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Created July 7, 2014 14:17
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  • Save dansheffler/a552f6ee1558079a2067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dansheffler/a552f6ee1558079a2067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tell application "Skim"
set theFile to the file of the front document
set outText to ""
set newLine to ASCII character 10
# Get the relevant bibliographic information for the front PDF in Skim
tell application "BibDesk"
repeat with currentPub in publications of front document
if linked file of currentPub is {} then
set bibFile to 0
set bibFile to first item of linked file of currentPub
end if
if bibFile = theFile then
set theTitle to the title of currentPub
if author of currentPub is not {} then
set theAuthor to last name of item 1 of the author of currentPub
end if
set citeKey to the cite key of currentPub
# Do italics for books and quotes for articles
if the type of currentPub is "book" then
set docTitle to "### " & theAuthor & " - *" & theTitle & "* ###"
set docTitle to "### " & theAuthor & " - \"" & theTitle & "\" ###"
end if
# This used the commandline tool pdftk to figure out where the table of
# contents breaks are in the PDF (if they exist). The typical way to handle
# this in a PDF is with bookmarks. We will then iterate over the PDF pages
# section by section, putting the notes under the appropriate headers.
set posixFile to POSIX path of theFile
set sectionTitles to paragraphs of (do shell script "/usr/local/bin/pdftk " & quoted form of posixFile & " dump_data output - | grep 'BookmarkTitle' | sed 's/BookmarkTitle: //g'")
set sectionPageNumbers to paragraphs of (do shell script "/usr/local/bin/pdftk " & quoted form of posixFile & " dump_data output - | grep 'BookmarkPageNumber' | sed 's/BookmarkPageNumber: //g'")
set totalPages to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/pdftk " & quoted form of posixFile & " dump_data output - | grep 'NumberOfPages' | sed 's/NumberOfPages: //g'"
set totalPages to totalPages as integer
tell application "Skim"
open theFile
# Do this if the above pdftk bit didn't find any bookmarks in the PDF
if sectionTitles is {} then
set notesTogether to ""
repeat with currentNote in notes of the front document
set pageLabel to the label of the page of currentNote
set pageIndex to the index of the page of the currentNote
set noteFooter to "[Page " & pageLabel & "](sk://" & citeKey & "#" & pageIndex & ")"
# The color test makes it so that my "teaching" notes (which are brown)
# are filtered out to capture all anchored notes, delete the right conjunct.
if (type of currentNote is text note) and (color of currentNote is not {44161, 30873, 1586, 65535}) then
set noteText to the text of currentNote
set notesTogether to notesTogether & noteText & " " & newLine & noteFooter & newLine & newLine
else if (type of currentNote is anchored note) and (color of currentNote is not {44161, 30873, 1586, 65535}) then
if the text of currentNote is not "" then
set noteTitle to "#### " & the text of currentNote & " ####" & newLine & newLine
set noteTitle to ""
end if
set noteText to the extended text of currentNote
set notesTogether to notesTogether & noteTitle & noteText & " " & newLine & noteFooter & newLine & newLine
end if
end repeat
# String all the output together
if notesTogether is not equal to "" then
set outText to outText & docTitle & newLine & newLine
set outText to outText & notesTogether
end if
# Do this if the above pdftk bit found bookmarks (i.e. a TOC)
# This iterates over each section.
set allNotesTogether to ""
set n to 0
repeat with currentTitle in sectionTitles
# Make those bookmarks (TOC) into third level headers
set currentTitle to "### " & currentTitle & " ###"
set n to n + 1
set startPage to item n of sectionPageNumbers as integer
if n = (number of items in sectionTitles) then
set endPage to totalPages
set endPage to (item (n + 1) of sectionPageNumbers as integer) - 1
end if
if endPage < startPage then
set endPage to startPage
end if
# This is the same as the above loop. (Guess I could have done a function.)
set notesTogether to ""
set theNotes to notes of pages startPage thru endPage of the front document
repeat with currentPage in theNotes
repeat with currentNote in currentPage
set pageLabel to the label of the page of currentNote
set pageIndex to the index of the page of the currentNote
set noteFooter to "[Page " & pageLabel & "](sk://" & citeKey & "#" & pageIndex & ")"
if (type of currentNote is text note) and (color of currentNote is not {44161, 30873, 1586, 65535}) then
set noteText to the text of currentNote
set notesTogether to notesTogether & noteText & " " & newLine & noteFooter & newLine & newLine
else if (type of currentNote is anchored note) and (color of currentNote is not {44161, 30873, 1586, 65535}) then
if the text of currentNote is not "" then
set noteTitle to "#### " & the text of currentNote & " ####" & newLine & newLine
set noteTitle to ""
end if
set noteText to the extended text of currentNote
set notesTogether to notesTogether & noteTitle & noteText & " " & newLine & noteFooter & newLine & newLine
end if
end repeat
end repeat
# Strings these notes together with the previous sections.
if notesTogether is not equal to "" then
set allNotesTogether to allNotesTogether & currentTitle & newLine & newLine & notesTogether
end if
# String all the output together
end repeat
if allNotesTogether is not equal to "" then
set outText to outText & docTitle & newLine & newLine
set outText to outText & allNotesTogether
end if
end if
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
end tell
# Finally create a temp file with the output text and open
# that file in Marked.
set thePath to "/tmp/"
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of outText & " > " & thePath
do shell script "open -a Marked " & thePath
Copy link

Hey Dan,

I tried to run your script, but it stops after line 13 and just proceeds to line 146.
Any idea what is going on?

Here is the event printout:

tell application "Skim"
get file of document 1
end tell
tell application "BibDesk"
count every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 1 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 1 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 2 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 2 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 3 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 3 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 4 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 4 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 5 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 6 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 7 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 8 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 9 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 10 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 11 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 11 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 12 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 12 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 13 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 13 of every publication of document 1
get linked file of item 14 of every publication of document 1
get item 1 of linked file of item 14 of every publication of document 1
end tell
tell current application
do shell script "echo "
end tell

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