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Created February 23, 2024 21:43
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zustand quick docs
* live demo
import { createStore, useStore } from "zustand";
import { immer } from "zustand/middleware/immer";
* Note: its a good idea to define the type of the store
* so on another file you can import it and use it
export interface MainStore {
user: {
id: number;
name: string;
} | null;
* same with the actions
export interface MainStoreActions {
setUser: (args: MainStore["user"]) => void;
const initialState: MainStore = {
user: null,
export const MainStore = createStore(
// immer is very cool to not have to spread the state all the time
immer<MainStore & MainStoreActions>(
(set, get /** you dont use much get here */) => ({
// here you can define whatever you want async or not. It doesnt matter.
setUser: (newValues) => {
set((state) => {
state.user = newValues;
// define functions outside this scope is a little weird, maybe you can came up with something else
foo: (newValues) => {
functionOnAnotherFile(newValues, set, get);
// you can be tempted to set this in another file. But remember. You can have any number of stores so,
// it doesnt matter that much. You can do it here.
// you can make computed values
getNameInUppercase: () => {
const user = get().user;
return user ? : "";
// export the store as a custom hook
export const useMainStore = () => {
return useStore(MainStore);
// using the store outside a component to set state
export const setUser = () => {
MainStore.setState((state) => {
state.user = { id: 1, name: "test" };
export const removeUser = () => {
MainStore.setState((state) => {
state.user = null;
// using the store outside a component to get state
export const getUser = MainStore.getState().user;
// making function and stuffs (if needed, but is better to stay inside the MainStore definition (above) so you dont
// mess up with disconnected proxies from immer and that kind of stuff)
export const getUserOrRedirect = () => {
const user = MainStore.getState().user;
if (!user) {
// do your redirect thing
return null;
return user;
// usage on a react component
import { removeUser, setUser, useMainStore } from "./store/";
import "./App.css";
function App() {
const { user } = useMainStore();
if (!user) {
return (
<p>no user no party</p>
<button onClick={setUser}>set a user</button>
return (
<p>hello {}</p>
<button onClick={removeUser}>remove the user (logout)</button>
export default App;
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