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Dan Wilcox danomatika

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#! /bin/sh
# build nn~ external for puredata on macOS using libtorch from homebrew:
# 1. clone nn_tilde
# 2. install libtorch via homebrew: brew install libtorch
# 3. place this in the nn_tilde directory and make executable:
# chmod +x
# 4. run: ./
danomatika /
Created July 29, 2022 17:08
script to download and build the nn~ Pure Data external
#! /bin/sh
# download and build nn~ external for puredata on macOS:
# notes:
# * binary external is placed in root dir
# * there doesn't appear to be a help file
# * on M1 machines. Pd has to be run in Rosetta using x86_64 arch, ie.
# arch -X86_64 /Applications/
danomatika / check-for-src-pattern
Last active January 22, 2021 13:55
a simple script to check for a given string pattern in any .c, .h, .cpp, .cxx, .m, .mm, etc source files in the current directory and any subdirectories
#! /bin/bash
# simple script to check for a given string pattern in any
# .c, .h, .cpp, .cxx, .m, .mm, etc source files
# you can pass your own list of extensions/file patterns as well:
# check-for-src-pattern . "foo" .h .cpp .py .sh Makefile
# Dan Wilcox <> 2014, 2016
danomatika / Makefile.iphone
Created July 2, 2013 17:15
FreeImage Makefile for iOS updated for newer version of XCode, tested with OSX 10.8 & XCode 4.6
# Configuration for iPhone OS, builds static libs for iOS and the iOSSimulator
# You can make a fat lib (iOS + iOSSimulator) using lipo:
# lipo -c libfreeimage-simulator.a libfreeimage-armv7.a -o libfreeimage.a
# Example: build & link fat lib for armv6, armv7, armv7s, & simulator
# make -f Makefile.iphone
# sed -i tmp "s|ARCH_PHONE =.*|ARCH_PHONE = armv7s|" Makefile.iphone
# make -f Makefile.iphone
danomatika / Makefile.osx
Created July 2, 2013 17:13
FreeImage Makefile for Mac OSX updated to build 32/64 bit fat libs, tested with OSX 10.8 & XCode 4.6
# Configuration for Max OSX, builds fat 32/64 bit static & dynamic libs
include Makefile.srcs
# Update this based on your installed SDKs
# Find SDK path via xcode-select, backwards compatible with Xcode vers < 4.5
MACOSX_SYSROOT = $(shell xcode-select -print-path)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$(MACOSX_SDK).sdk
danomatika / say-result
Last active December 19, 2015 06:19
small script for Mac OSX which speaks the result of a given command, useful for knowing when a long build is finished
#! /bin/bash
# say-result: speaks the result of a given command
# put this in a location that is added to the shell bin path
# usage: say-result [command & options]
# examples:
# say-result make
# say-result false