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Created October 22, 2018 22:44
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class Solution:
def setZeroes(self, matrix):
:type matrix: List[List[int]]
:rtype: void Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead.
row_0 = col_0 = False
# step 1: iterate through matrix and set 0 markers in 1st row and col (except top left)
for row_idx, row in enumerate(matrix):
for col_idx, val in enumerate(row):
if val == 0:
# set 0 marker
if col_idx == 0:
col_0 = True
matrix[0][col_idx] = 0
if row_idx == 0:
row_0 = True
matrix[row_idx][0] = 0
print('step 1')
# step 2: iterate through 1st row and col and propogate 0s (except top left)
for idx, val in enumerate(matrix[0]):
if idx == 0:
if val == 0:
# propogate 0s down
for row in matrix[1:]:
row[idx] = 0
print('step 2 row')
for idx, row in enumerate(matrix):
if idx == 0:
if row[0] == 0:
matrix[idx] = [0 for _ in range(len(row))]
print('step 2 col')
# step 3: propogate top left
if row_0:
matrix[0] = [0 for _ in range(len(matrix[0]))]
if col_0:
for row in matrix:
row[0] = 0
print('step 3')
a = Solution()
input_matrix = [
[1, 0, 3]
# print(input_matrix)
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