.2 104.1 94 93.5 100.4
Logan, UT 41.7369803 -111.8338359 95.6 104.7 68.4 85.3 113.6 97.2 113.7
Los, Alamos, NM 35.8880796 -106.3069722 109.7 97.1 128.1 91.2 110.7 102.6 104.7
Los, Angeles-Long, Beach, CA 33.768321 -118.1956168 136.4 106 207.1 101.7 113.6 109.1 107
Louisville, KY 38.2526647 -85.7584557 87.7 81.6 78.7 99.1 96.9 87.2 91.9
Loveland, CO 40.3977612 -105.0749801 91 102.7 79.3 89.6 91.4 100.3 95.7
Lubbock, TX 33.5778631 -101.8551665 89.1 90 80.4 74.8 97.6 98.3 97.1
Lufkin, TX 31.3382406 -94.729097 92.4 87.8 83.4 98.7 94 105.5 98.3
Lynchburg, VA 37.4137536 -79.1422464 95.1 90.7 92.7 109.7 88.8 100.1 95.8
Manchester, NH 42.9956397 -71.4547891 116.8 102.3 117 124.5 100.1 116.1 125
Manhattan, KS 39.1836082 -96.5716694 95 92.5 98.7 86.9 99 91.6 94.4
Mankato, MN 44.1635775 -93.9993996 93 93.8 76.5 113.5 103.1 104.3 96.4
Marietta, GA 33.952602 -84.5499327 94.8 96.8 84.7 90.3 97.1 107.9 101.9
Marion-McDowell, County, NC 35.6840131 -82.0092745 92.1 103.1 87.9 94 89.5 96.3 90.9
Marshfield, WI 44.6688524 -90.1717987 94.2 95.3 92.2 99.9 96.8 103.6 91.7
Martinsburg-Berkeley, County, WV 39.4562099 -77.9638869 89.6 91.5 82.7 85.9 103.9 99.9 90.6
Martinsville-Henry, County, VA 36.6512619 -79.8744836 87.1 94 77.6 89.1 82.9 87.6 93.2
Mason, City, IA 43.1535728 -93.2010367 89.1 89.4 73.1 105.6 99.5 94.8 94.2
McAllen, TX 26.2034071 -98.2300124 85 79.8 77.6 103.1 92.4 97.9 84.3
Memphis, TN 35.1495343 -90.0489801 88.2 92.7 76.2 86.9 91.5 98.6 95.2
Miami-Dade, County, FL 25.7889689 -80.2264393 106 110.9 107.7 91.9 108.8 105.7 106.2
Middlesex-Monmouth, NJ 40.1246209 -74.4755294 124.8 108.9 154.1 128.6 103.9 108.9 112.2
Midland, TX 31.9973456 -102.0779146 93.2 89.7 89.2 93.4 95.7 98.7 96.6
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI 43.0389025 -87.9064736 101.9 98.1 112.7 98.6 99.2 108.1 94.8
Minneapolis, MN 44.983334 -93.26667 111 111.6 116.8 104.7 103.7 105.4 110.4
Minot, ND 48.2325095 -101.2962732 99.9 99.3 95.9 73.5 98.2 91 113.6
Missoula, MT 46.8605189 -114.019501 99.4 110.2 92.2 98.3 102.2 107.2 100.1
Mobile, AL 30.6943566 -88.0430541 92.7 102.7 80.4 104.4 93 86.5 96.7
Monroe, LA 32.5093109 -92.1193012 92.7 95.8 83 89.1 97.5 96 99.3
Montgomery, AL 32.3668052 -86.2999689 99.2 102.9 96 108.4 99.6 88 99.1
Morgantown, WV 39.629526 -79.9558968 100.6 93.9 111.9 89.9 100.7 96.1 97.1
Morristown, TN 36.2139814 -83.2948922 90.9 91.6 81.5 80.5 93.9 90.1 101.4
Muncie, IN 40.1933767 -85.3863599 91 91 80.3 98.5 94.5 87.4 97.6
Murfreesboro-Smyrna, TN 35.9470646 -86.487819 88.2 94.3 76.2 81 92.7 95.8 96.2
Muskogee, OK 35.7478769 -95.3696909 86 98 68.3 97.5 80.8 96.7 93.5
