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Created September 28, 2022 20:40
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word scramble solver
use strict;
use warnings;
# Complete the 'SearchForWord' function below.
# The function is expected to return an INTEGER_ARRAY.
# The function accepts following parameters:
# 1. STRING word
# 2. 2D_STRING_ARRAY jumble
sub SearchForWord {
# Write your code here
# I think I could do this in Go - it'd be the same implementation
# although - given the assertian that a word only occurs once in the scramble
# - we could do the checks for the word in go routines. This way we would check
# all the direction at the same time ... just some fun. In fact, we could use
# a throttled go routines to check multiple rows to find the first character. Too much fun!
# assume that an empty string will not be provided
my ($string, $board) = @_;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "Looking for '$string' in \n";
#print Dumper($board) . "\n";
# This is confusing - as it says that I failed test case 1 which is looking for WEB and does
# start on row 2 (3rd row) and col 9 (10th cell) and goes to the right
# Test 2 is looking for TESTING which start on row 0 cell 7 and goes down - not sur what' going on there.
# split string into characters
my @chars = split(//, $string);
my $start = [-1, -1];
ROW: foreach my $row (0 .. (scalar(@{$board->[0]}) - 1)) {
COL: foreach my $col (0 .. (scalar(@{$board->[1]}) - 1)) {
#print " Checking: $row -- $col: " . $board->[$row][$col] . " equals $chars[0]\n";
next unless $board->[$row][$col] eq $chars[0];
#print __LINE__ . "\n";
if (scalar(@chars) == 1) {
$start = [$row, $col];
last ROW;
#print __LINE__ . "\n";
# check right
if (check_next_cell($board, $row, $col, 0, 1, \@chars, 1)) {
$start = [$row, $col];
last ROW;
#print __LINE__ . "\n";
# check down
if (check_next_cell($board, $row, $col, 1, 0, \@chars, 1)) {
$start = [$row, $col];
last ROW;
#print __LINE__ . "\n";
# check diag
if (check_next_cell($board, $row, $col, 1, 1, \@chars, 1)) {
$start = [$row, $col];
last ROW;
#print __LINE__ . "\n";
# search for first character row by row
# when we find it we look right, down, and vertically for rest of word
# if we find it then we return coordinate
# else continue looking
# optimizations can be made by getting the length of the word and not
# checking the cells that are grid lenght - word length and
# do the same for not checking the last length - word length rows
return @$start;
# this should be able to be done using slices of @chars, but I can't remember or find how to
# send a slice of 1 to end of array
sub check_next_cell {
my ($board, $row, $col, $row_shift, $col_shift, $chars, $char_index) = @_;
#print " checking $row + $row_shift and $col + $col_shift ("
#. $board->[$row + $row_shift][$col + $col_shift] . ") is equal to "
#. $chars->[$char_index] . " (" . @$chars . ") -- $char_index\n";
if ($board->[$row + $row_shift][$col + $col_shift] eq $chars->[$char_index]) {
if (@$chars > $char_index + 1) {
return check_next_cell($board, $row + $row_shift, $col + $col_shift,
$row_shift, $col_shift, $chars, $char_index + 1);
else {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
open(my $fptr, '>', $ENV{'OUTPUT_PATH'});
my $word = <STDIN>;
my $jumble_rows = ltrim(rtrim(my $jumble_rows_temp = <STDIN>));
my $jumble_columns = ltrim(rtrim(my $jumble_columns_temp = <STDIN>));
my @jumble = ();
for (1..$jumble_rows) {
my $jumble_item = rtrim(my $jumble_item_temp = <STDIN>);
my @jumble_item = split /\s+/, $jumble_item;
push @jumble, \@jumble_item;
my @result = SearchForWord $word, \@jumble;
print $fptr join "\n", @result;
print $fptr "\n";
close $fptr;
sub ltrim {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
return $str;
sub rtrim {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
return $str;
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