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Created April 29, 2012 04:44
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{promise} = require('model_promise')
render: (discussion) ->
# render stuff
change: (discussion_id) ->
@discussion_id = discussion_id
$.when(promise(Discussion, discussion_id)).then =>
# Multiple models needed - no worries
change: (discussion_id, user_id1, user_id2) ->
$.when(promise(Discussion, discussion_id), promise(User, user_id1, user_id2)).then =>
# whatever you need, all models are ensured to be present
render: (discussion) ->
# render stuff
change: (discussion_id) ->
@discussion_id = discussion_id
# if the discussion has already been retrieved from the server (exists is local storage)
# then directly render it
if Discussion.exists(discussion_id)
# else bind to the refresh event, and just fetch that single discussion
Discussion.bind('refresh', @_onDiscussionRefresh)
Discussion.fetch(id: discussion_id)
_onDiscussionRefresh: =>
# when invoked, double check to ensure that the item you expect to be present
# otherwise wait until it comes back.
if Discussion.exists(@discussion_id)
Discussion.unbind('refresh', @_render)
{flatten} = require('lib/util_functions')
promise = (model, ids...) ->
ids = flatten(ids)
promises = (id) ->
ModelPromise.getPromise(model, id)
return $.when.apply($, promises)
class ModelPromise
@getPromise: (model, id) ->
(new @(model, id)).promise()
constructor: (model, id) ->
@model = model
@id = id
promise: ->
@_promise ||= @deferred().promise()
deferred: ->
@_deferred ||= @_buildDeferred()
_buildDeferred: ->
deferred = $.Deferred()
if @model.exists(@id)
@model.bind('refresh', @_resolve)
@model.fetch(id: @id)
return deferred
_resolve: =>
if @model.exists(@id)
exports.promise = promise
exports.ModelPromise = ModelPromise
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