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Last active November 18, 2022 12:00
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simple polymorphic type checker in haskell
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Tyck
( Term (..),
Type (..),
-- typechecking monad
type M = Either String
-- report error in monad
report :: String -> M a
report = Left
type Name = String
type Context = [(Name, Type)]
emptyContext :: Context
emptyContext = []
-- solution is a map from free type variables to its solution: here is a type
type Solution = [(Int, Type)]
emptySolution :: Solution
emptySolution = []
data Type
= TFree Int
| Type :-> Type
| TInt
| TBool
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Term
= EVar Name
| -- lam x. M
ELam Name Term
| -- M @ N
Term :@ Term
| EInt Int
| -- M + N
-- where M, N : Int
Term :+ Term
| EBool Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
topInfer :: Term -> M Type
topInfer tm = do
r <- infer emptyContext tm
solve r
solve :: (Type, Solution) -> M Type
solve (TFree i, sol) = case lookup i sol of
Nothing -> report $ "cannot solve " ++ show (TFree i)
Just ty -> return ty
solve (t1 :-> t2, sol) = do
t1' <- solve (t1, sol)
t2' <- solve (t2, sol)
return $ t1' :-> t2'
solve (ty, _) = return ty
infer :: Context -> Term -> M (Type, Solution)
infer ctx = \case
EVar x -> case lookup x ctx of
Nothing -> report $ "Name not found: " ++ x
Just ty -> return (ty, emptySolution)
ELam x e -> do
let xty = TFree (length ctx)
(ety, sol) <- infer ((x, xty) : ctx) e
return (xty :-> ety, sol)
a :@ b -> do
(aty, _) <- infer ctx a
case aty of
l :-> r -> do
sol <- check ctx l b
return (r, sol)
_ -> report "non-appliable"
EInt _ -> return (TInt, emptySolution)
a :+ b -> do
sol1 <- check ctx TInt a
sol2 <- check ctx TInt b
return (TInt, sol1 ++ sol2)
EBool _ -> return (TBool, emptySolution)
check :: Context -> Type -> Term -> M Solution
check ctx ty tm = do
(ty', sol) <- infer ctx tm
unify sol ty ty'
unify :: Solution -> Type -> Type -> M Solution
unify solution t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of
(TFree i, ty) -> do
occurs i ty
return $ (i, ty) : solution
(_, TFree _) -> unify solution t2 t1
(a1 :-> a2, b1 :-> b2) -> do
sol1 <- unify solution a1 b1
unify sol1 a2 b2
_ ->
if t1 == t2
then return solution
else report $ "fail to unify: " ++ show t1 ++ " and " ++ show t2
occurs :: Int -> Type -> M ()
occurs idx ty = case ty of
TFree _ -> report $ show ty ++ " occurs in " ++ show (TFree idx)
t1 :-> t2 -> occurs idx t1 *> occurs idx t2
_ -> return ()
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