Myrtle, Beach, SC 33.6890603 -78.8866943 95.2 105.7 78.4 104.5 94.7 100.4 102.4
Nacogdoches, TX 31.6035129 -94.6554874 92.5 91 83.3 97.7 93.8 102.6 98
Nashville-Franklin, TN 36.0366153 -86.7868831 88.9 91.7 71.3 82.6 92.5 87.3 104.5
Nassau, County, NY 40.6546145 -73.5594128 145.7 123 206.7 140.7 113.1 119.7 115.3
New, Haven, CT 41.3081527 -72.9281577 122.1 117.9 134.9 123.5 106.3 112.7 117.9
New, York, NY 40.7841484 -73.9661407 185.8 137.7 311.8 168.9 110.7 119.9 129.7
Newark-Elizabeth, NJ 40.6639916 -74.2107006 129.7 111.6 168.5 129.2 103.9 103.1 113.9
Norman, OK 35.2225668 -97.4394777 94.4 95.3 88.7 91.6 104 96.6 96.8
Oakland, CA 37.8043637 -122.2711137 139.1 116.8 198.8 94.7 113.6 119.9 119
Odessa, TX 31.8456816 -102.3676431 90.9 91.2 88.1 88.8 93.6 96.6 92.4
Oklahoma, City, OK 35.4675602 -97.5164276 91.7 92.9 86 88.1 92.6 99.4 96.2
Olympia, WA 47.0378741 -122.9006951 104.1 107.4 102.2 82.1 114.9 120.5 106
Omaha, NE 41.2523634 -95.9979883 88.3 92 79.3 89.9 100 96.8 89.7
Orange, County, CA 33.7174708 -117.8311428 146.4 104.5 242.8 103.2 114.6 111.6 105.2
Orlando, FL 28.5383355 -81.3792365 97.8 97.8 85.4 108.5 101.8 95.5 104.5
Paducah, KY 37.0833893 -88.6000478 87.3 94.8 75.8 96.5 86.6 90.3 91.3
Palm, Springs, CA 33.8302961 -116.5452921 121.8 111.5 154.2 112.7 110.2 100.8 106.1
Panama, City, FL 30.1588129 -85.6602058 99.4 93.7 101.5 99.7 108.8 94.5 97.6
Paris, TX 33.6609389 -95.555513 88.9 93.6 80 87.4 94.1 94 93
Pascagoula, MS 30.3657552 -88.5561272 92.3 101 84.3 91.4 97.4 91.6 94.6
Peoria, IL 40.6936488 -89.5889864 96.3 93.4 95 97.2 101.4 95.8 96.8
Philadelphia, PA 39.952335 -75.163789 126.5 124.9 141.3 135.9 105.8 108.2 119.6
Phoenix, AZ 33.4483771 -112.0740373 100.7 108.1 90.4 96.6 108.9 108.8 104.6
Pittsburgh, PA 40.4406248 -79.9958864 91.5 104.1 74.4 97 105.9 90.1 95.8
Pittsfield, MA 42.4500845 -73.2453824 110.6 115 96.2 161.9 98.9 105 110
Plano, TX 33.0198431 -96.6988856 97.4 101.3 85.2 103.9 101.8 102.9 102.6
Plattsburgh, NY 44.6994873 -73.4529124 100.1 98.9 95.1 119.4 105.5 113 95.9
Ponca, City, OK 36.706981 -97.0855948 90 94.8 76.6 93 94.4 94.4 97
Portland, ME 43.661471 -70.2553259 116.5 101.8 143 102.9 111.8 109.7 105.5
Portland, OR 45.5234515 -122.6762071 111.3 105.8 130.8 87.1 105.8 113.6 105.1
Prescott-Prescott, Valley, AZ 34.6100243 -112.315721 103.7 95.2 118.1 91.8 100.3 97.8 99.7
Providence, RI 41.8239891 -71.4128343 123.3 113.4 129 129 102.5 113.2 128.1
Pryor, Creek, OK 36.2997222 -95.3138889 84.5 95 71.5 82.7 86.6 86 91.5
Pueblo, CO 38.2544472 -104.6091409 85.6 100.5 71.5 80.1 93.8 94.1 90.1
Quincy, IL 39.9356016 -91.4098726 95.5 97.4 94.5 95.5 94.2 99.8 95.5
