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Last active September 7, 2022 20:35
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Ansible Playbook for Creating CloudWatch Events Rules with Lambda Targets
# For creating the lambda functions, see instructions here:
# Run this playbook with:
# ansible-playbook cloudwatch_events.yml --extra-vars debug=True
# Ansible CloudWatch Event module PR:
# Ansible Lambda modules PR:
- name: CloudWatch Events
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
debug: False
name: 'hereGoes' #the name of the lambda function
publish: True
desc: 'Here goes nothing.'
s3_bkt: 'bucket-Name'
s3_key: '/deployment/package/path/inside/the/bucket/'
runtime: 'python2.7'
timeout: 15
handler: 'file-name.function-name' #[1], [2]
memory: 128
role: 'lambda_basic_execution'
region: 'us-west-2'
version_to_delete: 0
policy_principal: ''
policy_action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
- name: 'every-five-minutes'
schedule: 'rate(5 minutes)'
description: 'runs every 5 minutes'
target: 'hereGoes'
region: 'us-west-2'
state: present
- name: 'every-10-minutes'
schedule: 'rate(10 minutes)'
description: 'runs every 10 minutes'
target: 'someOtherLambda'
region: 'us-west-2'
state: present
- name: Fetching facts of the IAM role(s)
command: 'aws iam list-roles'
register: _iam_roles_list
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda, iam ]
- debug:
var: _iam_roles_list.stdout|from_json
when: debug
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda, iam ]
- name: Fetching facts of the corresponding lambda function(s)
query: all
function_name: "{{ }}"
region: "{{ item.region | default(aws_region) }}"
with_items: "{{ cloudwatch_events_rules }}"
register: _lambda_facts
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda ]
- debug:
var: _lambda_facts.results
when: debug
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda ]
- name: Creating CloudWatch Events Rule(s) with their Target(s)
name: "{{ }}"
schedule_expression: "{{ item.0.schedule }}"
description: "{{ item.0.description }}"
- id: '1'
arn: "{{ item.1.ansible_facts.lambda_facts.function.FunctionArn }}"
# role_arn: "{{ (_iam_roles_list.stdout|from_json).Roles[0].Arn }}"
state: "{{ item.0.state }}"
region: "{{ item.0.region | default(aws_region) }}"
- "{{ cloudwatch_events_rules }}"
- "{{ _lambda_facts.results }}"
when: == item.1.ansible_facts.lambda_facts.function.FunctionName
register: _cloudwatch_events_rules
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events_rules ]
- debug:
var: _cloudwatch_events_rules
when: debug
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events_rules ]
- name: Allowing CloudWatch Event(s) to trigger Lambda function(s)
function_name: "{{ }}"
version: '0'
statement_id: 'lambda-cloudwatch-trigger-12345abc'
action: "{{ item.0.policy_action }}"
principal: "{{ item.0.policy_principal }}"
source_arn: "{{ item.1.rule.arn }}"
region: "{{ item.0.region | default(aws_region) }}"
state: present
- "{{ lambda_functions }}"
- "{{ _cloudwatch_events_rules.results }}"
when: in item.1.targets[0].arn
register: _lambda_policy
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda ]
- debug:
var: _lambda_policy
when: debug
tags: [ cloudwatch, cloudwatch_events, lambda ]
#[1] file-name as in the name of the .py file within the .zip archive.
#[2] function-name as in the python function. don't confuse with the Lambda function name.
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ghost commented May 17, 2016

@danvaida, I'm not able to recreate your error. I was able to add the function, policy and cloudwatch rule without issue.

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