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Created July 4, 2014 13:30
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tell application "Skim"
# Get current dimensions and font size of the currently
# selected note.
set theDocument to the front document
set filePath to the file of theDocument
set theNote to the active note of theDocument
set theBounds to the bounds of theNote
set noteWidth to the (third item of theBounds) - the (first item of theBounds)
set noteHeight to the (second item of theBounds) - the (fourth item of theBounds)
set theView to the view settings of theDocument
set fontSize to the font size of theNote
# Set the default font size for newly created notes.
set default note font sizes to {text note font size:fontSize}
delete theNote
quit saving yes # Skim needs to restart for the rest.
end tell
# Skim takes the default height and width of newly created notes
# from a hidden preference setting. So we need to set these two
# settings and restart Skim.
do shell script "defaults write -app Skim SKDefaultNoteWidth -float " & noteWidth
do shell script "defaults write -app Skim SKDefaultNoteHeight -float " & noteHeight
# Don't try to restart Skim before it has quit.
set isRunning to true
repeat while (isRunning)
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
set isRunning to ((name of processes) contains "Skim")
end tell
end repeat
do shell script "open -a \"Skim\""
# Reload the document with the way it looked when you quit.
tell application "Skim"
open filePath
set the view settings of the front document to theView
end tell
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