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Created January 8, 2013 22:07
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Python script for blink(1) It checks weather and connectivity, then blinks a pattern depending on the result. It should be easy to add more info to the pattern too, depending on what you want to display.
#! /usr/bin/python
import sys
from time import sleep
import subprocess
from subprocess import call
import logging
import threading
import urllib
import json
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
from math import exp
blink_list = {'ping':[255,255,255], 'temp':[255,255,255]} # Default list of blinks
blink1_path = "/Users/dansherman/bin/blink1-tool" # path to blink1-tool
milli = 1000 # duration for blink commands
ping_host = "" # ip address for ping test
wunderground_api_key = 'KEY' # wunderground api key: get it free here
weather_zip = 'ZIP'
# Debugging config, used during testing
format='[%(levelname)s] (%(threadName)-10s) %(message)s',
# Wrapper for blink1-tool, only rgb and off commands supported
class Blink(object):
# takes rgb values in a list
def rgb(self,rgb,m=milli):
subprocess.check_call([blink1_path,"--rgb", ','.join(str(x) for x in rgb),"-m",str(milli)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# shuts off the light
def off(self,m=milli):
subprocess.check_call([blink1_path,"--off","-m",str(milli)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def check_weather():
# uses wunderground api to get the current "feels like" temperature
# the temp is curved for a better sense of blue=cold/red=hot/green=comfortable
# a-e set the parameters for the curve
# minval and maxval set the expected range
a = 100
b = 1
c = 6
d = 10
e = 1.2
minval = 0
maxval = 100
while True:
# fetch the data
api = json.loads(urllib.urlopen('' % (wunderground_api_key, weather_zip)).read())
# extract the temp
temp = int(api['current_observation']['feelslike_f'])
logging.debug("Got temperature of %s" % str(temp))
# curve the temp
curved_temp = a/(b+exp(c-(e*temp/10)))
logging.debug("Curved temperature to %s" % str(curved_temp))
# assign the curved temp to a hue
h = (float(maxval-curved_temp) / (maxval-minval)) * 300
# get the rgb value from the hue
r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(h/360, 1., 1.)
temp_rgb = [r*255, g*255, b*255]
# set the new color in the blink_list
blink_list['temp'] = temp_rgb
#logging.warning("Error getting weather.")
# checks for a ping to ping_host, sets a faint white if success, bright red on fail, retrys every 5 seconds
def check_ping():
while True:
logging.debug("Pinging " + ping_host)
subprocess.check_call(["ping", "-c", "1", ping_host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
blink_list['ping'] = [128,128,128]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logging.debug("Ping error")
blink_list['ping'] = [255,0,0]
def blinker(argv=None):
logging.debug("Starting blinker()")
# start a new blink instance
b = Blink()
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# loop through blink_list
for key in blink_list.keys():
val = blink_list[key]
logging.debug(key + ":" + str(val))
# set the light
logging.debug("holding for 2")
# hold for 2 seconds
#turn the light off
def main():
# define and spawn the daemon threads to check the weather and pings
p = threading.Thread(name="check_ping", target=check_ping)
w = threading.Thread(name="check_weather", target=check_weather)
# start the blinker loop the pattern every four seconds
while True:
logging.debug("sleeping for 4")
if __name__=="__main__":
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