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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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import subprocess
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
from matplotlib.path import Path
# ------------------------------
def read_triangle_mesh(filename):
Read in a mesh in Triangle's format.
filename: the stem of the filename for the mesh, so if the mesh is stored
in the files <meshname>.X.node, <meshname>.X.ele, ... then
the proper argument will be <meshname>.X.
x, y: coordinates of the mesh points
ele: (num_triangles, 3)-array of nodes in each triangle
edge: (num_edges, 2)-array of nodes on each edge
neigh: (num_triangles, 3)-array of neighboring triangles of each triangle
bnd: boundary marker of each node
edge_bnd: boundary marker of each edge
# Read in the nodes
fid = open(filename + ".node", "r")
nn = int(fid.readline().split()[0])
x = np.zeros(nn, dtype = np.float64)
y = np.zeros(nn, dtype = np.float64)
bnd = np.zeros(nn, dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(nn):
line = fid.readline().split()
x[i] = float(line[1])
y[i] = float(line[2])
bnd[i] = int(line[3])
# Read in the triangles
fid = open(filename + ".ele", "r")
nt = int(fid.readline().split()[0])
ele = np.zeros((nt, 3), dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(nt):
ele[i, :] = map(lambda k: k-1,
map(int, fid.readline().split()[1:]))
# Read in the edges
fid = open(filename + ".edge", "r")
ne = int(fid.readline().split()[0])
edge = np.zeros((ne, 2), dtype = np.int32)
edge_bnd = np.zeros(ne, dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(ne):
line = map(int, fid.readline().split())
edge[i,:] = map(lambda k:k-1, line[1:3])
edge_bnd[i] = line[3]
# Read in the triangle neighbors
fid = open(filename + ".ele", "r")
neigh = np.zeros((nt, 3), dtype = np.int32)
for i in range(nt):
neigh[i,:] = map(lambda k: max(-1, k-1),
map(int, fid.readline().split()[1:]))
return x, y, ele, edge, neigh, bnd, edge_bnd
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
def mesh_to_boundary_graph(x, y, edge, bnd, edge_bnd):
Given a mesh, create a PSLG of its boundary
num_nodes = len(x)
num_bnd_points = sum(bnd != 0)
index = np.zeros(num_bnd_points, dtype = np.int32)
index_inverse = np.zeros(num_nodes, dtype = np.int32)
count = 0
for i in range(num_nodes):
if bnd[i] != 0:
index[count] = i
count += 1
for i in range(num_bnd_points):
index_inverse[index[i]] = i
num_edges = np.shape(edge)[0]
A = lil_matrix((num_bnd_points, num_bnd_points), dtype = np.int32)
for n in range(num_edges):
if edge_bnd[n] != 0:
i, j = index_inverse[edge[n, :]]
A[i, j] = edge_bnd[n]
A[j, i] = edge_bnd[n]
return A, index
# -------------------------
def connected_components(A):
num_bnd_nodes = np.shape(A)[0]
components = []
visited = np.zeros(num_bnd_nodes, dtype = bool)
while not all(visited):
i = np.argmin(visited)
visited[i] = True
stack = [i]
p = []
while stack:
i = stack.pop()
neighbors = A[i,:].nonzero()[1]
for j in neighbors:
if not visited[j]:
visited[j] = True
return components
# ------------------------
class GoofyPSLG(Exception):
def outermost_path(components, index, x, y):
ps = map(lambda c: Path(zip(x[index[c]], y[index[c]]),
closed = True),
num_components = len(ps)
for i in range(num_components):
for j in range(i + 1, num_components):
if ps[i].contains_path(ps[j]):
return i
raise GoofyPSLG
# --------------------------------------
def holes(components, comp, index, x, y):
xh = []
yh = []
for n in range(len(components)):
if n != comp:
p = Path(zip(x[index[components[n]]],
closed = True)
X = 0.0
Y = 0.0
i = 0
j = len(p)/2 - 1
while not p.contains_point((X, Y)):
j += 1
X, Y = 0.5 * (p.vertices[i,:] + p.vertices[j,:])
return np.array(xh), np.array(yh)
# ----------------------------------------
def simplify_pslg(x, y, index, components):
tol = np.cos(2 * np.pi / 100)
def collinear(X, Y, Z):
P = X - Y
Q = Y - Z
return, Q) / (np.linalg.norm(P) * np.linalg.norm(Q)) > tol
mask = np.ones(len(index), dtype = bool)
for component in components:
length = len(component)
for l in range(length):
i = component[(l - 1) % length]
j = component[l]
k = component[(l + 1) % length]
mask[j] = not collinear(np.array((x[index[i]], y[index[i]])),
np.array((x[index[j]], y[index[j]])),
np.array((x[index[k]], y[index[k]])))
new_index = []
new_components = []
k = 0
for component in components:
new_component = []
for l in range(len(component)):
if mask[component[l]]:
k += 1
return np.array(new_index), new_components
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def write_to_poly(filename, x, y, index, components, outer_component, xh, yh, bnd):
num_nodes = len(index)
num_holes = len(xh)
with open(filename, "w") as poly_file:
# Write out the descriptor for the number of nodes & dimension
poly_file.write("{0} 2 0 1\n".format(num_nodes))
# Write out the node positions
k = 0
for n in range(len(components)):
for i in index[components[n]]:
k += 1
poly_file.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n"
.format(k, x[i], y[i], bnd[i]))
# Write out the descriptor for the number of edges
poly_file.write("{0} 1\n".format(num_nodes))
# Write out the PSLG edges
k = 1
for n in range(len(components)):
component_length = len(components[n])
for i in range(component_length):
j = (i + 1) % component_length
indx = index[components[n][i]]
poly_file.write("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n"
.format(i + k, i + k, j + k, bnd[indx]))
k += component_length
# Write out the holes
for n in range(num_holes):
poly_file.write("{0} {1} {2}\n".format(n + 1, xh[n], yh[n]))
# -----------------
def download_mesh():
url = ""
for ext in [".node", ".ele", ".edge", ".neigh"]:["wget", "-nc", url + ext])
# -----------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Download the mesh files
# Read in the Triangle mesh
x, y, ele, edge, neigh, bnd, edge_bnd = read_triangle_mesh("ross.1")
# Construct the boundary connectivity graph
A, index = mesh_to_boundary_graph(x, y, edge, bnd, edge_bnd)
# Find the connected components on the boundary, e.g. each PSLG segment
components = connected_components(A)
index, components = simplify_pslg(x, y, index, components)
# Find the outermost boundary segment
comp = outermost_path(components, index, x, y)
# Find a point inside each hole
xh, yh = holes(components, comp, index, x, y)
# Write out the .poly file
write_to_poly("ross.poly", x, y, index, components, comp, xh, yh, bnd)
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