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Created August 11, 2018 06:25
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ethermint on rpi
for raspbery pi 3 yon can test this
#install de go V1.10.2 pour processeur ARM
# voir
sudo apt-get -y autoremove golang
cd ~
#see :
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.10.3.linux-armv6l.tar.gz
# add to path
echo "export GOPATH=/home/pi/goApps" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.profile
# create the goApps directory, set GOPATH, and put it on PATH
mkdir goApps
source ~/.profile
go version
rm go1.*.gz
sudo chmod 0777 /usr/local/go
sudo chmod 0777 /usr/local/go/bin
cd ~/goApps
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make get_tools
make get_vendor_deps
make install
make install_examples
#maj cosmos-sdk et examples
cd $GOPATH/src/
git fetch -a origin
git checkout v0.23.1
make get_vendor_deps
make install
make update_tools
make get_vendor_deps
make install_examples
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
# To build the binary and put the results in ./build
make tools deps build
# To build the project and install it in $GOBIN
make tools deps install
go run test/run.go
balance of 0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b5a0: 200000000000000000000
commitID after genesis: CommitID{[235 78 80 238 156 235 50 19 95 118 247 9 106 207 72 45 127 238 223 177]:1}
genesis state root hash: 0000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
processed 10000 blocks, time so far: 27.752147527s
processed 20000 blocks, time so far: 58.846918022s
processed 30000 blocks, time so far: 1m33.428193922s
processed 40000 blocks, time so far: 2m15.464807485s
processed 50000 blocks, time so far: 3m26.317443827s
processed 60000 blocks, time so far: 4m52.410022823s
processed 70000 blocks, time so far: 6m59.779624902s
processed 80000 blocks, time so far: 8m28.41647754s
processed 90000 blocks, time so far: 10m36.08382025s
processed 97638 blocks
root at block 500: 00000000000001f5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
investor's balance after block 500: 200000000000000000000
miner of block 501's balance after block 500: 0
miner of block 501's balance after block 501: 5000000000000000000
uname -a => Linux WTU_Reader 4.14.52-v7+ #1123 SMP Wed Jun 27 17:35:49 BST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux
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