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Last active October 12, 2015 02:18
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  • Save danro/3956304 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danro/3956304 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sass 3.2 mixin for managing responsive breakpoints.
.selector-one {
@include respond-to(phone) {
// phone and below (because it's the smallest)
@include respond-to(desktop-up) {
// desktop and higher
@include respond-to(ultra) {
// ultra and higher (cause it's the largest)
.selector-two {
@include respond-to(500px, down) {
// custom 500px and below
.selector-three {
@include respond-to(500px, 800px) {
// custom range
// --------------------------------------------------
// Respond to media query breakpoints
// --------------------------------------------------
$break-small: 400px;
$break-medium: 1024px;
$break-large: 1600px;
@mixin respond-to($from: 0, $to: 0) {
// define named breakpoints
@if $from == 'phone' {
$from: $break-small; $to: down;
@else if $from == 'tablet' {
$from: $break-small; $to: $break-medium;
@else if $from == 'tablet-up' {
$from: $break-small; $to: up;
@else if $from == 'tablet-down' {
$from: $break-medium; $to: down;
@else if $from == 'desktop' {
$from: $break-medium; $to: $break-large;
@else if $from == 'desktop-up' {
$from: $break-medium; $to: up;
@else if $from == 'desktop-down' {
$from: $break-large; $to: down;
@else if $from == 'ultra' {
$from: $break-large; $to: up;
// build media query
@if $to == up or $to == 0 {
@media (min-width: $from + 1) { @content; }
} @else if $to == down {
@media (max-width: $from) { @content; }
} @else {
@media (min-width: $from + 1) and (max-width: $to) { @content; }
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