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Created October 24, 2012 07:56
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""" Blame All for svn, like p4 annotate -a.
Ned Batchelder.
Licensed under the MIT license:
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import optparse, re, subprocess, sys
__version__ = '1.1.20071201'
class MultiDiff:
""" Accumulates successive revisions of a text, and produces a comprehensive
version with each line labelled with revisions. All versions of each
line are included.
def __init__(self):
self.last_lines = None
self.bdelta = 0
self.cdelta = 0
def add_rev(self, rev, lines):
if self.last_lines is None:
self.blame = [ [rev, rev, l] for l in lines ]
self.curlines = range(len(lines))
self.next_lines = lines
self.next_rev = rev
self.bdelta = 0
self.cdelta = 0
s = SequenceMatcher(None, self.last_lines, self.next_lines)
for opcode in s.get_opcodes():
op, i1, i2, j1, j2 = opcode
getattr(self, '_opcode_'+op)(i1, i2, j1, j2)
self.last_lines = lines
def _new_lines(self, j1, j2):
newlines = []
for j in range(j1, j2):
newlines.append([self.next_rev, self.next_rev, self.next_lines[j]])
return newlines
def _opcode_equal(self, i1, i2, j1, j2):
for i in range(i1, i2):
ci = i + self.cdelta
self.curlines[ci] += self.bdelta
self.blame[self.curlines[ci]][1] = self.next_rev
def _bi(self, ci):
if ci < len(self.curlines):
bi = self.curlines[ci]+self.bdelta
assert ci == len(self.curlines)
bi = len(self.blame)
return bi
def _multipurpose(self, i1, i2, j1, j2):
newlines = self._new_lines(j1, j2)
idel = i2-i1
jdel = j2-j1
bdel = cdel = 0
# Part one: replace the lines in the common part
com = min(idel, jdel)
for i in range(com):
ci = i1+i+self.cdelta
bi = self._bi(ci)+1
bi = min(bi, len(self.blame))
self.blame[bi:bi] = [newlines[i]]
self.curlines[ci] = bi
self.bdelta += 1
# Part two: if j is longer, then insert the j lines
if idel < jdel:
ci = i1+com+self.cdelta
bi = self._bi(ci)
bi = min(bi, len(self.blame))
self.curlines[ci:ci] = range(bi, bi+jdel-com)
self.blame[bi:bi] = newlines[com:]
bdel += jdel-com
cdel += jdel-com
# Part three: if i is longer, delete the i lines
if idel > jdel:
del self.curlines[i1+com+self.cdelta:i2+self.cdelta]
cdel -= idel-com
self.cdelta += cdel
self.bdelta += bdel
_opcode_insert = _multipurpose
_opcode_delete = _multipurpose
_opcode_replace = _multipurpose
def blame_data(self):
return self.blame
def doit(cmd):
#print cmd
out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).stdout
def get_revs_for_file(fpath, revarg=None):
""" Returns a list of revisions for a file.
The return looks like [(17, 'ned'), (23, 'joe'), (199, 'sally')]
revs = []
if revarg:
dashr = ' -r' + revarg
dashr = ''
log = doit("svn log%s %s" % (dashr, fpath)).split('\n')
while log:
log.pop(0) # Toss the separator
revline = log.pop(0)
if not revline and not log:
# End of the log.
m = re.match(r"r(?P<rev>[0-9]+) \| (?P<user>[^|]+) \| [^|]+ \| (?P<lines>[0-9]+) line.*", revline)
if not m:
raise Exception("Couldn't scrape log line: %r\nRemaining: %r" % (revline, log))
for i in range(int('lines'))+1):
return revs
def get_rev_file(fpath, rev):
""" Get the text of a particular revision of a file.
The text is slightly cleaned to avoid bogus comparisons.
text = doit("svn cat -r%d %s" % (rev, fpath))
return text.replace('\r', '').split('\n')
def main(argv):
# Parse the command line options
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
usage="%prog [options] [path]",
description="blameall is like svn blame, but it outputs every line in every revision."
parser.add_option("-r", "--revision", dest="revision", help="the revision range to include")
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
revarg = rev1 = None
revn = 'head'
if options.revision:
if ':' in options.revision:
revarg = options.revision
rev1, revn = options.revision.split(':')
revarg = options.revision + ":head"
rev1 = options.revision
if not args:
print >>sys.stderr, "Need a file path to work on"
if len(args) > 1:
print >>sys.stderr, "Can only work on one file at a time"
fpath = args[0]
# Get the list of revisions to compare.
revs = get_revs_for_file(fpath, revarg)
if rev1 and rev1 != '1':
revs = [(int(rev1), '???')] + revs
# Load up the MultiDiff with all the text.
multidiff = MultiDiff()
for i, (rev, user) in enumerate(revs):
print >>sys.stderr, rev,
text = get_rev_file(fpath, rev)
multidiff.add_rev(i, text)
# Print the resulting combined file.
print >>sys.stderr
for i1, i2, line in multidiff.blame_data():
r1 = revs[i1][0]
if i2 == len(revs)-1:
r2 = revn
r2 = revs[i2+1][0]-1
print "%5s %5s %s" % (r1, r2, line)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# History:
# 2007-11-28: First version.
# 2007-12-01: Updated the author name matching regex to allow spaces.
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