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Forked from wilbowma/macro-expanders.rkt
Created April 8, 2021 12:01
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#lang racket
(require cpsc411/compiler-lib)
(module+ a
;; Compiler style
(define (expand e)
(define (expand-expr e)
(match e
[`(and ,e1 ,e2)
`(if ,(expand-expr e1) ,(expand-expr e2) #f)]
[`(or ,e1 ,e2)
`(let ([x ,(expand-expr e1)]) (if x x ,(expand-expr e2)))]
[`(begin ,e ,es ...)
(for/fold ([tail '(void)])
([e (cons e es)])
`(let ([_ ,(expand-expr e)])
[_ e]))
(expand-expr e))
(displayln "Expander, Compiler Style, oh oh oh") ; 근육보다 사상이 울퉁불퉁한 사나이
(expand '(or #t #f))
(expand '(and #t #f))
(expand '(begin #t #f)))
;; Well that's going to get old real fast.
;; Let's try some abstraction.
(module+ b
;; Exogenous macro expansion
;; recursive style
;; ignores all binding
;; macro definition language is host language
(define (expander env e)
(match e
[`(,op ,es ...)
[(dict-ref env op #f) => (lambda (f) (f e))]
[else `(,(expander env op) ,@(map (curry expander env) es))])]
[_ e]))
(define macros-1
`((and . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e1 ,e2)
`(if ,e1 ,e2 #f)])))
(or . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e1 ,e2)
`(let ([x ,e1])
(if x x ,e2))])))
(begin . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(begin ,es ...)
(for/fold ([tail '(void)])
([e es])
`(let ([_ ,e])
(displayln "Exogenous recursive style")
(displayln "Attempt 1")
(expander macros-1 '(and #t #f))
(expander macros-1 '(or #t #f))
(expander macros-1 '(begin #t #f))
(define macros-2
`((and . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)])))
(or . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([x ,e]) (if x x (or ,@es)))])))
(begin . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(begin ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([_ ,e])
(begin ,@es))])))))
(displayln "Attempt 2")
(expander macros-2 '(and #t #f))
(expander macros-2 '(or #t #f))
(expander macros-2 '(begin #t #f))
(define (expand env e [bound 14])
(let ([x (expander env e)])
(if (or (equal? x e)
(zero? bound))
(expand env x (sub1 bound)))))
(displayln "Attempt 3")
(expand macros-2 '(and #t #f))
(expand macros-2 '(or #t #f))
(expand macros-2 '(begin #t #f)))
(module+ c
;; Exogenous macro expansion
;; open-recursive style
;; ignores all binding
;; macro definition language is host language
(define (expander env e)
(match e
[`(,op ,es ...)
[(dict-ref env op #f)
(lambda (f)
(expander env (f e)))]
[else `(,(expander env op) ,@(map (curry expander env) es))])]
[_ e]))
(define macros-1
`((and . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)])))
(or . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([x ,e]) (if x x (or ,@es)))])))
(begin . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(begin ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([_ ,e])
(begin ,@es))])))))
(displayln "Attempt 1")
(expander macros-1 '(and #t #f))
(expander macros-1 '(or #t #f))
(expander macros-1 '(begin #t #f))
(define macros-2
`((aif . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(aif ,p ,t ,f)
`(let ([it ,p])
(if it ,t ,f))])))
(and . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)])))
(or . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(aif ,e it (or ,@es))])))
(begin . ,(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(begin ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([_ ,e])
(begin ,@es))])))))
(displayln "Attempt 2")
(expander macros-2 '(and #t #f))
(expander macros-2 '(or #t #f))
(expander macros-2 '(begin #t #f))
(define env (box '()))
(define (define-macro! sym def)
(set-box! env (dict-set (unbox env) sym def)))
(define (expand e)
(expander (unbox env) e))
(define-macro! 'aif (dict-ref macros-2 'aif))
(define-macro! 'or (dict-ref macros-2 'or))
(define-macro! 'and (dict-ref macros-2 'and))
(define-macro! 'begin (dict-ref macros-2 'begin))
(define-macro! 'let* (lambda (e)
(match e
[`(let* () ,e)
[`(let* ([,x ,e1] ,binds ...) ,tail)
`(let ([,x ,e1]) (let* ,binds ,tail))])))
(displayln "Final Exogenous Expander")
(expand '(let* ([x 6] [y x]) y)))
(module+ d
;; Endogenous macro expansion
;; open-recursive style
;; ignores all binding
;; macro definition language in object language!
