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Created June 3, 2015 06:07
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python script to process Landsat imagery
import os
import glob
import sys
This script processes the raw Landsat imagery into an RGB image.
The stem of the filename is passed as the only command-line argument.
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = sys.argv[1]
for band in [4, 3, 2]:
ifile = filename + "_B{0}.TIF".format(band)
ofile = filename + "_{0}-projected.tif".format(band)
os.system("gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 "
+ ifile + ' ' + ofile)
os.system("listgeo -tfw " + ofile)
rgb_file = filename + "_RGB.tif"
os.system("convert -combine "
+ filename + "_4-projected.tif "
+ filename + "_3-projected.tif "
+ filename + "_2-projected.tif "
+ rgb_file)
rgb_corrected_file = filename + "_RGB-corrected.tif"
os.system("convert -sigmoidal-contrast 6x10% "
+ rgb_file + ' '
+ rgb_corrected_file)
os.system("cp " + filename + "_2-projected.tfw "
+ filename + "_RGB-corrected.tfw")
rgb_projected_file = filename + "_RGB-corrected-projected.tif"
os.system("gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:3857 " + rgb_corrected_file
+ ' ' + rgb_projected_file)
os.system("listgeo -tfw " + rgb_projected_file)
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