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Created May 15, 2024 13:26
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Chocolate 3D Template
/// Save this file as `choco.scad` and generate the stl using `openscad -o choco.stl -D 'quality="production"' choco.scad`
// text_on_cube.scad - Example for text() usage in OpenSCAD
font = "Liberation Sans"; //["Liberation Sans", "Liberation Sans:style=Bold", "Liberation Sans:style=Italic", "Liberation Mono", "Liberation Serif"]
shape_height = 2;
cube_size = 18;
letter_size = 5;
letter_height = 2;
o = cube_size / 2 - letter_height / .5;
// source
module flat_heart() {
translate([10, 20, 0])
translate([20, 10, 0])
module letter(l) {
// Use linear_extrude() to make the letters 3D objects as they
// are only 2D shapes when only using text()
linear_extrude(height = letter_height) {
text(l, size = letter_size, font = font, halign = "center", valign = "center", $fn = 16);
union() {
//linear_extrude(height= shape_height)
//color("gray") circle(r=cube_size);
linear_extrude(height = shape_height)
rotate(45, 0,0) translate([-12, -12, 0]) flat_heart();
translate([0, 0, shape_height]) union(){
translate([0, o, 0]) letter("LOVE");
translate([0, -o, 0]) letter("YOU");
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