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Created September 29, 2016 16:15
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import random
import re
import sys
options = {}
class RollSpec:
def __init__(self, spec):
"""Initializes a RollSpec given the number & type of dice, and an offset.
`spec` may be either a string (e.g. "2d8+5") or an iterable
(e.g. (2, 8, 5))."""
if hasattr(spec, "isupper"):
self.dicenum, self.dicetype, self.diceoffset = self._parse_string(spec)
self.dicenum, self.dicetype, self.diceoffset = spec
def _parse_string(self, spec_string):
"""Parses a string and returns the corresponding numbers.
For example, `_parse_string("2d8+5")` would return `(2, 8, 5)`."""
m = re.match("^([0-9]+)d([0-9]+)(\\+[0-9]+)?$", spec_string)
if m is None:
raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid dice spec".format(spec_string))
return (int(, int(, (int( or 0)))
def to_string(self):
return "{0}d{1}+{2}".format(self.dicenum, self.dicetype, self.diceoffset)
def print_usage():
print("""USAGE: [--verbose] [TRANSFORMS] [SPEC]
Transforms apply different effects to the roll. They are processed in the
order they're specified on the command line
--advantage: Gives advantage on the roll.
--disadvantage: Gives disadvantage on the roll.
--drop-lowest: Drops the lowest value from a multi-dice roll.
--reroll-ones: Reroll any ones that come up. Only do this once; if another 1
comes up, we keep it.
A string in the format '<DICE NUMBER>d<DICE TYPE>+<OFFSET>', e.g. '2d8+5'""")
def debug(msg):
global options
if options["verbose"]:
print("DEBUG: {0}".format(msg))
def roll(spec):
"""Rolls dice according to the given spec and returns the resulting list of ints."""
rslt = []
for i in range(spec.dicenum):
indrslt = random.randint(1, spec.dicetype)
debug("Rolled a {0}".format(indrslt))
debug("Rolled {0}; got {1}".format(spec.to_string(), rslt))
return rslt
def evaluate(dice, spec):
"""Evaluates the given array of die values according to the given RollSpec."""
return sum(dice) + spec.diceoffset
def t_reroll_ones(spec, scores):
debug("Rerolling ones")
rslt = []
for sc in scores:
if sc == 1:
rslt.append(roll(RollSpec((1, spec.dicetype, 0)))[0])
debug("Rerolled a one and got {0}".format(rslt[-1]))
debug("Die values after rerolling ones: {0}".format(rslt))
return rslt
def t_drop_lowest(spec, scores):
debug("Dropping the lowest")
rslt = scores[1:]
debug("Got {0} after dropping the lowest".format(rslt))
return rslt
if __name__ == "__main__":
options["verbose"] = False
options["advantage"] = False
options["disadvantage"] = False
args = sys.argv[1:]
transforms = []
spec = RollSpec("1d20")
for arg in args:
if arg == "--reroll-ones":
elif arg == "--drop-lowest":
elif arg == "--advantage":
options["advantage"] = True
elif arg == "--disadvantage":
options["disadvantage"] = True
elif arg in ("-v", "--verbose"):
options["verbose"] = True
elif arg in ("-h", "--help"):
spec = RollSpec(arg)
rslt = []
if options["advantage"] or options["disadvantage"]:
rslt_a = roll(spec)
rslt_b = roll(spec)
total_a = 0
total_b = 0
for t in transforms:
rslt_a = t(rslt_a)
rslt_b = t(rslt_b)
total_a = evaluate(rslt_a, spec)
total_b = evaluate(rslt_b, spec)
debug("Rolled {0}=>{1} and {2}=>{3}".format(rslt_a, total_a, rslt_b, total_b))
if options["advantage"]:
if total_a < total_b:
rslt = rslt_b
rslt = rslt_a
debug("Advantage: picked {0}".format(rslt))
if total_a > total_b:
rslt = rslt_b
rslt = rslt_a
debug("Disadvantage: picked {0}".format(rslt))
rslt = roll(spec)
for t in transforms:
rslt = t(spec, rslt)
print(evaluate(rslt, spec))
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