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Last active April 22, 2019 04:52
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  • Save dansimau/7232737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dansimau/7232737 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Report branches or commits that are not yet merged into master.
Report branches or commits that are not yet merged into master.
import subprocess
from os.path import basename
# Merge/environment branches. These will be excluded from the
# "unmerged branches" list.
EXCLUDE_BRANCHES = ['staging', 'uat', 'production', 'master']
def run(args):
Run command and capture output into list of lines.
# Run command and split output
lines = subprocess.check_output(args).strip().split('\n')
# Strip spaces from each line
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]
return lines
unmerged_branches = []
unmerged_singular_commits = []
# Get list of unmerged commits
unmerged_refs = run(['git', 'log', 'production', '^master', '--no-merges',
print 'You have %r unmerged commits.' % len(unmerged_refs)
for ref in unmerged_refs:
# Get list of branches that contain this commit
branch_refs = run(['git', 'branch', '-a', '--contains', ref])
for branch in set(branch_refs):
# If this branch name is in the list of excludes, remove it
if basename(branch) in EXCLUDE_BRANCHES:
# If this commit is in a non-deploy branch somewhere, add that branch to
# the list, otherwise this is a singular commit with no branch
if branch_refs:
for branch in branch_refs:
# Show unmerged branches
if unmerged_branches:
print '\nUnmerged branches:'
for branch in set(unmerged_branches):
print '* %s' % basename(branch)
# Show unmerged singular commits
if unmerged_singular_commits:
print '\nUnmerged singular commits (with no branch):'
for commit in set(unmerged_singular_commits):
print(run(['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=* %h %an -- %s', commit])[0])
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Example output:

$ ./
You have 25 unmerged commits.

Unmerged branches:
* img_width_events
* fcc_25_broken_links
* fcc-510-services-select-fix
* 2836-destinations-spring-titles
* settings_screen_tab_closed_fix
* cookie_banner_position_absolute
* 2656_accordian_fault
* ladda-temp-fix
* develop

Unmerged singular commits (with no branch):
* b3d467c  Daniel Simmons -- Refactor line_updates method.
* 49dc8a4  Ian Taylor -- Removing ticket refunds link
* ffafed1  Ian Taylor -- Define LHMenu option for live train updates
* 7d57d67  Ian Taylor -- Make the list marker appear in the right place when the item copy wraps
* 65271f4  ian.taylor -- Try and make static_management work...
* 02b2211  Ian Taylor -- Fixing datetime issue on engineering drafts
* 9033ad3  Ian Taylor -- Change destination h2 titles to summer
* b3f1548  Ian Taylor -- Adding a manage command to export lost property submissions
* 63264d9  Ian Taylor -- CSS change for small images on events pages
* 1777dda  Ian Taylor -- Make the lost property form send submissions via email
* 0beaf8d  Ian Taylor -- Removing another tickets incident link
* 7faa0f8  Ian Taylor -- Adding in some to-email dubigging for sporadic NRE feed problems
* 82d1f69  Ian Taylor -- Stopping the NRE feed error emails
* a368ccd  Daniel Simmons -- Fix cookie date issue

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Install this by running:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/git-unmerged
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/git-unmerged

Then from within a git repo simply run:

git unmerged

Et voila!

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