Raleigh, NC 35.772096 -78.6386145 98.2 104.2 88.8 105.6 96.7 101 101.9
Reno-Sparks, NV 39.6537991 -119.7024095 101.1 105.4 101.5 91.2 107.3 101.8 100
Richmond, IN 39.8289369 -84.8902382 90.8 83.3 84.6 106.4 98.4 95.1 91.7
Richmond, VA 37.5407246 -77.4360481 104.5 103.6 103.2 113.9 100.8 112.6 103.2
Rio, Rancho, NM 35.2327544 -106.6630437 95.1 92 90.5 88.6 94.7 100.2 101.8
Riverside, City, CA 33.9533487 -117.3961564 112.5 104.9 136.3 99.9 113.4 104.4 99.1
Roanoke, VA 37.2709704 -79.9414266 94.1 89.7 92.2 104.1 91.1 97.9 94.8
Rochester, MN 44.0216306 -92.4698992 99.2 89.6 91.1 104.8 106.3 109.5 105
Rochester, NY 43.16103 -77.6109219 100 94.6 94.2 114.4 108.7 99.7 100.2
Rockford, IL 42.2711311 -89.0939952 92.4 92.6 74.7 111.2 105.8 103.3 96.8
Roswell, NM 33.3942655 -104.5230242 95.9 105.6 82.9 104.3 97.5 101.2 99.9
Round, Rock, TX 30.5082551 -97.678896 89.7 81.9 78 107 87.6 96.6 97.6
Sacramento, CA 38.5815719 -121.4943996 116.2 114.7 135.7 109.6 114.4 110.8 102.8
Salina, KS 38.8402805 -97.6114237 86.9 86.9 76 87 94.7 94.9 93.1
Salt, Lake, City, UT 40.7607793 -111.8910474 100.6 100.1 108 72.5 102.1 98.8 102.9
San, Angelo, TX 31.4637723 -100.4370375 92.4 89.3 84 106 97.6 96.7 94.9
San, Antonio, TX 29.4241219 -98.4936282 95.7 84.9 95.3 82.8 100.7 99.9 102.2
San, Diego, CA 32.7153292 -117.1572551 132.3 105.5 194.4 101.9 113.1 111.5 105.8
San, Francisco, CA 37.7749295 -122.4194155 164 111.9 281 94.5 113 117 124.3
San, Jose, CA 37.3393857 -121.8949555 156.1 115.3 260.3 137.2 114 119 103.6
San, Marcos, TX 29.8832749 -97.9413941 94.8 88.7 100.1 86.8 90.1 92.6 96.8
Sarasota, FL 27.3364347 -82.5306527 101.5 107.7 102.9 97.4 102.5 105.2 98.1
Savannah, GA 32.0835407 -81.0998342 93.5 94.7 84 94 98.4 99 99.1
Seattle, WA 47.6062095 -122.3320708 121.4 115.1 140.3 85.7 118.8 119.9 119.1
Seguin, TX 29.5688411 -97.9647269 90.7 90.7 78.5 103.8 95.6 96.9 95.1
Sheboygan, WI 43.7508284 -87.71453 101.4 94.3 97.5 117.3 105.9 105.5 100.8
Shreveport-Bossier, City, LA 32.5251516 -93.7501789 95.3 95.2 93.5 89.4 93.4 93.1 99.6
Sierra, Vista, AZ 31.5455001 -110.2772856 97.9 96.5 99.7 97.2 104 96.1 95.5
Sioux, Falls, SD 43.5499749 -96.700327 94.1 91.5 86.6 101.6 86.9 102.2 100.6
Slidell-St., Tammany, Parish, LA 30.2751945 -89.7811745 97 95.1 101 82.2 96.2 93.4 99.4
South, Bend, IN 41.6833813 -86.2500066 91.9 91.3 84.2 92.3 95.4 96.3 97.3
Spokane, WA 47.6587802 -117.4260466 93.9 92.4 85.7 89.5 109.1 110 96.5
Springfield, IL 39.7817213 -89.6501481 85.8 89.7 70.1 79.8 104.5 106.5 91.7
Springfield, MO 37.2089572 -93.2922989 88 93.2 76.8 83.2 96.8 95.3 93.8
St., Cloud, MN 45.5579451 -94.1632404 98.3 101.7 80.7 117.2 99.9 102 105.8
