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Created April 7, 2017 14:20
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Load Dependencies

_                   = require 'underscore'                  # documentcloud/underscore
child_process       = require 'child_process'               # node child_process lib
program             = require 'commander'                   # visionmedia/commander.js
express             = require 'express'                     # visionmedia/express
app                 = express()                             # Launch express as `app`
server              = require('http').createServer(app)     # node http module
io                  = require('').listen server    # learnboost/
request             = require 'request'                     # mikeal/request
phantomjs           = require 'phantomjs'                   # Obvious/phantomjs

Describe Program

    .option('-hr, --host_range <host_range>', 'the range of hosts to scan (1-255)', '1-255')
    .option('-pr, --port_range <port_range>', 'the range of ports to check (1-65535)', '1-65535')
    .description('run backathon on the given network prefix xx.xx.xx...')
    .action (network_prefixes) ->

Web Server

Configure web application.

        app.use express.static "#{__dirname}/web/public"    # Static dir `/public`
        app.use express.basicAuth 'dan23000', 'password'    # Basic http auth


        app.get '/', (req, res) ->
            res.sendfile 'web/index.html'

Run web application.

        console.log         'Opening web application running on localhost:3000...'
        server.listen       3000

Network Scanner

Create and run scanners for the network prefixes.

        io.on "disconnect", (socket) ->
            for scanner in scanners
        io.on "connection", (socket) ->


            socket.on "remove", (host) ->
                console.log "REMOVING #{host}!"
                remove = child_process.spawn "sudo",
                remove.on   "error", (error) ->
                    console.error   error.stack
                    console.error   "Error code: #{error.code}"

                remove.on   "data", (data) ->
                    data    = data.toString()
                    process.stdout.write data


            scanners            = {}                                        # Object of running net scans
            if typeof network_prefixes is 'string'
                network_prefixes = network_prefixes.split ','               # Split network_prefixes by ','

            console.log "Port range: \t\t\t#{program.port_range}"
            for network_prefix in network_prefixes                          # Scan each network_prefix
                console.log "Scanning network: \t\t#{network_prefix}.#{program.host_range}"
                scanners[network_prefix]       = child_process.spawn "nmap",
                     '--max_rtt_timeout', '500ms',
                     '-r', "#{network_prefix}.#{program.host_range}",

Log out scanner errors on "error" events.

                scanners[network_prefix].on              "error", (error) ->
                    console.error   error.stack
                    console.error   "Error code: #{error.code}"

Handle scanner data (stdout) events.

                scanners[network_prefix].stdout.on      "data", (data) ->
                    data    = data.toString()
                    process.stdout.write data

                    # Open Port Discovered on network
                    if data.indexOf("Discovered open port") isnt -1
                        pattern = new RegExp "Discovered open port ([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z]+) on ([0-9.]+)"
                        data    = pattern.exec data

                        # If the right data comes back, build `new_service`
                        if data.length is 4
                            new_service =
                                port:       data[1]
                                protocol:   data[2]
                                host:       data[3]

                            # Is the new service usable in a browser?
                            request.get "http://#{}:#{new_service.port}", (error, response, body) ->
                                if not error
                                    new_service.usable = yes
                                    new_service.usable = no

Configure phantomjs for screen capturing.

                            programPath     = "#{__dirname}/lib/phantomjs/"
                            fileName        = "#{'.').join('')}#{new_service.port}"
                            fileName        = "#{fileName}.png"

                            take_screen = child_process.spawn "phantomjs", [

                            take_screen.on      "error", (error) ->
                                socket.emit "new_service", new_service  # send new_service to client
                                console.error   error.stack
                                console.error   "Error code: #{error.code}"

                            take_screen.on      "data", (data) ->
                                console.log     data

                            take_screen.on      "close", ->
                                new_service.screen = fileName
                                socket.emit "new_service", new_service  # send new_service to client

Run Program

program.parse process.argv
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