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Created November 23, 2017 19:32
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precision mediump float;
varying vec2 position;
uniform float time;
const float waves = 19.;
// triangle wave from 0 to 1
float wrap(float n) {
return abs(mod(n, 2.)-1.)*-3. + 1.;
// creates a cosine wave in the plane at a given angle
float wave(float angle, vec2 point) {
float cth = cos(angle)*2.;
float sth = sin(angle);
return (cos (cth*point.x + sth*point.y) + 1.) / 2.;
// sum cosine waves at various interfering angles
// wrap values when they exceed 1
float quasi(float interferenceAngle, vec2 point) {
float sum = 0.;
for (float i = 0.; i < waves; i++) {
sum += wave(3.1416*i*interferenceAngle, point);
return wrap(sum);
void main() {
float b = quasi(time*0.002, (position-0.5)*200.);
vec4 c1 = vec4(0.0,0.,0.2,1.);
vec4 c2 = vec4(cos(2.*time),sin(time),abs(sin(time*3.)),1.);
gl_FragColor = mix(c1,c2,b);
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