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Created September 3, 2013 23:50
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Old CodeIgniter libraries.
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Additional custom CodeIgniter Inflector Helpers
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Helpers
* @category Helpers
* @author Daniel Ott
* @link
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return the Twitter-style "relative time"
* Returns time() or its GMT equivalent based on the config file preference
* @access public
* @param integer Unix timestamp
* @return string
* @todo Add future date support with "seconds away", "days away", etc.
if ( ! function_exists('relative_time'))
function relative_time($then)
// Need the date helper for the now() function
$CI =& get_instance();
$diff = now() - strtotime($then);
// If then is before now, $diff will be positive, and $then is in the past
// If now is before then, $diff will be negative, and $then is in the future
$direction = ($diff > 0) ? "ago" : "away";
$diff = abs($diff);
// It's a matter of seconds!
if ($diff<60)
return $diff . " " . pluralize("second", $diff) . " " . $direction;
// It's a matter of minutes!
$diff = round($diff/60);
if ($diff<60)
return $diff . " " . pluralize("minute", $diff) . " " . $direction;
// It's a matter of hours!
$diff = round($diff/60);
if ($diff<24)
return $diff . " " . pluralize("hour", $diff) . " " . $direction;
// It's a matter of days!
$diff = round($diff/24);
if ($diff<7)
return $diff . " " . pluralize("day", $diff) . " " . $direction;
// It's a matter of weeks!
$diff = round($diff/7);
if ($diff<4)
return $diff . " " . pluralize("week", $diff) . " " . $direction;
// Forget about months and years, just say the date.
return "on " . date("F j, Y", strtotime($then));
* Pluralize a singular word
* CodeIgniter's built in inflector gives us a plural() function.
* This is simply a wrapper around that, that does the actual pluralization
* based on a passed in parameter of how many we're dealing with.
* @access public
* @param string
* @param integer
* @param string
* @return string
if( ! function_exists('pluralize'))
function pluralize($singular_word, $how_many = 2, $irregular_plural = null)
return ($how_many == 1) ? $singular_word : ((isset($irregular_plural)) ? $irregular_plural : plural($singular_word));
/* End of file MY_inflector_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/helpers/MY_inflector_helper.php */
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter MY_Loader Class
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @author Daniel Ott
* @version 0.1
* @link
* In a default implementation of CodeIgniter, just drop this file in
* ~/system/application/libraries/, and it will be completely ready to work.
* We'll use one file extension globally. If someone has other needs they can
* change this or build on the library.
if (!defined('XHR_EXTENSION')) define('XHR_EXTENSION', 'json');
class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader {
function MY_Loader() {
* Set an internal variable to know if the current controller request
* was made with XmlHttpRequest.
* Found at:
$this->is_xhr = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == "XMLHttpRequest");
* This function has been modified in MY_Loader to automatically load the
* JSON version of a view, if the request was made through XMLHTTPRequest.
* Example $this->load->view('home/create_event') would originally load
* home/create_event.php, now it would open home/create_event.json.php
* @access public
* @param string
* @param array
* @param bool
* @param bool
* @return void
* @todo Optional fourth parameter that would override this functionality
function view($view, $vars = array(), $return = FALSE, $ignore_xhr = FALSE)
// Only overloading things that are requested with XmlHttpRequest
if($this->is_xhr && !$ignore_xhr)
* Build the modified view's path in the most forgiving way. This
* will create the correct path if the .php extension is included
* or left out of the original call to $this->load->view()
$modified_view = pathinfo($view, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . "/" . pathinfo($view, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . "." . XHR_EXTENSION . ".php";
* Overloading the view will only take place if the new view file
* actually exists. Haven't tested this extensively in the field,
* may have to cut this part if there are performance hits.
if( file_exists($this->_ci_view_path . $modified_view) )
log_message('debug', 'My_Loader detected XHR and a corresponding template. Now loading view: ' . $modified_view);
$view = $modified_view;
// Call as usual, the original or modified view.
return parent::view($view, $vars, $return);
/* End of file MY_Loader.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/libraries/My_Loader.php */
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