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Last active December 18, 2015 01:28
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google oauth2 login
def get_access_token(request):
token = request.GET.get('token', None)
if not token:
return HttpResponse('error')
users = GlassUser.Query.all().eq(token=token)
user = None
for item in users:
user = item
if not user:
return HttpResponse('error')
access_token = get_new_access_token(user.refresh_token)
response_dict = {}
response_dict['access_token'] = access_token
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response_dict))
import requests
import urllib
authenticate_url = ''
access_token_url = ''
def google_login(request):
scope = urllib.quote('')
url = '%s?client_id=%s&response_type=code&scope=%s&access_type=offline&redirect_uri=%s%s' % (authenticate_url, settings.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, scope, settings.DOMAIN, reverse('callback'))
return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
def google_callback(request):
code = request.GET.get('code','')
domain = settings.DOMAIN
redirect_uri = urllib2.quote('%s%s' % (domain, reverse('callback')))
params = 'client_id=%s&client_secret=%s&grant_type=authorization_code&code=%s&redirect_uri=%s' % (settings.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, settings.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, code, redirect_uri)
r = request.get(access_token_url, params=params)
json_response = r.json()
access_token = json_response['access_token']
refresh_token = None
if 'refresh_token' in json_response:
refresh_token = json_response['refresh_token']
email = get_email(access_token)
users = GlassUser.Query.all().eq(email=email)
if users.count() == 0:
user = GlassUser(email=email)
user.token = User.objects.make_random_password(length=16)
for item in users:
user = item
user.access_token = access_token
if refresh_token:
user.refresh_token = refresh_token
subscription_id = create_subscription(access_token, email)
user.subscription_id = subscription_id
return HttpResponse('Signed up!')
def get_email(access_token):
url = ''
headers = {Authorization' : 'OAuth %s' % access_token}
r =, headers=headers)
json_response = r.json()
email = json_response['data']['email']
return email
def google_receive(request):
if not request.body:
notification = Notification(email="testing")
return HttpResponse('error')
json_response = simplejson.loads(request.body)
timeline_id = json_response['itemId']
email = json_response['userToken']
notification = Notification(email=email)
users = GlassUser.Query.all().eq(email=email)
user = None
for item in users:
user = item
if not user:
return HttpResponse('error')
access_token = get_new_access_token(user.refresh_token)
url = '' % (timeline_id, access_token)
r = requests.get(url)
json_response = r.json()
if 'attachments' in json_response and len(json_response['attachments']) > 0:
attachment_id = json_response['attachments'][0]['id']
return HttpResponse('error')
attachment_exists = TimelineAttachment.Query.all().where(timeline_id=timeline_id, attachment_id=attachment_id, email=email).count() > 0
if not attachment_exists:
attachment = TimelineAttachment(timeline_id=timeline_id, attachment_id=attachment_id, email=email)
devices = Device.Query.all().eq(email=email)
for device in devices:
response = send_notification(device.gcm_registration_id, timeline_id, attachment_id)
notification.response = response
return HttpResponse('done')
def send_notification(registration_id, timeline_id, attachment_id):
url = ''
payload = {'registration_ids' : [registration_id], 'data' : {'timeline_id' : timeline_id, 'attachment_id' : attachment_id}}
headers = {'content-type' : 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'key=%s' % settings.GOOGLE_API_KEY}
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))
return r.text
import json
def create_contact(access_token):
base_url = ''
url = '%s%s' % (base_url, settings.GLASS_CONTACT_ID)
params = {'access_token' : access_token}
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
json_response = r.json()
already_exists = False
if 'error' in json_response:
#already exists
url = base_url
already_exists = True
payload = { "id": settings.GLASS_CONTACT_ID
, "displayName": settings.GLASS_CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME
, "imageUrls": [""]
, "acceptTypes" : ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'
, 'Authorization' : 'Bearer %s' % access_token}
if already_exists:
r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
def create_subscription(access_token, email):
url = ''
payload = {'collection' : 'timeline'
, 'userToken' : email
, 'operation' : ['INSERT', 'UPDATE']
, 'callbackUrl' : settings.GLASS_SUBSCRIPTION_CALLBACK_URL }
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'
, 'Authorization' : 'Bearer %s' % access_token}
r =, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers)
return r.json()['id']
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