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Last active November 28, 2023 13:40
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  • Save dannysteenman/6d65754d78a5020f2395446044f5e0f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Inspired by aicommmits, this script automates the creation of a GitHub pull request, identifying the branch to merge from, generating a title and body based on conventional commit guidelines, and optionally linking a JIRA ticket.
# Exit on error and uninitialized variables
set -euo pipefail
# Function to check if a command exists and instruct on installation if it doesn't
command_exists() {
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Error: $1 is not installed. Please install it to proceed."
exit 1
# Check for required commands
for cmd in git gum gh mods; do
command_exists "$cmd"
# Get the default branch from the specified remote repository
get_default_branch() {
local default_branch
default_branch=$(git remote show origin | grep 'HEAD branch' | cut -d' ' -f5)
echo "$default_branch"
# Get the current Git branch
get_current_branch() {
local current_branch
current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
echo "$current_branch"
# Get a list of local branches without slashes, with the default branch first
get_branches_without_slash() {
local default_branch branches_without_slash current_branch="$1"
# Get all branches, trim leading spaces, and exclude any branches with slashes or the current branch
branches_without_slash=$(git branch --list | sed 's/^\*//; s/^[[:space:]]*//; /^[^/]*$/!d' | grep -v "^$current_branch$" | grep -v "^$default_branch$")
# Check if branches_without_slash is empty
if [[ -z "$branches_without_slash" ]]; then
# If branches_without_slash is empty, only echo the default branch
# If branches_without_slash is not empty, prepend the default branch
branches_without_slash=$(echo -e "$default_branch\n$branches_without_slash")
echo "$branches_without_slash"
# Function to extract JIRA ticket number from a branch name
extract_jira_ticket_from_branch() {
local branch_name="$1"
# This regex looks for a pattern of 2 to 6 letters followed by a hyphen and numbers,
# and it must be either at the start of the string or follow a non-letter character.
local jira_ticket_pattern='(^|[^a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]{2,6})-([0-9]+)$'
# Check if the branch name contains a JIRA ticket pattern
if [[ $branch_name =~ $jira_ticket_pattern ]]; then
# Extract the JIRA ticket prefix and number from the branch name
local ticket_prefix="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
local ticket_number="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
# Convert the ticket prefix to uppercase
ticket_prefix=$(echo "$ticket_prefix" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
# Ensure that the prefix does not contain numbers and is between 2 and 6 letters
if [[ ${#ticket_prefix} -ge 2 && ${#ticket_prefix} -le 6 ]]; then
# Return the ticket number in uppercase
echo "${ticket_prefix}-$ticket_number"
echo ""
echo ""
# Generate PR title and body
generate_pr_info() {
local current_branch branches merge_to_branch
branches=$(get_branches_without_slash "$current_branch")
# Prompt the user for the branch they want to merge to, with the default as a fallback
merge_to_branch=$(gum choose --header="Select the branch you wish to merge to:" $branches)
local diff_output
if ! diff_output=$(git diff "$merge_to_branch"..); then
echo "Error obtaining git diff from branch $merge_to_branch. Exiting."
exit 1
local type scope pr_title_prefix pr_summary pr_body
# Using the Conventional Commit format
type=$(gum choose --header="Select the type of Pull Request:" "feat" "fix" "chore" "docs" "style" "refactor" "test" "revert")
scope=$(gum input --placeholder "Scope (optional)")
# Since the scope is optional, wrap it in parentheses if it has a value.
[[ -n "$scope" ]] && scope="($scope)"
local jira_ticket default_jira_ticket
default_jira_ticket=$(extract_jira_ticket_from_branch "$current_branch")
if [[ -n "$default_jira_ticket" ]]; then
jira_ticket=$(gum input --header "Enter JIRA ticket number (found from branch: $default_jira_ticket)" --value "$default_jira_ticket")
jira_ticket=$(gum input --header "Enter JIRA ticket number (optional)" --placeholder "CCLRTN-1234")
echo "Generating Pull Request title..."
pr_summary=$(echo "$diff_output" | mods --no-cache "create a Pull Request title. Only return the title and the first word should start with a lowercase letter.")
pr_title="$pr_title_prefix: $pr_summary"
echo -e "\nGenerating Pull Request body..."
pr_body=$(echo "$diff_output" | mods --no-cache --format "create a Pull Request body. Only return the following sections in the body: summary, explanation, list of most notable changes per component. For the syntax: The format of these sections start at heading level 2." --max-tokens 650)
# Append JIRA ticket link to the PR body if provided
if [[ -n "$jira_ticket" ]]; then
pr_body+=$'\n\n' # Append two newlines
pr_body+="## Reference"$'\n' # Append "## Reference" with a newline
pr_body+="[Jira userstory link: $jira_ticket]($jira_ticket)" # Append the JIRA ticket link
# echo "Generating a Pull Request from branch: $current_branch to: $merge_to_branch"
gh pr create \
--title "$pr_title" \
--body "$pr_body" \
--base "$merge_to_branch"
# Main script execution starts here
generate_pr_info "$@"
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