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Last active May 30, 2022 10:51
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quick sort
#lang racket/base
(require racket/match
(define (is l)
(define (insert x ys)
(match ys
[(list) (list x)]
[(cons y rst) (cond [(< x y) (cons x ys)]
[else (cons y (insert x rst))])]))
(foldl insert '() l))
(define/match (qs l)
[('()) '()]
[(l) #:when (<= (length l) 6) (is l)]
[(_) (define p (random-ref l))
(append (qs (filter (λ (e) (< e p)) l))
(list p)
(qs (filter (λ (e) (> e p)) l)))])
(define l (sequence->list (in-range 1000000)))
(define tl (shuffle l))
(for ([i (in-range 1)])
(equal? (qs tl) l)))
(define/match (q3 l)
[('()) '()]
[(l) #:when (<= (length l) 6) (is l)]
(define index (+ (random (add1 (quotient (length lst) 2)))
(random (add1 (quotient (length lst) 2)))))
(define pivot (list-ref lst (max 0 (sub1 index))))
(append (q3 (filter (λ (x) (< x pivot)) lst))
(list pivot)
(q3 (filter (λ (x) (> x pivot)) lst)))])
(for ([i (in-range 1)])
(equal? (q3 tl) l)))
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dannypsnl commented Jan 25, 2022

list length qs q3
10000 9.16ms 4.6ms
100000 116.4ms 60.3ms
1000000 1653.7ms 945.6ms

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