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Created October 8, 2016 23:37
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Alexander, Lamar Senator TN voteForNominee 05/05/2016 politico asserts a000360.jpg
Ayotte, Kelly Senator NH voteForNominee 04/05/2016 As she's said from the beginning, Kelly plans to support the nominee." Later Wednesday morning, however, spokeswoman Johnson added: "As a candidate herself, she hasn't and isn't planning to endorse anyone in this cycle." antiTrump 08/10/2016 I will not vote for Donald Trump. a000368.jpg
Barrasso, John Senator WY voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "No matter who we nominate, they're going to be better for Wyoming than Hillary Clinton or whoever the Democrats nominate." Also: "I'm going to continue to support the ticket." b001261.jpg
Blunt, Roy Senator MO voteForNominee 09/05/2016 "I'm for the nominee, but mostly I'm focused on the Senate race in Missouri." b000575.jpg
Boozman, John Senator AR voteForNominee 03/04/2016 "I'll support the candidate, regardless of who we pick, whether it's Donald Trump – it certainly would be a lot better presidency." Quote via: antiTrump 08/10/2016 If I ever heard anyone speak this way about [my daughters and granddaughters] they would be shopping for a new set of teeth … I am focused on saving the US Senate b001236.jpg
Burr, Richard Senator NC voteForNominee 07/05/2016 "This has been the weirdest election cycle I've ever seen. But there's a point in time where having our preferences is no longer an option, and getting behind a candidate is absolutely essential. We're there. It's time." He added: "It's time to elect a Republican president. ... It's going to be Donald Trump." (cut for length) b001135.jpg
Capito, Shelley Moore Senator WV waitAndSee 09/05/2016 "I haven't met him yet, so I want to get to talk to him about some issues." c001047.jpg
Cassidy, Bill Senator LA voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "I'm a Republican, and I want a Republican to win." Adding: "I'm not sure Mr. Trump will win, but we'll have to see." c001075.jpg
Coats, Daniel Senator IN voteForNominee 22/12/2015 c000542.jpg
Cochran, Thad Senator MS voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I will support our presidential nominee because electing Republicans, from the president to the local level, is the best way to promote our principles: individual liberty, strong national defense, secure borders and effective governance." c000567.jpg
Collins, Susan Senator ME waitAndSee 28/04/2016 "I’ve always supported the Republican nominee, and I don’t think this year will be different. But I’m going to wait and see what happens at the convention." antiTrump 08/08/2016 I will not be voting for Donald Trump for president. This is not a decision I make lightly, for I am a lifelong Republican. c001035.jpg
Corker, Bob Senator TN voteForNominee 10/05/2016 "When I hear people say never, I say, 'Look, chill.'" Corker did not endorse in the crowded GOP presidential primary and repeatedly refused to comment on the race as it developed, except to say he would support the nominee. c001071.jpg
Cornyn, John Senator TX voteForNominee 10/05/2016 "I’m for the nominee of the party; if it’s Donald Trump, I’ll support him wholeheartedly." Previously, warming to Trump ..."I think he could change the electoral map in ways we haven't seen before," Cornyn said when asked if he was worried about the Trump impact down-ticket. "This disrupts the usual Republican vs. Democrat, conservative vs. liberal paradigm, and I think we don't know how this will all play out. I think it will be OK." --> "Good, constructive meeting with Senate leadership and @realDonaldTrump today." "I think you will see people unifying behind the nominee ... people don't want four more years of this administration under Hillary Clinton." c001056.jpg
Cotton, Tom Senator AR voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I've long said that I will support the Republican nominee because we can't afford a third Obama-Clinton term." c001095.jpg
Crapo, Mike Senator ID voteForNominee 03/05/2016 "I will support the party's nominee." antiTrump 08/10/2016 I have reached a decision that I can no longer endorse Donald Trump. c000880.jpg
Cruz, Ted Senator TX waitAndSee 10/05/2016 "I think we need to watch and see what the candidates say and do." antiTrump 21/07/2016 I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. proTrump 23/09/2016 "After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump." c001098.jpg
