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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Coffeescript react class wrapper
diagnoser = null
$ =>
(diagnoser = new Diagnoser).renderTo $(".diagnoser")[0]
console.log "DIAG", diagnoser
class ReactClass
value: 'asdf123'
birth: (Class) =>
console.log 'that', this
(options) =>
console.log 'huh', this
if (ref = options?.ref) and (ref = @ref(ref)) and ref instanceof Class
ref.Factory options
c = (new Class options)
#c.Factory.instance = c
c.Factory.apply this, arguments
renderTo: (dom) ->
el = React.createElement(@React)
@render(false) # can't force update yet
React.render el, dom
ref: (key) =>
constructor: (@options) ->
console.log @constructor
s = _.object _.compact @constructor.prototype, (method, key) =>
return if key is 'constructor'
[key, if _.isFunction(method) then _.bind(method, this) else method]
self = this
s.componentWillMount = ->
console.log 'food', this, @props
self.props = (@props ?= {})
self.react = this
@instance = self
s.getInitialState ?= ->
self.state ? {}
s.render = s.template
console.log @, @constructor::
@React ?= React.createClass(s)
@Factory ?= React.createFactory(@React)
render: (forceUpdate) ->
console.log this, @props
@react.forceUpdate() if forceUpdate isnt false
valueLink: (attr) ->
value: @state[attr]
requestChange: (newVal) =>
@state[attr] = newVal
class Diagnoser extends ReactClass
displayName: 'Diagnoser'
constructor: ->
@state = {
caliber: 2
muzzle_velocity: 3000
@sub = new SubClass
@sub2 = new SubClass
@hello = 'hi'
mixins: [React.addons.LinkedStateMixin]
click: =>
@hello = 'HELLO!'
renderContents: -> @state, (val, attr) =>
<div className="form-group" key={attr}>
<h1 onClick={@click}>{@hello}</h1>
<label className="control-label col-xs-6">
<div className="col-xs-6">
<input className="form-control" valueLink={@valueLink attr} />
render: ->
clearInterval @Inty
@Inty = setInterval =>
console.log @react.refs, @ref('hi3'), @ref('hi3').qux
@sub.qux += '1'
@ref('hi3').qux = @ref('hi3').qux + 1
@ref('hi3') += '1'
, 2000
clearInterval @Inty3
@Inty3 = setInterval =>
, 5000
template: ->
<div className="section-header">
<div className="panel panel-default form form-horizontal">
<div className="panel-heading">
<div className="panel-body">
<@sub.Factory ref="hi" food='testme' ham="true" />
<@sub2.Factory ref="hi2" food="tester2" />
{Class = @birth SubClass}
<Class ref="hi3" food="tester3" />
clicked kid = {'' + !!@props.clickedChild}
class SubClass extends ReactClass
displayName: 'Sub'
constructor: ->
@state = {
foo: 'bar'
@qux = 'quo'
mixins: [React.addons.LinkedStateMixin]
click: =>
@qux = 'lazidor'
console.log 'click', @props
diagnoser.props.clickedChild = true
template: ->
<div className="section-header" onClick={@click}>
<div className="">
ham: {@props.ham}
<br />
food: {}
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calling diagnoser.render() will work, making it less reactive to the inside of itself, and more reactive to the programmer callign render on it.

IMO this syntax is better than Reacts.

I plan on adding events to trigger, so you can listen to any and all of them, over react's function based callbacks ( componentWillmount )

If you override Diagnoser::render, you must call super to trigger react to forceUpdate and thus update the DOM.

Overall, I really like react, and really hate it, this hopefully will solve the latter.

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