(define (expand e)
(define (expander env e)
(match e
;; Going to add a local version to avoid dealing with the top-level, but
;; you can imagine how to add the top-level.
[`(let-syntax ([,x ,def]) ,e)
(expander (dict-set env x (compile-to-host-language def)) e)]
[`(,op ,es ...)
[(dict-ref env op #f)
(lambda (f)
(expander env (f e)))]
[else `(,op ,@(map (curry expander env) es))])]
[_ e]))
;; Syntax -> procedure?
(define (compile-to-host-language e)
;; Oh it's an interpreter
(eval e (module->namespace 'racket)))
(expander '() e))
(displayln "Endogenous expander")
(expand '(let-syntax ([and (lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)]))])
(and #f #t)))
(displayln "Macro-generating macros")
(expand '(let-syntax ([let-syntax*
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(let-syntax* () ,e)
[`(let-syntax* ([,x ,def] ,binds ...) ,e)
`(let-syntax ([,x ,def])
(let-syntax* (,@binds) ,e))]))])
(let-syntax* ([and
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)]))]
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(aif ,p ,t ,f)
`(let ([it ,p])
(if it ,t ,f))]))]
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(aif e it (or ,@es))]))])
(or #f #t))))
(expand '(let-syntax ([let-inline
(lambda (stx)
(match stx
[`(let-inline ([,x ,lam]) ,e)
`(let-syntax ([,x (lambda (stx)
(match stx
[`(,_ ,es ...)
(let ([lam ',lam])
`(,lam ,@es))]))])
(let-inline ([x (lambda (y) y)])
(x 5))))
(displayln "The hygiene problem")
(expand '(let-syntax ([or
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(let ([tmp ,e])
(if tmp tmp (or ,@es)))]))])
(or #f 6)
(let ([tmp 6])
(or #f tmp))))))
;; Well, we could just use 'fresh' in our macros everywhere...
;; OR overengineer the h*ck out of our macro system to always do the right
;; thing, unless we explicitly tell it to break binding safety.
(module+ e
;; Endogenous macro expansion
;; open-recursive style
;; ignores all binding
;; macro definition language in object language!
(define (expand e)
(define (expander env e)
(match e
[`(let-syntax ([,x ,def]) ,e)
(expander (dict-set env x (compile-to-host-language def)) e)]
[`(,op ,es ...)
[(dict-ref env op #f)
(lambda (f)
(expander env (f e)))]
[else `(,op ,@(map (curry expander env) es))])]
[_ e]))
;; Syntax -> procedure?
(define (compile-to-host-language e)
;; Oh it's an interpreter
(eval e (module->namespace 'racket)))
(expander '() e))
(displayln "Endogenous expander")
(expand '(let-syntax ([and (lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)]))])
(and #f #t)))
(displayln "Macro-generating macros")
(expand '(let-syntax ([let-syntax*
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(let-syntax* () ,e)
[`(let-syntax* ([,x ,def] ,binds ...) ,e)
`(let-syntax ([,x ,def])
(let-syntax* (,@binds) ,e))]))])
(let-syntax* ([and
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(and ,e)
[`(and ,e ,es ...)
`(if ,e (and ,@es) #f)]))]
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(aif ,p ,t ,f)
`(let ([it ,p])
(if it ,t ,f))]))]
(lambda (x)
(match x
[`(or ,e)
[`(or ,e ,es ...)
`(aif e it (or ,@es))]))])
(or #f #t))))
(expand '(let-syntax ([let-inline
(lambda (stx)
(match stx
[`(let-inline ([,x ,lam]) ,e)
`(let-syntax ([,x (lambda (stx)
(match stx
[`(,_ ,es ...)
(let ([lam ',lam])
`(,lam ,@es))]))])
(let-inline ([x (lambda (y) y)])
(x 5))))
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