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Last active February 5, 2022 08:28
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From Raymond Smullyan "The Tao is Silent":

CHINESE SAGE: Laotse said, "The good man does not argue; he who argues is not good."
SAGE: You disagree with what?
LOGICIAN: With what you said!
SAGE: And what was that?
LOGICIAN: That the good man does not argue.
SAGE: Wrong!
LOGICIAN: What do you mean "wrong"?
SAGE: I never said the good man does not argue.
LOGICIAN: Of course you did! You distinctly said that the good man does not argue and that he who argues is not good.
SAGE: Nope! I merely said that Laotse said that.
LOGICIAN: Oh, all right! You knew what I meant.
SAGE: Who's being illogical now?
LOGICIAN: Oh, come off it! Why are you so argumentative?
SAGE: I am not being argumentative. I am merely being logical.
LOGICIAN: You are hardly being logical. I would say you are being irritatingly logical.
SAGE: Now, what kind of logic is that? If I am being irritatingly logical, then a fortiori [for that very reason] I am being logical.
LOGICIAN: Again you argue! Why are you being so argumentative? After all, as you said, the good man does not argue.
SAGE: I didn't say that! I said that Laotse said that.
LOGICIAN: And do you believe it?
SAGE: Do I believe what? That Laotse said that?
LOGICIAN: No, no! Do you believe that what Laotse said is true?
SAGE: Yes.
LOGICIAN: Oh, then you do believe that the good man does not argue.
SAGE: Yep!
LOGICIAN: So why didn't you say so?
SAGE: Why should I have?
LOGICIAN: There you go arguing again! You are so inconsistent!
SAGE: How so?
LOGICIAN: Because you admit that the good man does not argue, and you go on arguing with complete disregard of that fact.
SAGE: I am not being inconsistent. It just so happens that at the moment I feel more like arguing than being good.

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