St., George, UT 37.0952778 -113.5780556 95.9 99.9 94.2 85.9 100.4 87.8 98.4
St., Joseph, MO 39.757944 -94.836541 92.3 95.4 86.5 93.7 90.1 94.9 96
St., Louis, MO-IL 38.6105426 -90.3371889 90.4 98.4 74.6 92.9 99 100.8 96.5
St., Paul, MN 44.9537029 -93.0899578 110 107 112.9 106.8 103.4 106.7 112.2
Stamford, CT 41.0534302 -73.5387341 146.9 121.8 212.6 121.3 110 113.3 122.1
Staunton-Augusta, County, VA 38.149576 -79.0716958 96.2 98.3 93.7 100 94.5 98.1 96.6
Stillwater, OK 36.1156071 -97.0583681 90.1 95.5 81.2 97.9 88.8 95.7 93.1
Sumter, SC 33.9204354 -80.3414693 96.3 103.4 90.2 108.4 97.8 91.3 95.3
Syracuse, NY 43.0481221 -76.1474244 101.5 98.6 91.4 118.4 108.3 97.8 104.8
Tacoma, WA 47.2528768 -122.4442906 109.5 111.3 116.6 83.1 109 115.1 110.2
Tampa, FL 27.950575 -82.4571776 92.4 96.3 84.7 93.8 103.3 98.4 93.4
Temple, TX 31.0982344 -97.342782 87.4 83.7 71.8 107.6 97.9 91.2 92.8
Thomasville-Lexington, NC 35.8240265 -80.2533838 89.2 105.5 77.2 80.7 88.8 109.1 93.5
Topeka, KS 39.0558235 -95.6890185 91.8 92.9 84 85.8 97.4 93.2 98.1
Troy-Miami, County, OH 40.0394982 -84.2032767 95.4 96.4 83.9 123.3 99.2 89.2 96.2
Truckee-Nevada, County, CA 39.327962 -120.1832533 146.9 132.2 208.3 114.3 121.5 112 120.5
Tucson, AZ 32.2217429 -110.926479 96.5 97.2 91.9 86.7 104.6 99.2 100.5
Tulsa, OK 36.1539816 -95.992775 88.4 91.9 66.5 95.2 99.1 94.6 100.5
Tupelo, MS 34.2576066 -88.7033859 88.1 91.1 72.3 110.1 93.8 86.6 92.7
Tuscaloosa, AL 33.2098407 -87.5691735 94.6 104.9 80.6 105.9 102.8 90.2 97.4
Twin, Falls, ID 42.5629668 -114.4608711 91.5 95.5 81.4 97 99.2 93.3 94.6
Tyler, TX 32.3512601 -95.3010624 96.3 92.7 91.5 102.1 100.2 93.1 99.3
Valdosta, GA 30.8327022 -83.2784851 94.1 111.8 85.3 89 96.7 102.2 94.5
Vancouver, WA 45.6387281 -122.6614861 94.8 96.9 82.2 91.8 106.1 114.3 100.1
Vero, Beach-Indian, River, FL 27.6386434 -80.3972736 97.4 109.1 83.5 104.5 97.8 97.7 102.5
Waco, TX 31.549333 -97.1466695 88.9 81.8 88.5 85.3 97.6 90.9 90.5
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA 38.8951118 -77.0363658 140.1 107.9 226.4 97.3 109.3 103.4 103.7
Waterloo-Cedar, Falls, IA 42.5102632 -92.3862973 91.7 89.5 89.6 88.2 99.4 95.9 92.8
Wausau, WI 44.9591352 -89.6301221 96.5 100 89.6 98.4 97.5 101.3 99.7
Weatherford, TX 32.7592955 -97.7972544 91.4 95.9 79.7 107.4 96.2 93.1 93.3
Wichita, Falls, TX 33.9137085 -98.4933873 86.5 91.9 84 84.4 82.5 94.5 87.4
Wichita, KS 37.6888889 -97.3361111 91.8 90.5 83.6 89.7 100.6 96.7 97.1
Williamsport-Lycoming, Co, PA 41.2411897 -77.0010786 100.7 103.5 96.3 127.7 91.8 92.6 98.9
Wilmington, DE 39.7458333 -75.5466667 105.2 108.1 102 115.4 98.6 108.7 105.2
