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Created January 26, 2022 23:10
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Binary search through DATA statements, taking advantage of the data elements being of equal length and in a regular format. CBM BASIC 2.0 for the Commodore 64.
30 read wc:ds=peek(66)*256+peek(65)+6
40 wo$="aaaaa":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
41 wo$="aabaa":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
42 wo$="aabac":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
43 wo$="cabac":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
44 wo$="cdefg":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
45 wo$="babbb":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
46 wo$="ccccc":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
47 wo$="cczzz":gosub 1200:print wo$,r
999 end
1100 rem set w$ to the i-th word
1110 ia=ds+36*int(i/5)+(i-int(i/5)*5)*6
1111 if i=int(i/5)*5 then ia=ia-6
1120 poke 66,int(ia/256):poke 65,ia-(int(ia/256)*256)
1130 read w$
1140 return
1200 rem find wo$ in data quickly
1201 rem r = result:-1 if found, 0 if not
1202 rem expects wc=word count, ds=addr of first word
1210 lo=0:hi=wc
1220 i=int((hi-lo)/2)+lo
1230 gosub 1100
1240 if wo$=w$ then r=-1:return
1250 if wo$<w$ then 1270
1260 if lo=i then r=0:return
1265 lo=i:goto 1220
1270 if hi=i then r=0:return
1280 hi=i:goto 1220
1999 data 30
2000 data aaaaa,aabaa,abbba,abcba,abcde
2010 data baaab,babab,bbbbb,bbcbb,bcdef
2020 data cabac,cbabc,ccccc,cdedc,cdefg
2030 data dabac,dbabc,dcccc,ddedc,ddefg
2040 data eabac,ebabc,ecccc,ededc,edefg
2050 data fabac,fbabc,fcccc,fdedc,fdefg
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