Daines, Steve Senator MT voteForNominee 06/05/2016 "I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is not my first choice, or even my second for president, but we must defeat Hillary in November." <-- Daines said in a quote offered by his staff as an alternative to answering The Gazette's questions d000618.jpg
Enzi, Michael Senator WY voteForNominee 13/05/2016 "The Republican nomination process allows the people to choose the candidate that will represent them and the party in the presidential race. It has become clear that Donald Trump is their choice. I will support the party’s candidate." statement to Guardian e000285.jpg
Ernst, Joni Senator IA voteForNominee 04/05/2016 confirmed she would support nominee to DesMoines Register e000295.jpg
Fischer, Deb Senator NE voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I have always said I would support the Republican nominee, so we'll see who comes out of the convention. I will support them." antiTrump 08/10/2016 It would be wise for him to step aside and allow Mike Pence to serve as our party's nominee. f000463.jpg
Flake, Jeff Senator AZ waitAndSee 07/07/2016 “My position remains, I want to support the nominee. I really do. I just can’t support him given the things that he’s said.” antiTrump 08/10/2016 .@realDonaldTrump is wrong about his level of support. He needs to withdraw from the race. f000444.jpg
Gardner, Cory Senator CO voteForNominee 04/03/2016 "What I know is, I will support the Republican nominee. If you're concerned that Donald Trump is not going to be the Republican nominee because he runs as a third party, I think you've gotten your answer." antiTrump 08/10/2016 a candidate whose flaws are beyond mere moral shortcomings and who shows...a disdain for dignity unbecoming of the Presidency g000562.jpg
Graham, Lindsey Senator SC antiTrump 06/05/2016 "I do not believe [Trump] is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief." Full quote: "I also cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief." g000359.jpg
Grassley, Chuck Senator IA voteForNominee 04/05/2016 confirmed he would support nominee to DesMoines Register: "The alternative, Grassley said, is far worse than anything a possible President Trump could bring to the White House." g000386.jpg
Hatch, Orrin Senator UT voteForNominee 09/05/2016 "Look, I'm impressed with the guy as a business leader, I'm impressed with him as a guy who fought his way through this process. And he did it without kissing anybody's behind, which is why I think so many people are supportive of him." proTrump 12/05/2016 I totally endorse him. h000338.jpg
Heller, Dean Senator NV antiTrump 04/05/2016 "I vehemently oppose our nominee and some of the comments and issues he brought up during the campaign." h001041.jpg
Hoeven, John Senator ND voteForNominee 04/05/2016 Adviser Don Larson: "I can tell you that he is not endorsing in the presidential race and that he will support the nominee of the party." h001061.jpg
Inhofe, James Senator OK voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "The choice is now Trump or Clinton and I am in the anyone but Clinton camp." i000024.jpg
Isakson, Johnny Senator GA voteForNominee 04/05/2016 Aide: "Johnny has said all along that he'll support the ticket." i000055.jpg
Johnson, Ron Senator WI voteForNominee 07/05/2016 "I fully intend to support our nominee." j000293.jpg
Kirk, Mark Senator IL voteForNominee 06/05/2016 antiTrump 07/06/2016 I cannot and will not support my party's nominee for president regardless of the political impact on my candidacy or the Republican Party. k000360.jpg
Lankford, James Senator OK voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "A source close to Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said he wouldn't be endorsing Trump and didn't want to talk about him. But, the source added, if the choice in November were between Trump and Clinton, Lankford would back the Republican nominee." l000575.jpg
Lee, Mike Senator UT waitAndSee 11/05/2016 "I have not supported Donald Trump up to this point, I have not endorsed him. I have some concerns with him. He scares me to death; so does Hillary Clinton. There is no easy choice right now. I'm going to continue to watch this." He added: "I'll make the decision as best I can, but I'm not there yet." antiTrump 08/10/2016 I respectfully ask you, with all due respect, to step aside l000577.jpg
McCain, John Senator AZ voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I've always said I would support the nominee of the party, the party of Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt." antiTrump 08/10/2016 We will write in the name of some good conservative Republican who is qualified to be President m000303.jpg
