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Forked from just4give/
Created January 30, 2022 23:18
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ngrok forever on raspberry pi
import json
import subprocess
import time
from pathlib import Path
import atexit
import boto3
import requests
import datetime
#path where you have extracted ngrok execution file. Follow readme file to install on Pi
#change the port which you want to tunnel through ngrok
#set it False if you don't want to update ngrok url to dynamoDB
#you don't need any of below variables in that case
#also comment out updateDynamoDB function
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
dbPiNgRok = dynamodb.Table('PiNgrok')
localhost_url = "http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels" # Url with tunnel details
def updateDynamoDB(ngrok_address):
Key ={
'deviceId': deviceId
UpdateExpression='SET address = :address, createdOn=:createdOn',
':address': ngrok_address,
':createdOn': '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(
def is_running():
ngrok_req = requests.get(localhost_url).text
ngrok_address = get_ngrok_url(ngrok_req)
print("ngrok is already running {ngrok_address}".format(ngrok_address=ngrok_address))
#check if expired
if r.status_code == 402:
return _run_ngrok()
return ngrok_address
except Exception as e:
return _run_ngrok()
def get_ngrok_url(ngrok_req):
j = json.loads(ngrok_req)
tunnel_url = j['tunnels'][len(j['tunnels'])-1]['public_url'] # Do the parsing of the get
#tunnel_url = tunnel_url.replace("http", "https")
return tunnel_url
def _run_ngrok():
global ngrokDir
command = "ngrok"
executable = str(Path(ngrokDir, command))
ngrok = subprocess.Popen([executable, 'http', '-inspect=false','-bind-tls=true', port])
tunnel_url = requests.get(localhost_url).text # Get the tunnel information
ngrok_address =get_ngrok_url(tunnel_url)
print("ngrok created {ngrok_address}".format(ngrok_address=ngrok_address))
#at this point you have new ngrok url. Do whatever you want. I used to store it in
#dynamodb so that I can use that data somewhere else where I need
# keep the process running for 3450 seconds
# You should adjust this time as you need. I have cron job on Pi which runs this
# python every hour (3600 seconds). So this script will treminate just 60 seconds
# before cron executes again. Make sure to terminate this script before cron executes
# next time. Otherwise you may have multiple ngrok listening to same port and lead to
# some inconsistent behavior
return ngrok_address
python3 /home/pi/ >> /home/pi/keepalive_ngrok.log
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