Wilmington, NC 34.2257255 -77.9447102 98.8 108 89.7 108.5 97.6 100.1 100.3
Winchester, VA-WV 39.3167232 -78.3842227 102.3 104.6 94.5 98.2 96.8 105 110.9
Winston-Salem, NC 36.0998596 -80.244216 92.4 98.5 82.9 88.5 83.3 99.3 101.5
Wooster, OH 40.8050565 -81.935143 92.6 99.5 72.1 123.4 103 94.6 95.2
Yakima, WA 46.6020711 -120.5058987 95.8 99.8 86.9 86.8 105.5 117.1 99.2
York, County, PA 39.9512496 -76.7336521 102.1 98.4 106 102.6 97.7 96.8 102
Youngstown-Warren, OH 41.0799329 -80.6632103 90.4 92.6 77.7 110.2 92.4 86.9 94.4
Yuma, AZ 32.6926512 -114.6276916 101.2 107.4 96.4 112.2 104.6 107.8 97.6
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fill: #8FBCDB;
#circles {
fill: steelblue;
fill-opacity: .8;
stroke: #fff;
.tipsy { pointer-events: none; font-size: 12px; position: absolute; padding: 5px; z-index: 100000; margin-left: -50px; }
.tipsy-inner { background-color: #539DC2; color: #FFF; max-width: 200px; padding: 5px 8px 4px 8px; text-align: left; }
/* Rounded corners */
.tipsy-inner { border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; }
/*Uncomment for shadow */
/*.tipsy-inner { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000; }
.tipsy-arrow { position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; line-height: 0; border: 5px dashed #000; }
/* Rules to colour arrows */
.tipsy-arrow-n { border-bottom-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-s { border-top-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-e { border-left-color: #000; }
.tipsy-arrow-w { border-right-color: #000; }
.tipsy-n .tipsy-arrow { top: 0px; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-nw .tipsy-arrow { top: 0; left: 10px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;}
.tipsy-ne .tipsy-arrow { top: 0; right: 10px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-top: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent;}
.tipsy-s .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-sw .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; left: 10px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-se .tipsy-arrow { bottom: 0; right: 10px; border-top-style: solid; border-bottom: none; border-left-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-e .tipsy-arrow { right: 0; top: 50%; margin-top: -5px; border-left-style: solid; border-right: none; border-top-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; }
.tipsy-w .tipsy-arrow { left: 0; top: 50%; margin-top: -5px; border-right-style: solid; border-left: none; border-top-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; }
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