McConnell, Mitch Senator KY voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "I have committed to supporting the nominee chosen by Republican voters, and Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee is now on the verge of clinching that nomination." m000355.jpg
Moran, Jerry Senator KS waitAndSee 04/05/2016 "Mr. Trump must now work to address the serious concerns many conservatives — myself included — have about some of his positions and comments." m000934.jpg
Murkowski, Lisa Senator AK voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I have always supported the Republican nominee for president." antiTrump 08/10/2016 I cannot and will not support Donald Trump for president. He has forfeited the right to be our party’s nominee. m001153.jpg
Paul, Rand Senator KY voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "I've always said I'll endorse the nominee." p000603.jpg
Perdue, David Senator GA voteForNominee 03/03/2016 "No matter who our presidential candidate is, no matter who our nominee is, we cannot allow Hillary Rodham Clinton one more night in our White House." p000612.jpg
Portman, Rob Senator OH voteForNominee 05/05/2016 Port­man said Trump was a pos­it­ive for his reelec­tion bid, and re­it­er­ated he'd be vot­ing for him. p000449.jpg
Risch, James Senator ID voteForNominee 08/03/2016 "I have voted in every presidential race over the past half-century and I have always voted for the Republican candidate and I intend to do so this time. I am hoping that it's a candidate other than Donald Trump." To Tom/Guardian on 5/13/2016: He will support the nominee who is selected by the delegates at the RNC convention in July. r000584.jpg
Roberts, Pat Senator KS voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "I intend to support the nominee." r000307.jpg
Rounds, Mike Senator SD voteForNominee 04/05/2016 Senator Rounds fully intends to support the Republican Candidate for President of the United States. r000605.jpg
Rubio, Marco Senator FL voteForNominee 10/05/2016 "I intend to support the Republican nominee. I signed a pledge, put my name on it, and said I would support the Republican nominee and that's what I intend to do." Signed RNC pledge to back nominee. r000595.jpg
Sasse, Ben Senator NE antiTrump 28/02/2016 "I cannot support Donald Trump." s001197.jpg
Scott, Tim Senator SC voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "I've always said I would support the nominee, and nothing has changed." s001184.jpg
Sessions, Jeff Senator AL proTrump 09/05/2016 "I am pleased to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States." Sessions of Alabama, also said it would be "an honor" to serve as Trump's vice president. s001141.jpg
Shelby, Richard Senator AL voteForNominee 07/03/2016 Spokesman: Sen. (Richard) Shelby does not plan to endorse in the primary, but will support whoever wins the Republican nomination s000320.jpg
Sullivan, Daniel Senator AK voteForNominee 05/05/2016 "What I've said is: I've had disagreements in terms of rhetoric used, in terms of policies stated, or lack there of. But, I plan on supporting the Republican nominee. At this time." "Well, look I agree with what Sen. McCain said," said Sullivan, saying he was in the state to help McCain get re-elected."There's all this focus on Trump and the White House as there should be but what a lot of us are focused on is making sure regardless of whether Hillary wins or Trump wins," continued Sullivan. "One of the most important things we have to do is keep the US Senate in Republican hands." antiTrump 08/10/2016 I am withdrawing my support for his candidacy. s001198.jpg
Thune, John Senator SD voteForNominee 09/05/2016 antiTrump 08/10/2016 Donald Trump should withdraw and Mike Pence should be our nominee effective immediately. t000250.jpg
Tillis, Thom Senator NC voteForNominee 07/05/2016 "Anybody who doesn't support the Republican nominee … is a RINO [Republican In Name Only.]" t000476.jpg
Toomey, Patrick Senator PA voteForNominee 06/05/2016 "Donald Trump wasn't my first choice. He wasn't my second or third or fourth choice. I have a lot of differences with Doanld Trump and lots of problems with him, but I am absolutely in the ‘never Hillary Clinton' camp." t000461.jpg
Vitter, David Senator LA voteForNominee 06/05/2016 v000127.jpg
Wicker, Roger Senator MS voteForNominee 04/05/2016 "Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee, and I intend to support him." w000437.jpg
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