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Last active June 17, 2016 17:31
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  • Save danschumann/cb832f6341aa697e58cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save danschumann/cb832f6341aa697e58cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
html canvas text addons
Canvas = require('canvas')
_ = require('underscore')
Canvas.Context2d::fillTextCircle = (text, x, y, radius, letterSpacing, angle, reverse, letterSpacingFlat, maxAngle) ->
if _.isObject text
} = text
prevWidth = null
#@textAlign = 'center'
fontSize = parseFloat (''+@font).replace(/[^\d\.]*/, '')
circumference = radius * 2 * Math.PI
angles = []
letterSpan = 0
# Loop once for all angles and total
totalAngle = 0
n = -1
while ++n < text.length
char = text[n]
thisWidth = @measureText(char).width
angles[n] = unless prevWidth? then 0 else (
Math.pow((thisWidth + prevWidth - 3)/ circumference * .5, .45) * letterSpacing - letterSpacingFlat
) * (reverse && -1 || 1)
prevWidth = @measureText(char).width
totalAngle += angles[n]
totalAngle += switch _.last text
when 'o','N', 'Y'
when 'u', 'h','n','M',"U"
when 'i', 'l', 'q'
when 'g','I'
when 'm'
else 0
# Sometimes we only want the total for computational purposes
return totalAngle if getAngle
@translate x, y
# Move their specified angle to center text around it
angle -= totalAngle / 2 #center
@textAlign = 'center'
n = -1
angleOffset = 0
while ++n < text.length
char = text[n]
# Last char gets .0000001
@rotate angle + angleOffset + angles[n] + (if n<text.length-1
switch char
when 'b'
when 'f'
when 't'
when 'q'
when 'r'
when 'w'
when 'j'
when 'v'
when 'y'
when 'V'
when 'P'
when 'O'
when 'T'
when 'W'
when 'Y'
when 'R'
when 'A'
when 'h'
else 0
else 0
) * (if reverse then -1 else 1)
if maxAngle and angles[n] > maxAngle
@fillText char, 0, (if reverse then fontSize/2 + radius else -radius)
angleOffset += angles[n]
# Since we might require this file multiple times we have to copy the original only once
global._fillText ?= Canvas.Context2d::fillText
Canvas.Context2d::fillText = (text, x, y, args...) ->
# no kerning? default behavior
return global._fillText.apply this, arguments unless @kerning?
# we need to remember some stuff as we loop
offset = 0
_.each text, (letter) =>
global._fillText.apply this, [
x + offset + @kerning
].concat args # in case any additional args get sent to fillText at any time
offset += @measureText(letter).width + @kerning
return (app) =>
canvas = new Canvas(500, 500)
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.font = '30px Impact'
ctx.fillText("lorem ipsum", 50, 100)
_.defer => app.get '/logo.png', (req, res) ->
imgCanv = canvas.createJPGStream()
imgCanv.on "error", (exception)-> res.send 'error'
imgCanv.on "data", (data)-> res.write data
imgCanv.on "end", -> res.end('binary')
serveCanvas = (res, canvas) ->
res.type "image/png" _.bind(canvas.toBuffer, canvas) )
.then (buffer) ->
res.end buffer
.otherwise (er) ->
console.log "ERROR!".red, er, er.stack if er
filterText: ->
# Filter out all characters that break canvas
if ttext = @props.params.ttext
ttext unless _.isString ttext
len = ttext.length
for i in [0...len]
if 760 < ttext.charCodeAt len - i
ttext = @props.params.ttext = ttext.slice(0, len - i) + ttext.slice len - i + 1
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eventually i could clean this up and put in a module. for now its just a method that writes text rotating around a circle. it's only been tested in arial.

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there are some other methods mixed on, like a kerning addon for fillText, an example of how to write canvas to the response, and a filter so that canvas doesn't crash the server if someone passes sigart to it.

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