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Created May 20, 2022 19:56
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  • Save dansanderson/14285db4c2cf0ace27f1b68b1e1f0fbd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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The balloon demo program from the Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide, p181
10 print"{clr}":fori=0to63:poke832+i,0:next
20 gosub60000
999 end
60000 data" xxxxxxx "
60001 data" xxxxxxxxxxx "
60002 data" xxxxxxxxxxxxx "
60003 data" xxxxx xxxxx "
60004 data" xxxxx xxx xxxx "
60005 data" xxxxx xxx xxxxx "
60006 data" xxxxx xxx xxxx "
60007 data" xxxxx xxxxx "
60008 data" xxxxxxxxxxxxx "
60009 data" xxxxxxxxxxxxx "
60010 data" x xxxxxxxxx x "
60011 data" x xxxxxxx x "
60012 data" x xxxxx x "
60013 data" x xxx x "
60014 data" x xxx x "
60015 data" x x x "
60016 data" x x x "
60017 data" xxxxx "
60018 data" xxxxx "
60019 data" xxxxx "
60020 data" xxx "
60100 v=53248:pokev,200:pokev+1,100:pokev+21,1:pokev+39,14:poke2040,13
60105 pokev+23,1:pokev+29,1
60110 fori=0to20:reada$:fork=0to2:t=0:forj=0to7:b=0
60140 ifmid$(a$,j+k*8+1,1)="x"thenb=1
60150 t=t+b*2^(7-j):next:printt;:poke832+i*3+k,t:next:print:next
60200 return
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Convert this to PRG with the petcat tool that comes with the VICE emulator:

petcat -w2 -o balloon64.prg -- balloon64.bas

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