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Created September 23, 2015 22:38
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My .vimrc
"if you're unsure, every setting is avalable in the help menu
"just type :help (setting) to check what every setting does
set mouse=a "mouse controls
set shiftwidth=3 "number of spaces per tab
set tabstop=3
set expandtab "spaces instead of tabs
set smarttab
set ai "automatically indent line when pushing enter set si "smart indent
"set lbr "automatic line break
"set tw=94
set wrap "wrap lines
set novisualbell "turns flickering off (at end of line)
syntax enable "syntax highlighting for C++, C, python and more
colorscheme desert
set background=dark
"allows deleting of up to 'shiftwidth' number of spaces at a time set showmatch "shows matching bracket when highlighting ()
set ignorecase "does not care about case when searching
set incsearch
set number "numbers at the left
set undolevels=10000 "number of undos possible
set undofile "save file with undos after vim closes
"inoremap { {<Return><Return>}<up><left><tab>
set linebreak
set so=7 "extra lines with using j/k
set ruler
set noerrorbells
"creates a color line indicating char 80 in file
set colorcolumn=97
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=4
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